
Scrapbooking Theme – Reunions

The year 2020 is finally coming to an end and that means your list of events will surely be filled with some of the most anticipated reunions you’ve been hoping for. Although 2020 must have been a very tough year for most of us, some people are still finding ways to be able to meet up or reconnect with their families and old-time buddies. There are people who decide to just hit the road and visit the people they’ve not seen much while others prefer to do their reunions virtually. Zoom, Skype, Google Meet are just some of the best apps they use for a safe, ‘social distanced’ get-together. 

When did you have a reunion with your family or colleagues? We’re pretty sure you have stored a number of precious pictures from your previous gatherings. To give you some inspiration, we collected these wonderful layouts so you’ll have more ideas for your next fun scrapbook project.

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Scrapbooking Theme – Snowman

The weather is getting colder, and sending some chilly winter vibes. And what better way to enjoy the snow than making our very own version of a snowman. Typically, a snowman consists of three large snowballs of different sizes. It has some added stuff for facial features and sometimes, people even put hats and scarves to make their snowmen look more adorable.

Kids and even adults alike find it fun to build a snowman. It’s a classic winter activity that’s not just free but also helps in developing creativity and teamwork. It can also become a way to reconnect and get closer with your loved ones. It may be an old tradition but it’s is still popular up to these days.

When was the first time you tried building your own snowman? Did you enjoy it? Does your family do this activity every winter? Tell that story by creating a fun scrapbook project featuring your snowman experience. Here are some great layouts to inspire you.

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Creating custom shape tags in PaintShop Pro

Whether you are working on a scrapbook project, a sale flyer or any other type of composition, you might want a custom tag that you can customize with the color, texture and text of your choice. Let's see how you can create custom shapes that you can use and reuse again.

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Scrapbooking Theme – Drinks

For us to function well, we can’t just rely on food alone. We also have to drink in order to survive. The basic function of a drink is to satisfy our thirst but that’s not only what this consumable liquid can do.

There are certain drinks that can do our body good. Milk, fresh juice, smoothie, and water are some of the perfect examples of a nutritious beverage. When they’re consumed habitually, you will reap the benefits and enjoy a healthier life. Your body will surely thank you.

However, not all drinks are created equal. Some may not be good for your physical health and could potentially do you more harm. But as we know, there are also some beverages that can help ease your anxiety and relieve your stress despite containing the booze. You just need to keep in mind that drinking in moderation is the key.

Here, we’ve collected several fun layouts featuring some of the most popular drinks we love. You may want to create your very own drink-themed scrapbook project right after seeing them! Which of these drinks do you usually have?

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Scrapbooking Theme – Lights

Light is defined as electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. It occurs over an extremely wide range of wavelengths. As we all know, there are various sources of light. Some of them are natural while others are artificial.

Light is a very important part of our everyday lives. It’s actually everywhere, from our bedrooms to our streets and offices. It’s also an essential energy source that keeps us warm and lets us see the world around us. Can you imagine what the world would have been like if light didn’t exist?

To give appreciation to this element, we chose to make it as our theme for this month. Here are some great layouts that showcase different kinds of lights to help spark your creativity and provide you an idea for your next scrapbooking adventure.

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Scrapbooking with big or small photos?

If you look in galleries, you might seek a variety of sizes used for the photos in layouts. Some of them will have huge photos used as a background, some will have photos taking half the space of the layout while others will have tiny photos barely visible. What is the purpose of those different sizes?

Although scrapbooking is perceived as an artistic memory keeping, some scrapbookers just want to create art and the photos are not the focus of their project. The importance of the photos and the memories might, in some cases, determine their sizes in a layout. However, other factors can determine whether the artist will use a large or small photo.

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Scrapbooking Theme – Trees

Trees play an important part in our world. They are like the vacuum of our planet as trees absorb harmful pollutants and release oxygen for every living creature to breathe. They also provide us food, shade, shelter, timber for construction, and many more. There are many types of trees and their sizes can be small to large depending on the area and environment.

You might have encountered lots of different trees. You might even have a bunch of them in your own backyard. Whether you’re a tree lover or one of those people who are just beginning to take interest in trees, we hope that these layouts will make you admire trees even more and give you ideas for your next awesome project.

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Scrapbooking Theme – Paper

Unlike newspapers,

People all over the globe use millions of metric tons of paper every year. Luckily, it is one of the most recyclable materials. Paper, typically made from wood pulp, is a sustainable product because it can be easily reused, recycled, and renewed. Although not all paper products can be considered recyclable, there are still a whole lot of them that can be reused such as magazines, newspapers, and office papers.

Have you tried recycling papers? Do you collect paper scraps simply because they’re too pretty to throw away? Or maybe you keep some papers because they hold memories you don’t want to forget? Whatever it may be, we hope that the layouts featured here will spark your interest to put those papers into good use and flaunt them in a scrapbook project.

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Using “reversed” shadows

In creating digital projects, we have to be well aware of the power of shadows so we can replicate their effect and avoid a flat digital look, especially if we want to have a realistic layout. You already know that shadows will indicate the source of the light, the thickness of the element, and its distance from the surface the shadow is cast on. However, there is another way to use the Drop Shadow command in PaintShop Pro to mean something else.

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Scrapbooking Theme – Shoes

Shoes are intended to protect and comfort our feet. Sometimes people buy them for decoration and others use them for fashion purposes. You'd be surprised at the variety and styles of shoes available today, even though they're primarily designed to keep our toes warm and covered. There are ones that are ideal for working. Some are great for walking and other everyday activities while others are perfect for special occasions.

Are you fond of collecting shoes? Do you pick a pair of shoes because you like the style or do you usually go for comfort and durability? Whatever the answer may be, we hope that you’ll be inspired to showcase your favorite shoes on a scrapbook page after checking the beautiful layouts featured below.

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