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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2023 in all areas

  1. November to me is always about Remembrance, especially during the first half of the month. I have done a lot of research into WWI and WWII service people from my hometown area in order to write biographies of them for the Legion. The more I learn, the more humbled I am. This is my FB cover page for this month. I make one every month...since I can...thanks to this group and Carole!
    8 points
  2. I completely understand what you mean. But (always a but) I live in the most densely populated part of our already small country. That is why houses here are close together. I'm glad I have a small garden. I also have 2 terraces, one in the sun and the other in the shade. That's why I garden very horizontally, In the middle of the garden. Every square centimeter is put to wise use. And that's why I have to sweep leaves every day in the fall. POOR ME. And I have to make room for the spring bulbs. They should have been in the ground by now. Due to a lot of rain recently and a persistent cold, it has not yet happened completely. this photo is from March 29 and the snow photo is from March 10. The only snow we had last winter. the house in the back isn't my house but my shed.
    6 points
  3. I am trying to convince my husband to leave the leaves, or otherwise, not sweat raking them all.
    5 points
  4. Here is an example I did this evening, using the same font you used. It may inspire you to try something a little different using a font. You are right, using fonts are very versatile, and often overlooked. I also used the same font, to add an embellishment to the frame.
    5 points
  5. I don't do any cleanup at all out here. I leave everything alone until we are well into Spring.The annuals reseed themselves, if the birds don't get to the seeds first. Even at home other than the veggie patch, and the odd Lawn mowing I would leave the garden well alone.
    4 points
  6. I don't do a big cleanup in the autumn of leaves and branches and plants. I learned long ago that the materials provide refuge and food and safe spaces for the birds and other critters during the long winter. By spring, the leaves are mostly gone and the cleanup is less back-breaking overall. And, the fact that I am slightly lazy and have a sore back really contribute to my yard hygiene.
    4 points
  7. I was practicing adding text. I got the poem from an internet site where people can submit their poems. There was no name added and it also doesn't mention that you can't post it anywhere. Only it stated that you are not allowed to publish it under your own name. I just thought it was a beautiful poem. de Font is Agency FB. I don't remember where I got the pumpkin.
    4 points
  8. The waxwings here do that too. We have a mountain ash tree that has berries they like. We have had to pick them up off the ground and put them up high away from the neighbours cats. And sadly we've had some dead ones from window strikes after getting drunk. We had to put bird strings on the outside of the window. I have Acopian bird Savers - I used the instructions from the website to make my own and put them on 5 of the windows that any bird has struck. Only two strikes in the last 5 years (that we know of).
    4 points
  9. A pretty page. Did you know that birds like the Robin, and many others that feed on berries, can fall over drunk after eating to many of them. It happens here to the Waxwings that winter here feeding on berries. I like what you did with the floral corners. What would be cool to do, is to use from vector shape, delete the background layer on all four corners, then add a drop shadow to the background paper. Add a matching page below.
    4 points
    4 points
  11. After looking at Carole's latest script, I had to see if I could replicate it. This is my test interpretation. I used a new mask layer, hide all. Brushes, Fonts, from vector shape, select selection borders. I must admit I do like this effect, another way to showcase my photos. The photo fills the whole page. Perhaps this wasn't the best photo to use as an experimental page, as the background of the photo gets rather dark. But I get the gist on how to create this effect. One of my resident Great Horned Owls. I'm going to put the script on my wish list, as I'm sure it will take a fraction of the time it took me to create the page below. Still, I enjoyed myself.
    3 points
  12. My attempt at numbering. I miss the Beatle's greatest hit 'ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE'!!!!! It was more difficult than it looks like.
    3 points
  13. Your style resonates through in this page. It's positively ethereal. ( beautiful, delicate, exquisite). Lest we forget!
    3 points
  14. As I only have a small patio with plants in containers I have to sweep the leaves that are blown into it otherwise we would slip on those when we are leaving through the back porch to our parking spot. Yesterday we had a storm and there a lot of leaves so when everything is dry I have to sweep them and collect them.
    2 points
  15. Yes, your yard has different upkeep needs than mine. I can move the dead leaves to the garden beds, let the others blow away, and don't need to rake or sweep much at all. For which I am grateful!
