Import content from previous versions

In older versions of PaintShop Pro, all the content installed by default was limited to that version. You could add more supplies but each version kept track of its own resources. If you wanted to use supplies from a previous version, you had to do some manual work. However, with version 2019, PaintShop Pro came with the option to import content from previous versions.

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Adding Filters in Filter Forge

Filter Forge is a powerful plugin that allows you to use thousands of filters created by other users. However, whenever you install Filter Forge for the first time, you will wonder where all those filters are. Simply put, they aren't, so you will have to add your preferred filters. It is a very easy process, so let's have a look.

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Picture Frames in PaintShop Pro

If you like to have a finishing touch to your photos or projects, you might like to add a picture frame. Of course, you can find some online, but PaintShop Pro has some, already integrated into the program, for you to use. And even better, you can build your own collection too.

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Importing Photoshop gradients in PaintShop Pro

You might already know that PaintShop Pro allows its users to use or import several resources made for Photoshop. PaintShop Pro can open .psd files, and since version X5, it can import .abr brush files. In addition, Photoshop preset shapes can also be converted with a script. But did you know that it can also import gradients meant for Photoshop?

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Adding Brushes to PaintShop Pro

Brushes are extremely powerful tools in PaintShop Pro and if you go online, there are a lot of resources that you can use to add brushes to your program, however, different sources will offer them in numerous formats and each of them requires you to get them inside PSP differently, which can become confusing. Let's streamline all those options.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.