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The BIG 10 Showoff


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Wow, beautiful work of Everyone, showing off what they've learned!


Carole, you should be proud of yourself, seeing how many people you have helped in advancing their knowledge of  PSP...    No wonder Corel has recognized this on its  https://learn.corel.com/photo-home/  page.


I am still going down memory lane, posting my first layouts...    But, it is so nice to look back and realize how much I've learned from you, Carole...  And there is so much more!


So, here is my entry#2...   Back then, I was adding fasteners to all of my layouts as I had bought the Fasteners Classes (I don't remember how it was really called). The Diamond Membership had not yet been created. :)


For the title, I used what I had learned on Basic Scrap Course-Module 5, and the Elastic is from: https://scrapbookcampus.com/element-creation-index/elastic/.



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This one is from: https://scrapbookcampus.com/bootcamp/july2021


More then a year after I did my first bootcamp, I participated again to see what I had forgotten and I must say it was useful! In this layout I made the glittertile around the photos, a linoleum background and a plaid from the Love Challenge and an overlay I had from Inky Deals as a freebie once.

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Yes, Carole - I can't imagine doing without layers now!


So here is my day 4 layout - Lab 5, Mod 10. Learning about drawing with a string and saving the string as a brush (think I should have used it when making letters instead of trying to draw the stitches on the letters); making a tube (love that and have used it a lot!), crayon drawing as an edge to a paper or ? - saved it as a png and have tried to recolor it several times as that is what I love to do!!.  Posted this sometime in 2020 or early 2021?

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I am not really sure which tutorial inspired this one but this tutorial  is a good one.  This is my grand daughter.  I had not seen her for almost 20 years.  She recently visited and imagine my surprise to see a grown young woman when I was expecting the young girl I had last seen!



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My first step into Scrapping was the Boot Camp in May 2020 and it was an eye opener and an interesting experience.  I have used PSP since early Jasc days but never scrap booked or used templates.  My Day 9 of the Boot Camp introduced the "pinking shear'' edging,  and a created a frame using select selection borders. This day also included changing individual letters in text.  One thing (tip) in particular I learned in boot camp, that has helped  many times, is to duplicate and save the vector layers (text).


Scrolling through the amazing pages here it really is wonderful to see the talent and creativity of people.  It must  make you so proud Carole to see what you have achieved, and how many you have inspired and encouraged to bring about these masterpieces.


Congratulations on 10 years Carole and many more to come!   You do an incredible job and have created something wonderful.  Thank you.

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No 6. Here's one I did following Paintshop Christmas 4. I love making these Baubles and with Christmas just around the corner..... I used a fir branch probably from Pixabay and put Cassel Christmas light tubes in. I used my own image of a robin that I  extracted from the original photo. TFL
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I learned to make patterns as well as plaids in my classes and tutorials. This layout used the colors of the Lorakeet bird to create the pattern for the first layer and the horizontal bars. I usually make 2 background layers, one full size and the next reduced to 3500 x 3500 to make a 50 pixel border all around. Then I can add a shadow to the 2nd layer, also. Cassel had given us a freebie of animal print alphas but not a full alphabet of each pattern so I used the Q to create the O's in ZOO.  I also got the animal footprints from her for my Picture Tubes. These photos were taken at the Claws 'N' Paws Wild Animal Park in Mt. Arial, PA, where my granddaughter is a keeper.
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I Love being here,   You all are so Good and Smart in your words I just admire you all.  Dittos Carol on what they said, I love all the Art, it is real Art.  And Everything that goes on here. Love those links on Corel So Nice




Grandson has got Better I know its Prayers,  Arkansas here in the woods has been hit hard.  2 of my daughters are RNs and been working 12 hours, the schools are hit bad.  I really dont like that he and my other Grands go back to school tue but their Moms say they need school.      Thank You Everyone.


we all tested neg now so ??? guess were ok  going to walgreens later I need a big bag of their mixed nuts.  THANK YOU

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The best thing I ever did was sign up for Boot Camp. That was the kick-starter for me.


The one webinar/class that really helped me was restoring old photos. While this project does not use very old ones, I find that the techniques Carole demonstrated were so valuable. I am not a scrapbooker, but since I have learned so much from Scrapbook Campus over the last year or so, I apply those skills to the writing projects (with pix) I do on the history of my home town in Southern Ontario. I have published one book and am working on Vol. II. Now I can really improve the photos that I find or are generously shared with me, and make them more easily viewable in print. Now I also try to make my own cards; sometimes they look pretty good, and sometimes not so much. But it's so much FUN. And the friends/relatives seem to enjoy them too.


I wish Carole "toutes les felicitations" on her accomplishments. I too am self-taught with most of my computer skills (except for a great friend who helped me along the way, but sadly died last year), and I admire anyone who has the patience to work through the many frustrations and trials that come up during the process. It is gratifying to finally figure something out. Without Scrapbook Campus I would still be wondering how to use PSP. I'm still a novice, but the resources offered here are amazing! Merci beaucoup. Keep up the good work!


Julie Magerka

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Enjoying see all the different layouts and classes everyone has been posting!


I just did this in Lab 10-10.    I liked it all by itself.  I'm sure I will be using in the future.   I created the pawprints tube in an earlier lab but can't seem to find it.

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I had to start at list! A list of all the master classes, scripts, labs, tutorials of all sorts that I didnt know about (or past over thinking it wasnt for me...I was wrong) that I want to learn.  Seeing them in action in everyones pages really shows the techniques in action.


here's my layout for today.  From Module 3 of the Basic course  https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/module-03/ This is where I learned about "inner bevel" (under effects, 3D effects, inner bevel...I think).  I like that look and use it often.  Some fonts don't work well with it though I've learned.


When I check in to the forum each day it's like WOWZERS! Such eye candy....no calories and totally healthy for me!  Love it all.

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Can someone help me ??? It seemed to me that Carole or someone presenting at a live on the frames or lettering, or even alphas (I admit I forgot), that we could use a font to make a frame ???? I searched, but not found ??? will I have dreamed ????

Basically, like the letter "O" as a frame (to keep it simple)

thanks in advance ))))

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also there are several  tutorials in the creative scrap,   decorative borders, decorative borders 2 , also font frames, hand doodle frame, loopy frame, there are others. You will just have to take the time  to scroll through them methodically in  creative scrap, and you'll find them.

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