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  1. Here ya go. In the city. Barred Owl n my neighbor's patio yesterday late afternoon. (I had a Hawk up in a tree on my patio last week during chipmunk time (4-6pm) but alas, no camera.) In both instances, my neighbor and myself, we were sitting under a patio umbrella reading on our ipads. The owl was clacking its beak menacingly (and noisily), but the hawk was doing something with its feather which made an unusual noise, not loud, just something I couldn't place.
    6 points
  2. I like this technique, but every time I follow the instructions in the handout from the tutorial, I have to fiddle around and do things differently to make it work. Eventually I get it and then it works. This one is using a photo of a woman I know who celebrated her 100th birthday last year. I made a layout for her, but not this one. She's still going strong! The text 100 years has an outer glow applied. The rest is just elements I have in my files.
    5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. I am in too, I cleaned up my folders and discovered that I started the workshop in November 2017. I didn't finish it
    4 points
  5. My Dad was born in 1892 and my mother in 1907. She hated the tradition of, as she called it, "begging" on Halloween. Perhaps the older traditions influenced that, associating it with poor people. To me it was just what all the other kids did and we said "Trick or Treat" as we went door to door for candy. One tradition was sort of bad. The night before was Mischief Night and people's car windows got soaped and trees were hung with streamers of toilet paper. It seems the tricks came before the treats!
    3 points
  6. I posted the first three and then it would not let me post the next one. Hopefully I can get the last two posted here - Henry
    3 points
  7. I made this pic myself in my backyard. On a sunny autumn afternoon, I found this may be a lost bumblebee on a leave resting. Or what insect it might be. I made this project in PSP 2018. For the background, I used the plugin RENDER. 2 colors green out of my photo. The decorative edge is from a mask, SN frame 10. The same 2 colors green. I gave it an orange highlight from the plugin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - gradient glow and a bevel. I've been thrown out. PSP closed due to the many times I tried.
    3 points
  8. They are soft and gentle, which is quite surprising, when you see how powerful their teeth and claws are. Unlike cats they aren't able to contract their claws. I've had them run over my bare legs, and one took a nibble at my toe, which gave quite a pinch, made me jump, which in turn scared the squirrel, making it scarper, fortunately no blood was drawn.
    3 points
  9. This is a shot I took on the 20th September this year. I live on their flight path, between Luck Lake and Lake Diefenbaker. Morning and evening, they will descend onto the vast stubble fields, to clean up what the combines have left behind. Over 6 million water birds will congregate on Luck Luck, stopping off for a while before continuing their migratory journey. As they fly over on mass they blacken the sky, and the sound is deafening. Sights like this isn't isolated either. At this time of year, where ever you travel, the fields are full of them. Sandhill cranes also flock in their thousands, soaring high in the sky. You'll have to pardon me if I don't get excited over the 20 you have on your patio.
    3 points
  10. After Bootcamp, I took Cassel's suggestion and continued on with the Basic Scrap Course. Here is Modular 1 - a scrap page for my daughter, Debbie, who came East to attend her high school reunion. She was apprehensive but came away delighted with the party. Now they want to do one EVERY year. I used the kit Cassel offered with the Mod 1 video, "HeatherT-ScrapbookCampusSpecial-LoveSpokenHere" - I did change the color of the background with the Luminance layer effect. I created the circular brads at the bottom (Cassel used buttons) and changed the colors of the title alpha from the kit. The font for the journaling is labeled "TW CEN MT CONDENSED"
    3 points
  11. I have been playing and having a go at making cut out corner brushes. Not easy or quick to do so all credit to Carole who does all the hard work of making some for purchase. I would love it if Carole made a script to make creations easier. Anyhow, I used some images from Creative Fabrica to make the corner brush and the word clipart. Hope all that celebrate Halloween have a fun day.
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Hi Carole, Thanks for the quick reply. I managed to get a rounded gold font with 3D_Effects>Inner Bevel. Photo, Gem & Goldmats: Doska Burgundy-gold papers: Creative Fabrica Pink paper:. Kit "Potpurrie" S.i.S Doily: CKH "Autumnsong" Gingerscrap DD sept 23 Goldheart cluster: PNGAAA Font: Oliver
    2 points
  14. I'm in too. Think I'll do more cameras like I did for the magazine workshop. thankfully there's time to take some pictures before the workshop.