    2 points
  16. Now it's raining again, the wind was playing with the flower pots. 11℃= 51.80000℉
    2 points
  17. I enjoy potato wedges. I make my own seasoned wedges cooked in the oven.
    2 points
  18. me too, but I love not the MC fries, I love potatoe wedges with mayo
    2 points
  19. I had fun today playing with some scripts from Carole. I made tablecloth with frays, used the Sandwich plate with the stonescript build a room and a table,
    2 points
  20. The game seems to be a couple of days behind. lol Today I used the Central Park Halloween Flotilla for inspiration. There are tons of layers.
    2 points
  21. My mojo has escaped again and so I've been playing around, This summer I took a snapshot of a wall covering that I thought would make a good background. This morning I took a square of it and make it a pattern. Then I worked on the pattern and made it an overlay and reduced the opacity to 50% and then made a copy of it and put it in my Textures file. Then I made a paper of blue color and used effects>texture effects and this is what I came up with.
    2 points
  22. It's about 40 F at 6:30 a.m. and raining with a freeze warning here on Long Island, NY. It gets really hot in my room when the heat is on so I keep my window open. I'm currently wearing fuzzy socks and a sweater, but for me, it's better than being hot.
    2 points
  23. Then I hung out at work, mostly talking around the water cooler - talking about how warm it was and there was no snow yet. that's me at the bottom, I wore clothes to work, cause I'm thoughtful like that. Then I ate too many Halloween candies and got sick. All because the weather was warmer than usual. Otherwise I'd be at home snug like a bug in a rug.
    2 points
  24. Nice and dry here. A little chilly. First my day started with a trip the doctors. Here I am being examined. Then I just kinda hung around outside, since it was pretty warm out.
    2 points
  25. I took the picture from my front porch. The driveway is mine as is the mailbox on the right side of the photo. There is a street that meets up with my street (almost directly across from my driveway) and the house you see is on the corner of those 2 streets. The neighbor that does my lawn work for me is across the street from me to my south and sits on the opposite corner of the house you see.
    1 point
  26. I wish any leaves that don't get cleaned up in the fall would be gone by spring but around here they aren't! I only have one tree in my backyard but live in a neighborhood that has lots of trees to my west. The winds come from the west the majority of the time so I get those leaves as well. They also tend to collect against the north side of the house and in the years I didn't know better and let them go, they destroyed the flower beds and the grass. Six years ago I had a new patio put on the north side of the house and the leaves still collect only now they are on the pavers. I usually use the leaf blower to get them into the yard but since I just had surgery, I can't do it this year. When I do that my neighbor that mows my grass will pick up the leaves to put them out for pickup that our neighborhood has available for a yearly fee (totally worth it!) The first pickup for the year was yesterday. This photo is what the neighbor to my east had raked for the pickup. Notice all the leaves that haven't been raked yet... some of his trees still have leaves on them and they fall in my yard! My only tree is in the back yard.
    1 point
  27. What a beautiful yard. those trees must be stunning in the spring-fall.
    1 point
  28. Here in the North , there was wind, but not so much you couldn't go outside 🙂
    1 point
  29. I agree with you, translating from one language to another can be tricky, and translated words can be interpreted differently. It's the same for any language, Welsh included. I would have used inexpressible in a totally different context, and not as a substitute for ineffable. The only meaning for ineffable in my dictionary, is how I initially described it's meaning, and in exactly the same context in which I used it, when commenting on your page. I try to refrain from using words I would normally use on here, as I try to take into account the different languages, and how they would be defined. I also like and use the word appealing and ethereal . My mum would always use the word appealing. Also I use the word pleasure, or my pleasure instead of no problem, or you're welcome. It's difficult to change old habits.
    1 point
  30. And yes people who eat too much of the wine trendil can become slightly intoxicated. Priests of ancient Israel were not allowed to eat anything from the vine during their service in the temple. That's why I know. I came across that once so I figured out why.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Oh nooooo, you just added another cool word.....inexpressible. I know, have I been living in a cave all my life. But I love ineffable the best.
    1 point
  33. Clever layout! Well done! I add a little mayo to jacket potatoes, with lashings of butter.
    1 point
  34. Inexpressible, listed above is the word I'd say describes the meaning of ineffable best. I use it when I'm unable to find the words to describe something which is so wonderful it's beyond words. I feel it's one of the best compliments you can pay anyone. Ann refers to the word in a different context to how I use it. I haven't read the book Good Omens, so It may or may not have been used in the book, but used in the series to describe the characters. In the series the word had been nominalized. If my knowledge of grammar hasn't failed me, the adjective word ineffable has been used as a noun.
