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  1. I guess I will start with the dogs I had before I got married. The first one I remember was Tiny that was a toy terrier I think. The 2nd one was Tiny Two a long haired Chihuahua., she was so small she would fit in my hand or a pocket so we had to name her Tiny also. Next I got another small mix breed. I couldn’t think of any names that would be good until I was giving her a belly rub a few day after getting her. On her chest ther was a big spot shaped like a heart and it even had what looked like an arrow going threw it, so Valentine is what me named her. Not long after I had her my Grandma’s neighbor’s dog had pups. We got one of those a fox terrier mix. That is the only time I have had two at the same time and the only male too. We named him Sandy because he was a sandy color. The next one was Candy, another small mix breed. When she was a pup she was black and I thought she looked like liquorices candy. She turned grey and white, but she was a sweet dog. That brings me up to my current dog Foxy. She is a Yorky/Pom mix. We hand not named her right away and she came walking into the bedroom and my Husband said she looked like a Fox Kit. We looked at each other and I told him you just named our dog. The only other animals I have had were horses and fish and I guess they are not really pets.
    3 points
  2. It might be hard when a writer is facing a blank page, but I can tell you that it is not much easier when you have TOO MUCH on paper! So far, I have these ideas for a specific How-to section. I might have to make it into separate sections as I already have almost 100 pages and that does not include the elements in blue, which would need to be added to this. PSP basics · How to link and group · How to use the Text tool · How to add text on a path · How to wrap text inside a shape · How to install/import brushes · How to use brushes · How to use picture tubes (chapter 10) · How to use preset shapes · How to use scripts · How to save your projects (there is a blog post) Scrapbooking how-to · How to colorize elements · How to shadow (chapter 10) · How to showcase lots of photos (chapter 10) · How to choose a color for a layout (in chapter 10) · How to fold a ribbon · How to use a paperclip · How to create clusters · How to use masks · How to avoid common mistakes (chapter 10) This is going to be a big book!! There is so much I want to include (and with your suggestions too), but I am pretty sure I will have to trim things down. So much to share, and so little space ;)
    3 points
  3. I've had 4 dogs in my life. I always wanted one as a kid but since the house we lived in was a rental, Mom and Dad said no. When we moved into the house they had built in 1964, I got my first dog. Patches. Patches was a mutt. The husband of one of Mom's fellow teachers worked at a gravel pit and there was a female dog that lived there. A stray dog got her pregnant and she had a litter in October. We got to bring Patches home the day after Thanksgiving. She was brown with several patches of black on her back, thus her name. What I would give to know what breeds were in her because she actually didn't look like any specific breed. In 2000, I wanted another dog and knew I wanted a small dog. I found the Havanese breed and fell in love. Some dogs would make my eyes water and itch so I wanted a breed that wouldn't do that. I visited a dog conformation show and met some friends from an online group. One gal let me sit with her dog on my lap for over an hour and I had no reaction so I knew this was the breed for me. The next weekend I went to another show with a college friend and one of the breeders there asked if I had found a puppy yet. I hadn't even started looking since the breed was rare at the time. She said she had a male available. She sent me pictures of "Mic" and I fell in love. 2 days later I drove back to Toledo and picked him up.... he was now "Pepper". He was all black with a small patch of white on his chest. Within months I knew I wanted another one but waited awhile. The breeder had a litter in January 2002 with 4 boys and 1 girl and I wanted a girl. That girl ended up being mine. The breeder called her "Danielle" and then "Carmen" but she became "Paige" when I got her. I did get many comments when people asked me the names of my dogs. When they heard "Pepper" they would ask if the other one was "Salt"... she was a very light cream color! I had both Pepper and Paige until December 2015. By the fall of 2016 I knew I wanted another Havanese and told the breeder. She put me on her list for her next litter. That litter was born May 7 of 2017 and was 3 girls. Their momma was named Luna so she called this litter her "Moon" litter. The girls were named "Ash", "Cosmo" and "Willow". The breeder of the father of the litter had first choice of the puppies (to train for agility). I actually fell in love with "Cosmo" although "Willow" was a cutie as well. I ended up getting "Cosmo" who is now known as "Peyton". Peyton is a great comfort to me and those evenings on the couch while a watch tv with her curled up next to me are so nice. On a side note, Paige's father is Peyton's great-great-grandfather and although not as closely related, Pepper (besides being a half-brother to Paige since they had the same mom), is also related to Peyton. There are times that Peyton does look a lot like Paige even though she is a Red-Irish Pied color in the breed. She has more coloring to her when her hair is longer when Paige was a pure cream color. Here is a layout with photos of all 4 of my furkids.