    2 points
  15. Unfortunately, it's the best I can do here in the city.
    2 points
  16. Hello, maybe just under the wire. I think I posted the sandwich and project 1 and 2, but I am not sure.It appears they were oversized even thpough I had reduced them to 600x600. So I will post all five here. It has been both an enjoyable and not so enjoyable refresher. I had to do a lot over and over, but I guess that is how you learn.
    2 points
  17. The peak of starling migration is usually at the end of October here. The starlings that are in the Netherlands or Belgium in the summer fly south in the winter. Usually, starlings are in number the winners of the bird migration. Barn swallows are mostly second but the numbers are growing. We are now living in late October, but I have not seen many leave yet, probably due to the heavy rain. Normally they sit on the roofs in their thousands and then gather for the migration to the warmer south of Europe. Not that we will be without birds because plenty of them come here from Scandinavia. And other colder countries.
    2 points
  18. We have a flock of about 20 Canada Geese that arrive next door on their large lawn and then end up under my bird feeders outside my kitchen window and on my patio in the front (another bird feeder) and I have a hard time not stepping in their numerous "deposits" all over my patio, the grass and the road. We really don't admire them much for that reason. I only have to walk out the patio door and they flee! I even speak to them from inside the house and they stop eating and drift away. I'm the CG bully, you see. 😉
    2 points
  19. What a wonderful experience. Interacting with wildlife (the kinda that doesnt kill you in one swipe of paw I'm talking about) makes you want to protect them more and more. For me it was walking amongs 100's and 100's of Canada geese on my daily walks around the tiny pond in Chilliwack where I used to live. One time my hubby and I and a stranger attempted to loosely count the geese as they took off from the pond to spend the nights in the farm fields, we stopped at 800, the pond was still 1/4 full of geese, ducks and other waterfowl. they would all come up on the grass and lay down and we'd have to step around them. I loved it.
    2 points
  20. I have a few ground squirrels that will come and take food out of my hand. It's a wonderful feeling, when they trust you enough to do so.
    2 points
  21. Template 203 of Lady 22, AKA Bourico Casper, Digital Scrapbooking. Font: Raccoon Cookie Alpha from Creative Fabricia.
    2 points
  22. My friend, Jo, owns this plant and celebrates every year when it blooms. Template 003: @Sas_templates_wintertime Kit by Saskia Veldhoen at Digital Scrapbooking. Font in rectangle: Raccoon; title font: Kristen ITC The text in the rectangle reads: Night-blooming cereus is the common name referring to a large number of flowering ceroid cacti that bloom at night. The flowers are short lived, and some of these species, bloom only once a year, for a single night, though most put out multiple flowers over a period of several weeks, each of which opens for only a single night.
    2 points
  23. Project 5 I was both happier and more frustrated with this project than any of the others: happier because I remembered so many of the initial steps without repeat watching of the video and frustrated because I just could not get that journaling text to behave. I wanted to enlarge it just a bit more but finally gave up and left it after so many tries of at least getting it within the selection and the right color font. The project itself is very special to me, as is this young lady. She was our first grandchild--and for the next 13 years our only granddaughter, as 6 grandsons were added to our family. Then in 2021, we were blessed with our second granddaughter--and Quinn finally got her girl cousin. Quinn is everything I said and more, so this was indeed a work of love. I've decided to print and frame and give it to her as part of her Christmas present. Oh, the 2 words at the end are We love you in French. Because her maternal grandfather is French, both Quinn and her mother were raised fluent in both French and English.
    2 points
  24. What a learning curve!! . Merge down to keep the squares and then mirror, brilliant . The text was a major headache, my accept icon had gone walkabouts and I couldn't get rid of the box of the long wording ! No way could I get my paper to show in the patterns box to do the heading hence the black text ! I had reverted to PSP X8 from 22 as the pick tool wasn't working on that one! User error I am sure and tomorrow is a new day. This has been an amazing journey with an excellent tutor and amazing new friends. Take care all, until the next time Oh the papers were Mary Frans again from the Nitwits site The bees were Creative Fabrica
    2 points
  25. I have got to Day 11 and I certainly have learnt so much and enjoyed doing this. Thank you so much to Carole. This day has been dedicated to my darling dog of 17 years - Bundy. He was our family and was loved by so many. I was so happy to be able to do this page for him.
