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Vector Workshop 2023


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23 minutes ago, Ann Seeber said:

Sue, this workshop is a bit unusual where we are not creating 3600x3600 scrap pages and also need reduced jpgs to post here so I was just asking Michele for a suggestion as to what she used, as a starting point, at least. I'm already following her suggestion of 3000 x 2000 for larger layouts intended to post on Facebook. That size eliminates FB's automatic addition of a color background to fill, which I had found annoying, myself. 

(Michele, what size image do you start out with and what are the settings you use for the Grid? (Totally clueless about grids..) )  It would appear I  completely misread your comment.  The size of your image I interpreted to relate to the vector element Michele created, to use the settings she used for the grid. You didn't mention FB page layout sizes, or scrapbooking layouts.  This workshop is all about creating  vector elements, to be used in projects.  I will refrain from sharing any  helpful suggestions or advice. 

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1 hour ago, Ann Seeber said:

Michele, what size image do you start out with and what are the settings you use for the Grid? (Totally clueless about grids..)

I use whatever size Carol is using in the workshops/classes. When I'm making my own layouts I usually use 3000 x 2000 since I'm always posting them on FB.

I think the default settings are 10 x 10 for the grid, but you can change it if necessary. Go to View: Grid, Guide & Snap Properties. You can change your default settings, but I always change the settings for the current image.

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1 hour ago, Sue Thomas said:

I'm  like you, I'm  very particular about  creating anything  symmetrical. If it's  off by a fraction my eye will detect it. I see your lines  are perfectly aligned. I wouldn't say it's an OCD,  you just like to get it right, as do I,  to the best of my ability.

Thanks, Sue, but I do have OCD. lol 

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2 hours ago, Michele said:

Day 2: Creating a vector rectangle with Show Nodes allows you to move a node to get rounded corners. MIND BLOWN! I hope I remember this because it will certainly come in handy.

Yeahh, Michele, another one I didn't know... I always used the Vertical/Horizontal radius... I'm loving this workshop!

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Here is what I practiced for Lesson 2. I am enjoying this workshop very much!

I kept it simple as suggested (not enough time to play around, too ?), and it was fun anyway.

I don't save the shapes most of the time, so I am forced to do it again and probably relearn what I have forgotten.

I loved to see what everybody has posted so far.


Practice- All Labels Shapes-300.jpg

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57 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

(Michele, what size image do you start out with and what are the settings you use for the Grid? (Totally clueless about grids..) )  It would appear I  completely misread your comment.  The size of your image I interpreted to relate to the vector element Michele created, to use the settings she used for the grid. You didn't mention FB page layout sizes, or scrapbooking layouts.  This workshop is all about creating  vector elements, to be used in projects.  I will refrain from sharing any  helpful suggestions or advice. 

Please dont stop with suggestions and advice.  You push me to be better, I appreciate it.  

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I can't figure out how to select two nodes and change them together as shown in the first part of Lesson 2 (red label). When I do select them and change the type to "Symmetric" and "Cusp" they don't stay that way and I don't get any handles to manipulate. I can do them individually without a problem. Curious.

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4 minutes ago, Connie Collier said:

I can't figure out how to select two nodes and change them together as shown in the first part of Lesson 2 (red label). When I do select them and change the type to "Symmetric" and "Cusp" they don't stay that way and I don't get any handles to manipulate. I can do them individually without a problem. Curious.

If you get to select more than one node, you can change the Node Type together. But to get the control arms, that can only be done one node at a time. Would that address it?

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Selecting  nodes
I thought I'd share a tip. 
On some shapes I had problems with selecting the nodes. What I did was click on the visibility icon (the eye)- this takes all the colour out of the image and leaves you with the shape and much clearer nodes. To check how you're doing just click on the eye icon again. Repeat as often as you need. 


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Image3 - This one worked and I was able to draw the preshape and change its colour.

Image2 - After drawing the objects how best is it to move to reposition them? I used the pic tool. With my star shape I wanted to remove 2 of the points that extended past the green rectangle. I made selections of the areas to delete but it deleted the whole star layer!

StarImage - The image saved as a preset and looked the same as my original (centre of picture)  in the Pre-sets list but when I drew the presets the rounded nodes of the central star did not appear rounded. If I changed the colours in my materials palette and drew the preset I got the effects that you see here.


And something I discovered when drawing the preset, don't have the original vector layer active or it draws into that layer. Select the raster layer first then draw and a new vector layer is created.




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13 minutes ago, fiona cook said:

Image2 - After drawing the objects how best is it to move to reposition them? I used the pic tool. With my star shape I wanted to remove 2 of the points that extended past the green rectangle. I made selections of the areas to delete but it deleted the whole star layer!

The Pick tool should work. However, be careful when using the DELETE as it actually removes the node a bit like removing a post from a fence, when the adjacent posts don't know where to forward the links anymore. In that case, you better use MERGE

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13 minutes ago, Linda J Walker said:

Often when I add a node and then try to move it, I end up moving the entire shape, and not the node. How do I know I have the node selected? How do I keep from moving the shape when I just want to move the node?

Yeah, that is a little annoying. I think we always tend to go faster and go with CLICK-move. We probably need to CLICK   -   move. Notice that the node will become black when it is selected (and ready to be moved).

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10 minutes ago, Cassel said:

Yeah, that is a little annoying. I think we always tend to go faster and go with CLICK-move. We probably need to CLICK   -   move. Notice that the node will become black when it is selected (and ready to be moved).

This is just what I needed to know.  That is what was happening with me.  I thought it was the order I was doing things (wrong), but couldnt see what was different with the tutorial and me.  I better book an eye exam.?

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19 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

I'm laughing so hard I can barely use the PSP tools! What looks so easy when Carole does a vector turns out to be some weird shape for me! I thought the heart shape would be a piece of cake....hah! This is what I got first. I needed to laugh today.

first vector heart.JPG

From one page to the next many pierced hearts, your's is nibbled Julie....LOL
Carole created patterns, f.e. chocolatecookies, coconutcookies, that would be cool for this form.

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12 hours ago, Cristina said:

Hi Libera,

The one you saw before was a Customized Text Overlay and was based on the Lab 5- Module 9 (Text Background Paper).

For this one, I used the pattern that comes with PSP. There are 5 Text patterns in English and 5 "Texte" patterns in French (right your alley ?). In this case, I used the Text 1 pattern.

About the technique, Sue Thomas explained it in a much better way than I would have thought. The details are important, and I never think of mentioning them...Thank you, Sue! Your work is, as always, beautiful!

Thanks Cristina ? I looked for the text patterns in PSP, had not yet discovered them,  just played a bit increasing the scale to see the effect, cool!

"For this one", which one? Did you place another heart, I can't see it...

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Hello everyone,

It's good to be back at the computer. It's been hectic around here. First a shoulder replacement (another one to come), then the sale of our house. It sold in 4 days and we had to be out in 26 days. We are now living in our RV waiting for our new house to be built. We're in Sycamore RV Park in Illinois for about 5 weeks, so now a bit of down time. Yay!

I was able to do the first Vector lesson today. No frills, just the lesson. Time for number 2!


Heart 600px.jpg

Arrow 600px.jpg

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