Filter Forge is a powerful plugin that used to be promoted and advertised as a Photoshop plugin. Interestingly, it works perfectly well with PaintShop Pro also and allows users to use thousands of filters to their image. Filter Forge can create various shapes, patterns, textures and photo effects that you can further customize.
Paintshop Pro
Some commands are missing in PSP?
Every version of PaintShop Pro is slightly different than the previous one. Some new tools will appear in the current version, some commands might change, some functions will be added, the interface gets modified. However, you might have a hard time finding some commands and tool. Are they missing?
Add me anywhere
With the power of PaintShop Pro, you can create photo edits that will make you appear in locations that you never visited in real life. Wit this process, you can "visit" the whole world, the most beautiful beaches, cities, mountains or attractions. Let's travel, with PaintShop Pro.
Out-of-bound technique
Using graphics programs allow us to manipulate images in ways that would have been unheard of, without those tools or extremely difficult or time-consuming. The Out-of-bound technique is one of those effects that can be done very creatively to enhance various photos. The principle is simple: part of the image looks like it is coming out of the actual picture.
Featured Resource – Page Curl Pro
Page Curl Pro is a fairly old plugin that has been used for years. It works as a plugin for PaintShop Pro, just like for Photoshop or a few other programs. It allows you to create folds and curls on a source image to achieve some very interesting results. Of course, you could do all that manually with your PaintShop Pro, but sometimes, it could be nice to have a faster and more precise way to get the same result.
Do you need .png or .PspTube format?
The name "tube" has been used around for several years but has meant something different, in different contexts. PaintShop Pro has a feature called "Picture tubes", which are elements placed on a project with a click of the mouse. On the other hand, "tubes" have been seen as elements that have been extracted and have no more background, whether that was done in PaintShop Pro or any other graphics program. This has led to common confusion in the use of those elements and their format. Let's look into this more deeply.
Project idea – Spot the difference
Have you ever played "Spot the differences" in newspaper or magazine publications? They can be fun and depending on the creator, they could be good for kids or adults. Have you ever considered making some yourself for your next family gathering? It could be a way to keep the kids quiet or get the adults scratching their head a bit. With PaintShop Pro, you have a great tool to make just that.
The Layers Palette in PaintShop Pro
We all know the importance of layers in working on projects in PaintShop Pro. They are very important and you can manipulate them in various ways to yield different results and effects. The Layers Palette includes a large number of icons, each of them giving you access to different functions to create a masterpiece. Let's have a look at all those icons and explain their function.
Theme – Vintage
When we say vintage, it’s usually something (or someone) dating from the past - antique, old-fashioned, or classic.
An old photo is almost always a favorite subject of a vintage layout. But sometimes, even the most contemporary image can look old-fashioned with the right embellishments.
Using the Background Eraser in PaintShop Pro
When working on photos, we might want to remove a background element, often a grey sky, to replace it with something "prettier" or just different. We often hear of tThe Background Eraser tool to achieve this first step of removing the unwanted area. Although it is a great tool, it might not always work as you expect it. It might leave you somewhat puzzled by its behavior. Let's have a look at how it works and what the various settings affect the end result for you.