    1 point
    1 point
  36. here is my simple layout , using polaroid and stone script by cassel, an eyelet tube and a stringtube
    1 point
  37. here is what my translator says ----- ineffable! adjective unaussprechlich inexpressible, unspeakable, ineffable, unpronounceable, unutterable, ineffably unsagbar unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible, ineffable, ineffably, unnamable
    1 point
  38. I searched at the Lilypad, and now she has an addon to the kit, also very cute
    1 point
  39. I started working in the relatively new McDonald's in my town during my senior year of high school. I got the job because I was 18 and could work past 10 p.m. to do the closing chores needed. I worked all summer before heading off to college. When I came home for Thanksgiving, I stopped in to ask if I could work during the break between semesters and they said yes so I worked during those 4 weeks over Christmas/New Year's. At that time they told me that I would be welcome to work there the following summer if I wanted. So I did. So my job during my early college years was McDonald's. The funniest story though is that my dad absolutely loved their "fresh" French fries. He was under the impression that they cut fresh potatoes every day for their fries. Boy did I burst that bubble when I told him they were frozen! He still loved them. I quit eating fast food about 15 years ago unless I am traveling. For me it was for budgetary reasons... fast food was expensive even then. Here is a layout I did 9 years ago about the store I worked in. The owners were building a new store next door to the old one. The store I worked in was torn down and is now parking for the new store. One of the owners was an employee at this store when I worked there in the mid-1970's. She worked her way into management and after getting married to another manager, they set their goals of owning their own store. Last I heard, they own 3 or 4 in the area.
    1 point
  40. No, not done yet. Just a few more pages to do, but I'm just stopped for a bit until my mojo reappears.
    1 point
  41. My first project for the November theme Fast Food. Fenchfries to share.
    1 point
  42. Yes, Happy November, weathers permitting! UK due for a winter storm soon so battening down the hatches! I have just read the Campus newsletter 31 October and was interested in the Colour Replacer article so had a quick go with a photo that I took on holiday that originally I had intended to make into a silhouette. I turned the colour photo into black and white in Effects/ Photo Effects and then applied the Colour Replacer using the dropper tool to source the colours I wanted to change. Just a bit of fun but it opens up more creative possibilities.
    1 point
  43. Module 2 of the Basic Scrap Course-A family photo from Summer 2023. Kit-Marisa L - Shopping Mini Kit; Photo-Granddaughter Alycia Wilson, Great Granddaughter Sonya Anne, and Alycia's friend, Andrai Arm-Madrid. Brad - Choose-to-Shine kit; Title Alpha-cass-Licorice; Label - Marisa Lerin; Staple - LinJane; Flowers-DiHiller; Ric Rac-Janet Scott; String-Janet Kemp, Marisa Lerin; Striped Background-opacity 25%; Small text - Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold.
    1 point
  44. I like this technique, but every time I follow the instructions in the handout from the tutorial, I have to fiddle around and do things differently to make it work. Eventually I get it and then it works. This one is using a photo of a woman I know who celebrated her 100th birthday last year. I made a layout for her, but not this one. She's still going strong! The text 100 years has an outer glow applied. The rest is just elements I have in my files.
    1 point
  45. Hi @Sue Thomas, I did take your advice as I agree it was a bit distracting. It led me on a whole new adventure about seamless tiling LOL! Decided to make a tag as I had been inspired by those made in the Travel class and here is the revised result. Thank you sharing your thoughts from experiened eyes!?.
    1 point
  46. Our "family whistle" was when the street lights turned on.
    1 point
  47. My Dad whistled for me and I scurried home ASAP. Some things you did not mess with!
    1 point
  48. After some thought when I was outside, I came up with this for the Random challenge. I created round beads for the numbers, and a label specifically with a place to put the numbered beads. After looking at Julie's cut out page, I decided to do a cutout for the word Robin. Scalloped edge is always effective, and simple to do. I wanted the labels to be together. I thought to pin them, tape them, thread sting though them to keep them together, and thought no, it might look to busy. Any suggestions would be great, but for now I'll leave the labels as they are. This random challenge was ideal for creating a page on the cycle of the Robin, as I said I was going to do, after doing the Oriole page. Only the Wrens are left to showcase in a similar fashion. Once the Robins have fledged, like many of the Blackbirds, and some other birds, they spend several days on the ground, before taking to the trees. They are able to fly short distances, but when on the ground they aren't to far from low cover, to dash to when they feel under threat. Within 10-13 days they go from hatchlings to fledglings. I have documented that process too.
    1 point
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