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Doska St.

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Posts posted by Doska St.

  1. Hello,

    unfortunately, I can't make it to the workshop. I'm not feeling so well at the moment, and I have more challenges in my private life. And concentrating so hard on translating the video quickly tires me out. I'll continue doing it privately when I'm feeling better, without any time pressure. Because I'm very interested in these vectors handling. I hope these workshop threads won't be closed?

    • Sad 4
  2. Hello,

    I had no problems with the paths and path points, but with the color fill and border settings.

    I think it has something to do with the performance of my PC, because the color selection scale is difficult to open - I have to wait for minutes. Then suddenly the fill color cannot be set... I had to close PSP using Ctrl-Alt-Delete and start again.




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  3. Hi,

    we have a small garden and a terrace on the ground floor. When we moved in there in 1997, in our late forties, we thought about getting older. Ground floor and sitting in the fresh air. Since there is open sky to the southeast, it can get quite hot in the afternoons. We do have a glass canopy and awnings, but heat radiates from the white wall and the tiled floor. In any case, I love having breakfast on the terrace in the summer mornings, looking at our flowers and hearing the birds chirping. Our "Nordic Summer", a robotic lawnmower, is now humming along with the chirping birds. At the moment, however, we are having a rainy spring and early summer and it is unusually cool and windy for this time of year. But I am grateful not to have to experience another early, overly hot and humid summer; you don't like that anymore as you get older.

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  4. Hi all,

    I'm also registered. I'm not on the PC that often or for that long at the moment because of appointments, but I want to make progress with PSP operation. A course like this motivates me. In Photo Impact I liked vectorizing shapes so that I could then pull them onto my canvas from the bag of tricks in the size I needed.

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  5. Hi all,

    today I'm bringing the 4th card " Gold Kiss". The Valentine's Day theme is still fresh for me: "Golden Wedding Anniversary". But it's been almost 2 years already...The credits are long, you can read them in the Card Workshop Gallery.


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  6. 28 minutes ago, Jeni Simpson said:

    Thank you, Doska for your comments. I'm glad to help with naming that font, no apology is required. I'm trying to remember what fonts I use, and I might have to name layers using font names. I have a few fonts with names ending in 'free for personal'.
    Your Chinatown scrap is great, Doska, you used an unusual 'frame' for your photograph, I love it.

    🤗 Thank you Jeni. I am a big FONT fan😍, I have in 19 years 4000 fonts collected. But I'm still always on the lookout for new fonts in different styles. Of course, I also have to remove some that I have duplicated or never used.😊Your font i used for a birthday card for a family member now.

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  7. 5 hours ago, Jeni Simpson said:

    Hi Doska, it is a favourite script font of mine, Romantically Free for personal, and is by Mais Fontes. It is available free at cufonfonts.com.

    Thank you very much Jeni, I thought "romantically" in your scrap description was a description, not a font name, sorry.

    and your newest card are very elegant. I have a scrap from Chinatown too in my DS-Gallery.

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  8. On 27.5.2024 at 06:28, Jeni Simpson said:

    Card 7, endlich.
    Ich wollte, dass diese Karte weicher und femininer ist als andere, die ich abgeschlossen habe.
    Ich habe mich für ein Foto entschieden, das ich vor vielen Jahren von einem Rosenstrauch gemacht habe, obwohl ich nur die Rosen einen Bouquet-ish-Look wollte.
    Das Band stammt aus Melo Vrijhof von Digital Scrapbook. Dies wurde koloriert, um der zitronenfarbenen Rose am Boden des Fotos zu entsprechen, mit Adjust > Hue und Saturation > Hue Map, etwas, das ich noch nie bemerkt hatte, danke, Carole.
    Die von mir verwendete Schrift ist eine meiner Favoriten, Romantisch kostenlos für persönliche von maisfontes. Ich habe es abgewinkelt, um mit dem Band in Einklang zu kommen, ohne zu klein werden zu lassen, und ich denke, es funktioniert im Winkel.

    What's the name of your pretty font?

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  9. Hi,

    today I was able to finish the third card in peace. @ Carole: Email is on the way.

    The "doctor-doctor" Scrap is already older and unfortunately without Tou's and names, only "CD". The heart with EKG is from Pixabay- OpenClipart-Vectors


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  10. 10 hours ago, Cassel said:

    @Jeni Simpson That is such a lovely card. I think it is the first one I have seen in this workshop on that theme. It is a great idea to create postcards instead of greeting cards. You can use the same templates!

    @kasany That is so interesting to have an out-of-bound image instead of a clipart!

    @Harmony Birch That card makes me smile. I think I will contact CF to point them to this thread as so many of their graphics are showcased in these beautiful cards. For your snowman card, there is a lot of blue tint. Have you considered using a color adjustment like Grey World? It is not available by default in recent PSP versions but you can retrieve it easily. Check this article (about halfway down).

    @Michele Those balloons are so simple yet make a great composition.

    @Doska St. What PSP version is giving you those issues?

    @Randy That is a great way to use other tools and effects.

    @Corrie Kinkel I love how you used the "bee" instead of "be". It is perfectly suited to the theme.

    @Sue Thomas With all those nature events, you will be quite busy! 😉

    @Gerry Landreth Great text on path technique!

    @Minka Glasier Such a fun and colorful card!

    @Ann Seeber I bet you can stay busy all year with all those birthdays!

    @carol Woudema Those milestones really deserve to be celebrated!

    @Anne Lamp Did you use the card template or a different one? Strangely, it matches exactly one template from the Template workshop.