    2 points
  26. Glad to see this workshop pop up again! I created a calendar for my granddaughter, Anna Lee, 2 years ago with the theme of the TV show, Downton Abbey, as we were both passionate fans. She and her husband even traveled from California to England and visited the real "castle." I don't know what my theme will be for this year yet but maybe another favorite TV show as they yield a lot of media photos to work with. Here's an example of my previous work.
    2 points
  27. Hello Carole, is it ok if I open a separate topic for each module or should I show all modules in the same thread? Is there another gallery for me where I can post my work and forward it from there to this thread, like with Bootscamp (storage space)? Regarding this module, I still have the question of how to outline text with a color. I didn't find anything in the PSP help, nor did I search for a tutorial in the forum.
    1 point
  28. Andy, Fran, Judy and I shared a fun filled day recently. We shopped a flea market and thrift store and broke bread in a small, local eatery. We also shopped an old-fashioned General Store. Andy and Fran were high school sweethearts and continue to fall deeper in love with each passing day. For the background I used a photo of leaves; selected about a 2 inch square. Using the pick tool I stretched it to fill my layout, then applied a gaussian blur. I extracted the leaf at the top, duplicated it. I used Selections...select selection borders for the photo. I also inserted a heart for the "o" in love.
    1 point
  29. Project 5. The font is Ernestone Script from Creative Fabrica. The picture is my mom with her first grandchild, the mother of Noah and Felix from earlier projects.
    1 point
  30. I saw the differences and similarities, Sue. I keep seeing those very old explanations here, sometimes accompanied by very old paintings. (My laptop is constantly translating from English, French, and German.) A few similarities are the end of the growing season. The soil goes to rest. Cattle goes to the stables. Going door to door. Asking for food. Heavy time to Children. Difficulties to survive the winter.
    1 point
  31. Halloween stems way back to the Celtic, Gaelic pagan festival of Samhain, 2,500 yrs ago. Which is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. The winter half of the year began with the feast of Samhain, (pronounced sow-win) which was on the 1st November, and marked the end of harvest. Celts believed that on the night before the new year (1st November) the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. So on the 31st October they celebrated it. It was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth on the 31st Oct. The entrance passage to the Mound of the Hostages on the hill of Tara is aligned with the rising sun. The Mound of Hostages dates back 4,500 -5,000 yrs old. Which may suggest that Samhain was celebrated long before the Celts arrived in Ireland 2,500 yrs ago. Samhain, is the forerunner of Halloween. Back in the eight century Pope Gregory the third, designated 1st Nov as a time to honour saints. Soon after called All Saints Day. Which incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening before all Saints Day was known as All Hallows Eve, and then later known as Halloween.. Traditionally Halloween can not fall on the same day each year, because of the equinox and solstice fall on different days each year. By the time of the first written references to Samhain came into being in the middle ages, it was already being celebrated on 31st Oct or 1st Nov. It was in the late 18th century America made the move to change Halloween into a holiday, more a bout community and neighbourly get togethers than about harvest, witchcraft and ghosts. They changed Halloween to parties for adults and children to celebrate the day. Of course in my opinion it has been commercialized to the hilt. I wonder how many children, and adults would actually know the history or origins of why they celebrate Halloween if they were to be asked. Don’t get me started on Christmas, which dates back to pre Christianity. A pagan festival, once again associated with the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, which falls on the 21-22 December. I Have books on such topics, which I have picked up over the years, after visiting ancient burial sights, castles etc. Even Stonehenge, which is familiar to almost everyone around the world.
    1 point
  32. This is a common concern. In fact, it is NORMAL. It is described at the end of that article: convert one copy of the text, so it will resize as you expect.
    1 point
  33. This remains me of another holiday called St Maarten. Or Martin. I also don't know this festival from my youth. My husband doesn't either. Since we are both from a big city and St. Maarten was only held in small villages and towns. This is what I found on the internet. See the differences and similarities. Children walk past the doors with lanterns on November 11. Why is Sint Maarten on November 11? Martin dies in 397 AD. He was buried in the city of Tours on November 11th. The Saint Martin feast is therefore celebrated on the day he is buried. Martin was later canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. Saint means holy. Hence the name Sint Maarten. For many people, this is now an ordinary day, but for centuries this was a huge celebration. On this day, people once again went all out with food and drinks. In winter, people often had to go on rations to ensure they had enough food to get through the winter. Then on that day, poor people went door to door to collect food as well. Do you see the connection? Now children go door to door to pick up sweets. In the past, it was mainly poor children, but at the beginning of the last century, the festival was embraced as a general tradition. here it is a tradition the children have to sing songs in exchange for the treats. No trick or treat saying at all.
