Scrapbooking is all about expressing your creativity in various ways. Creating your graphics with Paintshop Pro to use as elements to add to your story is one way to do it. But how about personalizing your titles with your own text? Not using fonts or alphas, but actually making use of handwritten words and phrases and using them to decorate your digital scrapbook pages.
Remember when…? – Curling
A few years ago (maybe like 30 years ago), I discovered the sport of curling as we had a fun spiel organized at work. I was new in town, and had never played. However, I do remember that, when I was quite young, I would watch curling, on TV.
Using guides and rulers in PaintShop Pro
When drawing with a pen and paper, we always have access to a straight edge or a ruler to create those straight lines, or to align elements together. In a digital world, those tangible rulers are not there, or are they?
Creating a card with a layered template
During the Creative Christmas Bundle 2015, there were 12 complete sets of cards and matching envelopes. They are in a jpg format (sketch) and in psd format as layered templates. Using templates with PaintShop Pro is a great time saver. It allows to create fun cards that you can customize the way you want, with the supplies you have, and surprise everyone.
Remember when…? – Newspaper
Kids' perception or interpretation of things that surround them is very different than how adults see them. As kids grow up, sometimes, it will differ from what their peers understand. I experienced that when i was in grade 4.
How to install scripts
PaintShop Pro has the ability to offer an automated process to perform various tasks. This feature has been introduced in PaintShop Pro 8, so, 10 versions ago! Scripts are a set of commands that are executed on their own, often with minimal input from the user. Scripts are useful as they will perform tasks faster than a user could replicating the tasks manually, and often add precision to the process since it will repeat the steps with pixel precision. Additionally, the script can do calculations, making it even faster to complete a process.
Remember when…? – Writing
When I learned to write, in grade 1, I learned cursive writing. In grade 2, I had to learn the other style when I changed school. Then, back to cursive in grade 3. Is that why my cursive handwriting was so fluid? Maybe so.
Unzipping your downloads
Most of the time, when you shop for digital goodies for scrapbooking (or other graphic projects), you will download a file that is ending with a .zip extension. This is meant to take less space on your hard drive, and with a smaller file size, it will use less bandwidth, and will take less time to download. This can be especially important if you have a low speed connection, or a bandwidth cap. A zip file can't be used as is, and has to be "unzipped".
Remember when…? – Taller
When I was in elementary grades, we had desks that were attached to the chair. It was all one big, heavy desk. I guess they were convenient to prevent moving the chairs, making noise, or even tipping the chairs backward. Since those desks were "one size fits all", they all needed to be adjusted, at the beginning of the class.
Show off contest
In case you didn’t know, November 7th, 2015, is Digital Scrapbooking Day. It is an opportunity to promote memory keeping through scrapbooking using pixels instead of scissors and glue. Are … Read more