    3 points
  4. Our first together dog was a chinese shar-pei, named sheng-si means raw silk. When you stroke the coat feels soft, but when you move in the opposite direction it feels very rough. Next 2 dogs (Shar-Pei) had already a name. Then we got a english bulldog, her name is Vaya. Sounds good according to my wife. And reminds on Vaya con dios. Later a 2nd bulldog, named Bentley, we can not afford the car. so we named the dog.
    3 points
  5. I wasn't finished playing with that Pencilscript (Susan I like it as much as you do!) and this time I wanted to see what the script would make of a photo of a mill. The mill was mostly a dark color and I like the result of the script very much. It very much looks like an old drawing and I need birthday cards for (older) men. I had used this photo for my postage stamps and put that stamp on the back of the card together with my logo. This card has happy birthday in Dutch and I did a German one too; there are a couple of guys I have in mind for this card in 2024! The font is Sonia btw.
    2 points
  6. I might need that for sure! Maybe it will become an encyclopedia!
    2 points
  7. I can start with my current kitties: Adam, my black "Hauspanther" and Eve, my "Tuxie" (Tuxedo cat). Adam was adopted from the Warwick (NY) Animal Shelter after we lost Miss Kitty, who was a dark "Tortie", at the age of 20. Adam was already 2 years old when adopted and had spent his whole life in the shelter. We kept his name as he knew it and answered to it. They say black cats are always the last to be adopted, probably due to myth and prejudice. He chose me as I walked into their cattery, reaching out a paw from his perch on a tall cat tower. Eve was adopted 2 years later at the age of one from the West Milford (NJ) Animal Shelter. She had been picked up as a pregnant stray, had two kittens at the shelter, and was waiting for her "forever home." Eve was delighted to meet Adam, but he was not all that enthusiastic. To him, she was an annoying little sister! There was no fighting, but he avoided her, if possible. Black cats are usually very mellow personalities whereas, Tuxies are feisty. He managed to make her cool her enthusiasm by planting a paw on her head occasionally. 😆 Adam was initially brought to the shelter with a sister, named Eve. They were tiny kittens, just weaned. Eve was soon adopted but Adam languished. When we added the Tuxie to our family, we were sort of forced to rename her "Eve" to match him; plus her shelter name was not appropriate. They called her Mango. (Mango is actually a cartoon cat that is orange.) And she didn't respond to it as her name so "Eve" she became. I almost forgot the origin of his name. Adam and his sister were born in Pine Island, NY, and the local "mountains" were dubbed "Adam & Eve." They were really no more than hills.
    2 points
  8. When I read all this, you have to start not 1 book but some sequels as well!😉
    1 point
  9. I was right there with you! 🌈
    1 point
  10. I like that you have all three as they each have different kinds of tomatoes.
    1 point
  11. Oh, thank you Carole. Absolutely that's what I did, started on the very edge as i was trying to get an equivalent to 600x900 size (1.5 x factor I guess is the math on that). Once I use the Vector is there a way to resize/edit the shape we do make INSIDE the red box? I would love you to show us in the next Q&A if possible. I think I kind of fumbled my way through it. Once through I did get the frames, but other times I didn't and understanding the need to account for the frame size makes total sense to me now. Thank you for letting me know. This is a super script, just watching the complexities of it running I was wow'd. Oh and once I went outside the red box and well, I got the pop up for that too. Playing with it is a good way to get comfortable using it in the ways I want to.
    1 point
  12. Very nice and this script definitively will go on my ever growing wishlist!
    1 point
  13. Week 8 At the start of the week I planted some vegetable seeds. I don’t know why I took a photo of three of the tomato packets but I’m glad I did because life got in the way last week and no other photos were taken… Fingers crossed, later in the year there’ll be some photos of actual tomatoes.
    1 point
  14. Lab 13 - 03 I used the template : link in the notebook. Made the Wooden token and Decorated metal charm tutorial. The digit beads were made with the cass-Alpha-beads script. The other elements come from pixel-scrapper-blog-trains/feb-2017-blog-train-final-list: themagnoliapatch.blogspot.com WinterFun-addon. Own photos, January 2009, Belgium, Waterloo. A walk with my first Scottish Collie Enzo. I'm not entirely happy with the metal charms I made, I think it doesn't look that metallic.
    1 point
  15. It's a card for my fractal friend. She loves roses so there are many them Our Fractal Garden. I used Carole's template.
    1 point
  16. YIKES! that leprechaun was disturbing. hahaha, hilarious.
    1 point
  17. Hi, I've been working on the Masterclass video cutout today because I love cutout design so much. I'm still having a bit of a problem with the buttons. And I actually got the beginning right first time. So that it doesn't look so boring, I framed it a bit.
    1 point
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