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  1. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    oops a little question .... the live party is over ???? or not yet started???? ?
  2. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    with master-classes Out of this World all credits on my gallery
  3. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    with master class Photo-Graphics https://scrapbookcampus.com/master-classes/photo-graphics-with-psp/ all credits on my gallery
  4. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    with mixed technics of "Text Workshop 2023 " all credits on my gallery
  5. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    With the master campus filter forge https://scrapbookcampus.com/master-classes/using-filter-forge-with-psp-2/
  6. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    tag made with mixed tutos (without old but with 25 layers counting the shadows ? ) https://scrapbookcampus.com/master-classes/tag-youre-it/ https://scrapbookcampus.com/master-classes/tag-again/ and elements free CreativeFabrica & TheHungryjpeg
  7. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    made with tex on path https://scrapbookcampus.com/2016/07/text-on-path-in-paintshop-pro/
  8. phew finally found the last one I was missing ? all the others seemed very easy to me ? thank you for this nice little game ?
  9. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    For this scrap, I use the master class "Blending Pictures" and work on title (transform on the vector font) but I don't remember what is this lesson oops
  10. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    I don't remember where is this lesson for the writing in the sand, but here's what I did after this lesson all credit on my gallery
  11. nadine

    Campus Dozen

    I really love this lesson "lifted shadows" I use it several times, including this one that I really like ))) all credits on my gallery
  12. thanks so much @Cassel Carole ?
  13. thanks Ann It's very nice of you )))) (but google is not very good for some words LOL) exemple : "tape" = "morceau de scotch" "scratched paper" = "papier éraflé ou lacéré" but (rayé = striped) I admit that the google translator is not really up to date .... for certain words, it was the experience of using specific words on various scraps forums that guided me to this or that word )))
  14. thanks Ann ))) uh!! is this a free tutorial? because I'm not in the Diamond group ;( so if that's the case ... I don't have the right. if I have the right, then I want ))) and in French )))))) a big thank-youUh
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