    @Sharla That bunny certainly looks happy. A great card to keep for next year.

    @Louyse Toupin That is a fun and colorful composition! Next, we want a picture of YOU on your scooter! 🙂

    @Anja Pelzer Good to see you catch up. On your second card, may I suggest you add a little 3D effect on the ribbon? It is the only element without bevel or shadow.

    @Sheila Hogg If you had not mentioned that you used a font for that edge, I would not have guessed it. Great job!

    @Bonnie Borntrager You have to be careful in resizing the images to fit a template. If you change the proportions, it will squish the image. Check this article about resizing.

    Tomorrow is the last template and the last tutorial of the workshop. Don't worry, the tutorials will stay available until next weekend so if you had some time issues, you will have several days to catch up.

    @Doska St. What PSP version is giving you those issues?

    PSP Ultimate 2023

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  11. Hello,

    I just got to card #2 today. It was a difficult birth. In the future I will always have to work with the card/templates in PSP  in forum size. The program kept freezing on me. That's why I made them almost exactly as specified. In my opinion it is well suited for a young birthday child.
    The star overlay is from DS MarisaL "scifi paper 07-template", the fonts are Sweet Dream and Elegance.


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  12. I used photos from our family celebration (baby party) in early May. The template is from Cassel, the photos of me and my siblings (with permission), the scrap elements are all from the DS forum, the Wisteria paper is from Creative Fabrica.



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  13. On 16.5.2024 at 19:36, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Hallo Doska, ich sehe das jetzt und es ist ein interessantes Thema. In den Niederlanden können Sie mit all Ihren digitalen Konten einen Anhang zu Ihrem Testament machen. Ihre Erben oder ein Treuhänder, der Ihren Willen ausführt, können von allen Ihren Konten abmelden. Ich weiß jedoch noch nicht, was ich mit all meinen angesammelten Vorräten machen werde. Vielleicht wird eine meiner Enkelinnen interessiert, sie hat künstlerisches Potenzial und verfolgt Kunstunterricht, aber an diesem Punkt ist es noch jung. Hoffentlich lebe ich lange genug, damit ich es eines Tages an sie weitergeben kann. Sonst habe ich keine Ahnung.

    Thank you, Corrie, for your response and your situation on this topic. Sorry if Google doesn't translate everything correctly.💝

  14. here is my Wisteria-Photo, photographed Easter24.
    Although I started it in PSP, I had to continue working in PI because,
    1. The script "wolven ribbons" did not work as I read it translated in the TOU and the PDF tutorial.
    2. I didn't find the option to minimize object transparency in PSP (for more precise erasing).

    Can someone who has used the script before help me?



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  15. 22 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    Als Follow-up zum Layout auf Wonderful Wisteria I, ich habe gerade dieses Bild der größten Rebe der Welt posten. Die Leute dürfen es an einem Tag im Jahr sehen! Einfach toll! Diese EINE Pflanze umfasst einen Hektar Land.

    Kein Layout, nur das Bild FYI. (Foto von Patrick Pelletier im Jahr 2016) Es gibt ein Video auf YouTube, das diese spektakuläre Pflanze zeigt.




    We also have a spot here with wisteria that was created 44 years ago, which I recently photographed in full bloom. Will post it here soon as a scrap with PSP. But the gardening begins...

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  16. We  have typical April weather for Europe, rainy, suddenly summery 25°C and then suddenly 0°C (32°F) again in the morning. But today at 11:30 a.m. it is only 3°C ( 37,4°F), so very cool for the end of April! I took these photos last weekend:

    Spring in our streets



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  17. Hi all,

    only just discovered this discussion.
    I'm still too much of a beginner for PSP to be able to recommend anything, but I've been scrapbooking long enough to know the drill.

    I started in 2005 and have heard that it is a separate industry in the USA. And that there are several styles. We in Europe scrapbooked the photorealistic 3D style back then. So we cut out parts from photos and pictures as deco (of course in compliance with copyright law, which is particularly strict in Germany). But fashions also change in the Scraobbook. Now more 2D, comic style or multimedia mix is popular. Lots of good tips have already been given here for a physical book.

    I have another thought that's bothering me right now. When writing a will today, you also have to include the digital data on your own computers in a will so that heirs can then deregister digital registrations in banks, insurance companies, forums, social media, etc. But what do I do with my external drives full of digitally purchased kits that have cost me a lot of money in total and over the years of purchase. How do I pass this on? The money is too good for me to delete because it could be used by an heir who is interested in it. I also see it as a destruction of artistic works if it were simply deleted.
    Of course it will also depend on the laws of the country we come from, but have you thought about what will happen to your scrap treasures after your transition? Or maybe you already have experience on how to handle this? What the heirs then do with it is of course their own business, and this also applies to private photos that they cannot do anything with. We don't have any direct heirs, but we have a good connection to other younger relatives. I'll talk to them soon about... this scrap thing. I have a younger sister-in-law who is also very talented in art and works with digital self-expression, she plots and has a digital shop.

    I'm interested in your answers.


  18. On 17.4.2024 at 12:49, Cassel said:

    Yeah, you would not dare do that on a physical book borrowed from the library!!!

    Yes, that's right Carole, I was careful with publicly borrowed books, but in my own books I have sometimes drawn or written down or underlined something in pencil. Soon I'll make a scrap of one of these book drawings from my youth. That's why I love coloring around in my e-books and PDFs today; you can correct or delete them again.🤩

    Illuminations May 1969



    on scrap;

    Font: Shopie


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