
Are you a pirate?

Ever since the arrival of digital content, we have started hearing about piracy. People have copied and shared songs, movies, games, and programs. A formal definition of piracy would be "the unauthorized use or reproduction of another's work".

In the digital world, it basically means "sharing what you should not share".  

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How to add a frame to a photo

In various sites online, you can find frames for photos. They can be free or they can be purchased. Some frames are simple, rectangular and of the same size as your photo. That is great. However, you might end up with frames and photos of different size, different proportion or even different shape. How can you use them to create a great looking montage? 

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Creating a layered template from a flat image

Layered templates are very convenient ways to shorten the time it takes to create a layout or a way to beat the blank canvas syndrome by giving you a starting point. Even though some scrappers will like to use the layered template as is, it is more common to use the basic shapes and ideas and then change them to suit our photos, supplies, and mood. If you have already created a layout and still have a layered version of it, it is easy to transform it into a layered template (check this tutorial), however, maybe you don't have that version anymore, so what can you do? Although it is a little bit more work, it is still possible to create that layered template "from scratch". Here is how.

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Creating a Silhouette with PaintShop Pro

Although silhouettes are often sought by photographers, one has to be at the right place at the right time, with the right lighting. This is not given to everyone. And sometimes you might want to use a silhouette based on an element or person in your photo. Unless you have a subject in front of a very light background and uniform background, you can’t just adjust the brightness to get silhouette in one step. It is fairly easy if you are to use some of the tools in Paintshop Pro. Here is a simple tutorial on how to achieve that result.

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4 reasons to use BIG photos

When you create layouts traditionally, you are mostly limited by the size of the printed photos you have on hand. It is quite unusual for a paper scrapper to have a photo that will cover all or most of their 12x12 layout, but if you are a digital scrapbooker, you have that option as many digital photos are now quite large, or if that is not the case, you can always enlarge them (but that will require some extra steps). Why or when would you want to use a very large photo on your layout? Let's have a look at a few such reasons.

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A photo is worth 1,000 words… really?

We all know of the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”, and we have certainly seen some of those; photos that are beyond words, photos that “say it all”. The truth is that not all photos say that much. In fact, most photos don’t tell anything to someone who was not there when it was taken. If you want to use those photos in a scrapbooking page, you will have to tell it yourself.

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Scrapping in the New Year – Project 365

Digital scrapbooking can be an ongoing activity or revolve around a specific project. You might want to create an album for your last vacation, or simply bring out the old photos stacked in a box. Another new type of project has recently combined some photography goals and digital scrapbooking goals; it is called Project 365.

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