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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2024 in all areas

  1. Michelle, thanks for the ideas on grouping and the use of screw heads. And, as is usual, you use many layers. I see smudges on the background of the "poster" also and in different colors. My mojo has been lacking this month and I really appreciate the inspiration you and others have given.
    5 points
  2. Even though I did the original back in 2017 (starting from scratch), I spent a bunch of time editing it for this year. It has soooo many layers now. The fonts are Bernard MT Condensed, JLR Big Girl Bed, and KR Coffee Dings. In order to make it look aged, I duplicated the text layers and converted them to rasters. Then, grouping them into one, I used a grunge brush to erase portions. Carole mentioned recently how grouping makes it easy to resize multiple elements at once. I now use groups for lots of different things. I added the barista character from the game for my group members (they like it when I do that LOL).
    5 points
  3. Talking about aging, and all that it entails, I created this page last night, bar for the phrase strips I wanted to do. For the life of me I couldn't remember the word I was looking for. I knew it's meaning and in what context I was going to use it. This morning out of the blue It came to me, dextrous. I immediately wrote it down. Now the page is complete. I consider myself very lucky in the fact that I'm fit and healthy. I do have to wear cheap magnifying glasses, which I have dotted all around the place, inside and out, purly for reading. If my arms were a little longer I wouldn't need them. I have noticed that I am getting forgetful. As Corrie says aging is what it is. We have to accept getting older and don't let it stand in our way. The ground squirrels tolerate me laying amongst them, they still have an imaginary boundery, which I don't cross. I have bought them a bag of rabbit pellets, which they are enjoying. I haven't seen them today, eveywhere is white, although it has stopped snowing now. Now then, my page. I creared phrase strips, used Carole's page punches again. Created a date stamp. For the scalloped edges and the cut out dots around the background paper I used several techniques, all of which you will find the many turorials in the creative scrap/lab. Multi scallops, double scallops, scalloped mat. I also used a paper template, which I colourized to my liking and sized it down. Carole did a masterclass on paper templates, one of the best classes she has done. Paper templates suits me as I am not a fan of using patterned papers. I used the same technique which I have given tips on for the round photo, with it's cut out frame.
    5 points
  4. Thanks, Sue - I like the small details too - they often make the difference between blah and wow.
    4 points
  5. Sue - in addition to the information about squirrels, this is a really great layout. I like the cutout frame on the top layer background; the cutout of the top picture, the faded date stamp, each of the journaling strips (I remember that one of the labs (I think) about telling a story in strips). I love everything about this layout! You are an inspiration.
    4 points
  6. Woo hoo, this is the one time you want all your eggs in one basket!
    4 points
  7. Thanks so much, @Mary Solaas. I think we all take turns looking for our mojo.
    3 points
  8. I too use grouping. It is as easy to group and ungroup, multiple times when needed. keeping many layer together.
    3 points
  9. Mary, I'm deeply touched by your words. Yes, the phrase strips tutorial can be found in the creative scrap/lab (the one or the other). I'm delighted my pages serve multiple purposes in the campus. I have to say cutting out circles using PSP is by far easier and quicker than actual paper cutting. I will hopefully improve on that though. Pease don't hesitate to ask for any instruction, or direct you to any relevant tutorials. I like the small details.
    3 points
  10. It certainly looks as if it has weathered the arrow of time. Also time is change, not only on our planet but in the universe, everything goes through decay and eventaully dies. You have done a superb job in achieveing that in PSP.
    3 points
  11. I had to send a couple of Estercards through the post and I have made this one in the 3 languages I needed. I used a card idea from the Card Workshop and made the background with a Quatrefoil overlay that I had done sometime ago. The eggs and bunnies come from different easter themed sets I have in my stash for quite a long time and I think they were a freebie from CF. I wish you all a happy Easter weekend if you celebrate it and otherwise have a nice weekend too.
    3 points
  12. Happy Easter all, and thank you for your help and interest💝
    3 points
  13. That should be fun. I hope not to find any that look like this. LOL Egg from C F.
    3 points
  14. Just for the fun of it, we will be having a fun activity in the Campus: an Easter Hunt. It will be similar to the Treasure hunt that took place last September, but it will be smaller in scale and limited to the Campus blog. The hunt will take place March 30-April 1st. So you will have 3 days to find all your eggs. The clues are meant to be quite easy. If you are really stuck, you can ask questions in this thread. To keep it interesting, I would ask that nobody give the direct answers or the direct URL for any clue. I don't want anyone to get frustrated, but I also want you to browse the various articles (don't worry, there is no walking involved). Have fun!
    2 points
  15. Sue such a lovely page with those squirrels and you use a lot of techniques. I love those punches and they are on my wishlist. Thanks for reminding me of the masterclass on paper templates. I will have to rewatch that one, maybe when I'm in the States and have some time for myself when everyone else is of to school or work.
    2 points
  16. I sit with then in the stable and outside, when they are sitting down, there isn't a day that goes by when I bury my face in their coats and wrap my arms around them. They are probably the most handled horses in Canada.
    2 points
  17. The link was in the last newsletter. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/easter-hunt/
    2 points
  18. Don't you just want to go and wrap your arms around her neck. I did that when I worked with horses. they were so tolerant and in the winter so warm to hug. She a beautiful snow-kissed girl.
    2 points
  19. I always stand in awe at sunsets and sunrises You can never take to many photos of them. A stunning sky with a stunning silhouette foreground to compliment the setting sun.
    2 points
  20. Before I read your comment, I recognized the layout. The card workshop was before Xmas, and I used all snowmen, you have used Easter bunnies. It pays to delve into the workshop folders for inspiration and ideas. Something I do often. Lovely page!!
