Remember when…? – Shoes

When my brother was younger, it had to learn, like any other kids, how to put his shoes in the right foot. Like any other kids, it was a learning curve. That might seem very ordinary, but we happened to witness something really funny about this logic when learning left and right.

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Remember when…? – Phone

Over the years, we learn many new things and discard things that are no longer useful to us, like the names of all the kids in our kindergarten class, or the name of the neighbours’ dog. However, sometimes, some of those useless details stick for many many years.

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Remember when…? – Movie

When I was a kid, it was before color television was common in most households. So we had a black and white TV. However, my grandma had a color TV from as long as I remember (like early 60’s), so when something special was to be on TV, like Santa Claus parade, we would simply go to grandma.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.