When you create a string and want to place elements nicely along that path, you have to be accurate in order to give a realistic look to your project. Did you download the alphabet beads yet? They are a good example of elements you might want to align correctly.
Theme – Baby
Having a baby is a gift. It is a beautiful, life-changing event. For this month's theme here at Scrapbook Campus, let’s look at the many wonderful and precious digital scrapbook pages and ideas that we can use to features babies and all the joy they bring. They are a miracle of life and a beautiful reminder that life is always worth living.
Which files do you need to export in PSP?
PaintShop Pro includes several functions to export various files and content so they will be used inside specific tools of the program. This export command will convert files from something generic, into a program specific file format. How do you know when you need to export a file and when you don't need to? Let's see.
Text on path in PaintShop Pro
PaintShop Pro, like several other popular graphic programs, allow the user to add text along a specific path, to create various effects. The path could be a simple circle, but it could also be the contour of an element. Although the process is very simple, there are a few tips that could help you make the most of this feature. Let's have a look at this process.
5 things you DON’T need for digital scrapbooking
Many people enjoy looking at scrapbook projects made by others, but often say they can't do such projects. They feel they don't have this or that, so what is the point in even considering digital scrapbooking? Let's have a look at a few myths about digital scrapbooking.
Theme – Music
Whether you are musically inclined or not, music is all around us. We can actively reach out for music activities like joining a choir or playing an instrument, but we can also be passively inundated with music when turning on the radio, the tv or just hearing the neighbors blast their favorite tunes. Let's have a peek at ways to incorporate musical themes into scrapbook projects.
Trim excess space around your element
Although hard drives are getting larger and larger and storage space is getting less expensive, it is a good idea to save space whenever you can. When creating elements, you will usually work on a canvas that is much larger than you need, so here are simple ways to trim this extra space without cutting anything off your element.
How to clean up an extracted element
When creating various projects, whether it will be a scrapbook layout or another graphic design, you might want to extract elements from a photo to add it to another one. Maybe it is a flower you want to use to decorate the corner of a photo, or a whole person that you want to place on a different environment. Extracting the element is a technique on its own, but cleaning it is an important additional step.
Using the VectorTube script
In PaintShop Pro, you can place text along a vector path for some very creative effects, but what about picture tubes? Can you place them along a path quickly without having the move elements one by one and measure the spacing every time? Of course! There is a better way, and that is by using the VectorTube script. This scripts is quite old (2003!) but still works with the newest versions of PaintShop Pro. This script, coded by Joe Fromm, Peter Ward, is available for download HERE. Let's look at how it is used in various types of projects.