    2 points
  21. Just as I was pondering what I could use for this week, the evening sky treated me to this colorful display which only lasted for 2 minutes before fading. I took a couple of photos from our upstairs room. The buildings on the other side of our small street are already very dark, but that is ok by me the sky is the highlight!
    2 points
  22. Rene I have the same problem and nowadays my handwriting is so terrible that I use the pc to print address labels otherwise I'm afraid the postal services are not able to read the addresses and the postman/woman has a hard time delivering my letters. Getting older isn't always plain sailing but it is what it is, so keep smiling! As long my head and thinking stays in tact I can live with a lot of the aging problems.
    2 points
  23. I didn't win anything, I haven't taken any photos, and I have not dropped off the face of the earth! Just haven't had much time to play/work with PSP. I do check the Forum and enjoy seeing the creative work and effort that go into the layouts. I made an Easter greeting card for folks I won't see over the weekend. And I made a baby layout for a friend for whom it's the first great-grand. She needs cheering b/c her daughter-in-law died rather suddenly around the same time as her granddaughter gave birth to the child. It's a bittersweet time for their family. Happy Easter to all! Hope there's lots of chocolate in your weekend!
    2 points
  24. I will take a look at this class, too. I don't remember it very well, and it's no wonder, with hundreds of great Masterclasses.
    1 point
  25. I got a feeling you will like using paper templates.
    1 point
  26. I have found all but # 10. I will try again later.
    1 point
  27. That was fun and I downloaded some blogs with techniques I keep forgetting and that I dont want to forget. This time I'll print them and start a binder so it's easier to find.
    1 point
  28. Tons of fun! Thank you, Carole!
    1 point
  29. No rush. You have until Monday night to send it in!
    1 point
  30. All done and sent! Interesting articles I had not seen before. Thanks, Carole and Happy Easter! 🐰
    1 point
  31. Found all, but no time yet, we are on a birthdayparty .
    1 point
  32. I looked in the Blog heading at the top of this page but can't find any eggs. Am I looking in the right place?
    1 point
  33. Done! I couldn't wait. I love your scavenger hunts.
    1 point
  34. I agree, this coppery color is amazing.
    1 point
  35. So sad Julie, for your friend. I love the baby's expressions. As always, a very beautiful layout. Happy Easter to you. and I've been meaning to ask, how's your eyes?
    1 point
  36. Finishing up March with Week Thirteen - photo by William Panuska of The Hudson Valley in Pictures gallery. This is called "early sail downriver." The copper hues really grabbed me.
    1 point
  37. These delicious looking chocolate rings remind me of our gingerbread hearts during Advent, also with jelly in them 😋
    1 point
  38. It's Friday once again. Good Friday for those that celebrate Easter. Just when I thought the snow was practically all gone, Mother Nature had other ideas. It lightly snowed throughtout the night, and it is still snowing. My other girl Meg, Nell is in the backgoround. Week thirteen, and the last photo for the month of March.
    1 point
  39. Hi Carole, I am not sure if I am in the correct area, as I was not sure where to add comments, so I hope I am not tacking onto somebody else's comment. I found where to upload the images and kept that page open so I didn't lose where it was again. I did the Basic scrap booking course last week and wanted to let you know why I was doing it. You could probably tell I was not a scrap booker and my learning curve was huge. I had to keep going onto the internet to find free pictures I could use in my designs and then intently watch your instructions to find out the next steps. You asked what did we learn along the way from you, well.... Control L, never knew you could do that. Which too to use to re-size the image, Control Y (much the same as F4 in a Word doc), love that one saves so much time. To change a Vector to a Raster so further addition could be done, never knew that either. Creating a frame from a document, very clever, borders and flood fills and using scale instead of perspective, and using the materials pallet too. Yes I was on a huge learning curve, fortunately I already knew about layers as I have dabbled with that in Photoshop. You taught me so much that my eyes were sore the next day I did not go near the computer! Guess I should have blinked more often! All I really wanted to learn was how to use Paintshop Pro better than I had been using it, and I believe I have more confidence in using it now that is until I forget again. Thank you for teaching this old dog some new tricks, I loved everyone's designs and they opened my eyes up to what is possible. Previously I had watched you create Picture Tubes and I used some of those in the images I was creating too, Regards Kath
    1 point
  40. I had forgotten all about this challenge until I saw Corrie's quote. I came up with this. The colours/ multicolours will depend on the background colours.
    1 point
  41. So far I could only come up with the quote in different colors on a spiral. I put it on a T-shirt just to see if it would work. It is not very original, but I have more pressing things on my mind at the moment. As no one else has posted something here yet I want to give it a start, maybe somebody else will follow. Depending on the outcome of eye tests tomorrow in hospital I'll try to come up with something else. Hopefully my eye only needs a laser treatment which will be the best option, otherwise there is something seriously wrong and my trip to my daughter is in 3 weeks...... Keep your fingers crossed for me!
    1 point
  42. Looking forward to playing! Thank you, Carole!
    1 point
  43. Thank you and after a day in the hospital for tests that involved scan, eye pressure, lots of different eyedrops, testing, talking with the doctors and so on, the doctor couldn't explain what the problem is that caused my eyesight to drop 25% in a short time. The scans showed no difference to last year, my lens is clear, so no laser treatment. The only thing that came up was the fact that my eyes were rather dry despite the eyedrops I use. Therefore I got not drops but a gel that should moister better. I have to use that 7x a day for 2 weeks and then 6x a day until I have to come back after 2 month and blink my eyes a lot. Hopefully it is going better and if not or not enough, more testing and scans. Luckily I am allowed to fly with more drops during the flight, I can go!!!! But it is a nuisance I can only read with 1 eye and being at the pc is also awkward, maybe it isn't bad that I don't take my laptop with me! I will be kept busy by the girls and the dogs anyway.
    0 points
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