    1 point
  34. hahaha. Better to be known for Halloween than our crazy politics wouldnt you say? My neighbour goes all out. And i get to participate this year, it's a day I'm home early enough to hand out some goodies. I'll probably abandon the door to go hang with them.
    1 point
  35. It was taken with an iPhone 15! Yes, lots of predators here. We can’t hear them, but often see the shadow cross over us when they swoop down and get a little (and sometimes not so little!) critter and fly off with it in their talons. The whole thing is entirely visible and sometimes the prey looks to be as large as the bird. We hardly have any rabbits here. I’m pretty sure they are a delicacy. Here is something I learned today. The term Trick or Treat originated in Canada, specifically Alberta and Saskatchewan, circa 1920s. Source: Historyfacts.com
    1 point
  36. There are various fonts that have a 3D look but it all depends on what you actually envision. Some will be layered and can give great results. How to use Layered fonts is explained in this article. On the other hand, you can use regular fonts, and apply a bevel around to give it the 3D effect. Yet, another option would be to find an existing alpha in png format. As for the $1 trial, it is for 7 days and you can only use it once (but there is a special coming up for Black Friday).
    1 point
  37. Wow! what an experience that would be.
    1 point
  38. A most appealing layout. I thought it was your work, even before I saw who posted it.
    1 point
  39. At least you get to see some up close, which is nice, plus they crop the grass, and fertilize it.
    1 point
  40. Looks like they are there. Henry
    1 point
  41. I'm in too. I haven't done this before but I trust you guys will help me if I get stuck.
    1 point
  42. Using the selection tool to create journaling, is a quick and easy way, for a basic presentation on a layout. I would strongly recommend doing any journaling, using the selection tool or not on a separate page, using the size of page that you want to add to the layout. (Larger is better, as you can always size down). Using guides or the grid. I gave up a long time ago using the selection tool for any text work. It has far to many limitations for my liking. Making editing the text almost impossible on occasions. Don't get frustrated with yourself, as it's not you that is the problem, but the selection tool.
    1 point
  43. It's snowing here, once I did what I needed to do outside, I decided to participate in this challenge. I have included lifting all four corners in this layout. I lifted the lily out of the photo in order to frame it. I then lifted the top left corner of that photo, and the top right corner of the rose photo. Carole's corner punch, overlay of leaves on the punched out layer. I also made sure I had some shadow on the lily frame, of the lifted petal. My own wordart quote.
    1 point
  44. I'm in too and very glad we do another one this year. It will be my 4th time and I have made a lot of different ones as gifts. This year I will use the flower photos from my trip to the States. There are a whole bunch of flowers we, over here, don't know or only have as houseplants. A friend to whom I send some of the photos was already speculating: "a new calendar?" So no pressure.............. I have them in a separate folder already and I'm ready to go.
    1 point
  45. You can start a new thread every time, but it might be fun to have one thread for all your projects together. For the gallery, you already found the section for the Basic Scrap Course.
    1 point
  46. Hi Carole, I put module 3 right below. Tomorrow I'll take a break. I have implemented all the tips in the videos, they really save time. Fonts: Nouveau Rose JNL, und Oak. The Chrysantheme-Doodle is from Freepik.
    1 point
  47. A TIP I LEARNED IN BOOTCAMP: Anja posted a layout showing a trip to a zoo and I was struck by the use of a rather, radically offset shadow that really enhanced the image of a stork. It also reminded me to always have the Shadow on Separate Layer box checked, in case I want to adjust a shadow further. Here's the illustration that I saw...
    1 point
  48. I am submitting black and white photos that are part of my father's collection. They were taken in the 1920s-1930s. I did not try to fix these, except for blemishes that would have been distracting.
    1 point
  49. Love Halloween .... Characters are from www.hiclipart.com. It is a great site for free png files.
    1 point
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