
Scrapping off-theme from a kit

Often, you could find some wonderful ready-made kits. You can purchase, download, or earn them. Kits will commonly have a general theme that you can identify with the colors, the designs, and the name. This is great when you want to scrap in that theme, but sometimes, you may want to scrap photos that are off that theme. Can you do that?

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Featured Resource – Auto-Tuber script

Creating picture tubes using a series of images can be tedious, especially if you have many of them to copy, paste, and arrange. PaintShop Pro added scripting capabilities with version 8. In that first version, the installation included a series of default scripts. Among those, you could find Auto-Tuber.

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How to remove glare on glasses

Whatever you do to set up a photo, if someone wears glasses, you will often capture some glare. That is just to be expected. Whenever you have lights (natural or artificial) and anything reflective, you will see something appear. If it is on someone's face, you want to see their eyes better. Can you do it with PaintShop Pro? Of course!

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Workspaces in PaintShop Pro (2019 and up)

With PaintShop Pro version 2018, Corel introduced the concept of different workspaces for users. They started with the Essential and the Complete workspaces. Over the years and different versions of PaintShop Pro, the interface has changed and more workspaces have been added. For anyone upgrading from an older version, it can be confusing. Let's have a look at the workspaces you can encounter with PaintShop Pro.

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Create a snow globe with PaintShop Pro

Whether you want to create a scrapbook page or a greeting card for the holiday, a snow globe is a traditional decorative element. You can create them as baubles, or maybe place them on a stand. Their versatility is infinite since you can use any kind of element inside the globe.

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Featured Resource – Custom Calendar

If you like the idea of creating a custom calendar for yourself or as a gift, you might want to make something less boring than the traditional format for dates. You can often see ordinary dates on their own, or with simple boxes. Customizing that format and repeating it for every month is very time-consuming. That is where a script will be a great tool for you.

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