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Doska St.

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Posts posted by Doska St.


    Good morning all,


    here is my module 5, which was really a challenge until I finally placed the rings satisfactorily 😉 but the new techniques were fun.
    We have a Dutch fabric market in the city twice a year which is very popular. Even if you're not a seamstress, you'll be happy to go there for photos, as it's a very colorful market.


    PSBT-Jan16-Minikit © DS Jessica Dunn

    Alphas: DS Marisa Lerin

    Photo & Tag: Doska

    Font: Arial


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  2. On 10/30/2023 at 11:18 PM, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Ich habe mir eine Auszeit vom Drehbuch- Fluch genommen, um dieses Layout zu machen. Die Pilze wachsen im Moment dank der noch milden Temperaturen und viel Regen. Obwohl ich in einem Dorf wohne, sind die Pilze auf jedem Stück Gras um die Bäume herum. Eines Tages gibt es nichts zu sehen und im nächsten ist es voller schöner, schöner und knackiger neuer. Ich hatte ein Foto von Herbstblättern und benutzte es als Hintergrund mit einer großen Unschärfe und einigen Mixmoden. Ich habe eine Co-Palette aus diesem Foto gemacht und alle Farben sind daraus. Das Plaid wird mit dem Skript Cass-Plaid 3 hergestellt und der große braune Abgang in der rechten Ecke wird mit Cass-Bestickungspflaster gemacht. Ich habe eine Ecke aus dem Rahmen gehoben und ich habe immer ein Problem damit, solche Dinge zu tun, weil meine Hände nicht mehr stabil genug sind, aber am Ende habe ich etwas Annehmbares. Al die anderen Blätter kommen aus meinem Versteck und wieder mit Mischenmodi, um sie abzuschwächen. Schriftarten sind Madelyn Calligraphy, Bavire und Leaves Baby für die Blattdingbats + Arial.

    TUT-Tech Oct. 2023-600.jpg

    Hi Corrie,

    Kudos from my husband (who has his computer next to mine) for your mushroom scrap. He is a mushroom fan. He thinks it is an umbrella mushroom that is edible. But I don't know if it's called that in English.

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  3. Hi Carole,

    I have already replied to your Win-Info email, but I would also like to thank you very much for the great joy you have given me. For me, 2nd place is like 1st place because I need that right now. YES, I would like to continue to get to know PSP and continue to be active in your forum.
    Thank you! That made my day today.




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  4. Hi Carole,


    Thanks for the quick reply. I managed to get a rounded gold font with 3D_Effects>Inner Bevel.

    Photo, Gem & Goldmats: Doska

    Burgundy-gold papers: Creative Fabrica

    Pink paper:. Kit "Potpurrie" S.i.S

    Doily: CKH "Autumnsong" Gingerscrap DD sept 23

    Goldheart cluster: PNGAAA

    Font: Oliver




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  5. Hallo all,


    I would like to use a 3D font in gold in the 4th module. How does this work in PSP and which file extensions (from other programs) can you open and edit in PSP, apart from JPG and PNG? If I want to become a Diamond Member, how long does this $1 payment last?

  6. Hello Carole,

    is it ok if I open a separate topic for each module or should I show all modules in the same thread? Is there another gallery for me where I can post my work and forward it from there to this thread, like with Bootscamp (storage space)?
    Regarding this module, I still have the question of how to outline text with a color. I didn't find anything in the PSP help, nor did I search for a tutorial in the forum.



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  7. Hello,

    then I would like to thank you very much, Carole, for the excellent basic course in PSP, the good support and the really easy-to-understand videos, even if you are not fluent in English, but at least understand the basics, after so many years of scrapbooking 😉

    We would also like to thank our dear fellow learners and advanced learners for their supportive help.

    I will then continue with “Basic Scrap Course 1”
    We'll see each other in the forum.

    Bye bye, ciao, dag and Tschüß at boot camp



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    It was a lot of fun, no problems arose this time, and I figured out a few things myself (I like to sharpen straight away when I reduce it). I just wish I had known where you can bend text, for example into a semicircle. The "Peak-Blues" kit is from Tiny Turtle, the photo is mine and the fonts are Oliver and Orlando Samuel.


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    5 hours ago, Cassel said:

    @Jannette Nieuwboer For the Eraser brush, can you check if the values are all set to 0 in the Brush Variance palette (F11)? It looks like there might be a slight rotation of some "teeth".

    @Doska St. When one palette is floating, often, if you double-click on it, it will dock. I love how you used multiple colors for the title! 🙂

    @laurie solaas Welcome to the bootcamp 🙂 For the filesize, is it possible that you set the compression too low and it created a larger file?

    @Anne Lamp Oh, a live cam? Can you share a link? I am sure others would love to follow too!

    @Barbara Caulton Those are such sweet pictures!!! Great montage to show them off!

    @Gerry Landreth That font looks so great! If Noah has been doing commercials, you might be able to get shots of that? Imagine a montage showing off his first steps in his acting career!

    @Bonnie Ballentine Let me know when you come and volunteer to teach in our town. I'll sign up right away! (and invite you for dinner too)

    Good Morning all,

    @ Carole, thank you for your help and compliment.

    Unfortunately, your tip with double-clicking on the work options bar in PSP's edit mode doesn't work, but when I open a new background, the double-click works, strange.
    I also have questions about intermediate storage (which was not required in the instructional videos) and whether I can continue with the scrapping course after the boot camp?
    I also have questions about intermediate storage (which was not required in the instructional videos) and whether I can continue with the scrapping course after the boot camp?

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    now part 4 is also finished. This time I had the problem, that the tool options bar was not docked at the top. It was freely movable and had to be expanded with a small arrow on the right. I looked at the docking options, but there were ticks everywhere, including the tool options. How can I fix this important bar?

    And yes Carole, I managed to do that with the fill options.





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  11. 1 hour ago, Anja Pelzer said:

    ich starte gleich mal die 2023 und schaue nach, zur Zeit bin ich immer im 2022,

    ich muss aber erst meine Einkäufe verräumen

    Hallo Doro ich habe auf dem Screen gesehen , dass der Zauberstab nicht richtig eingestellt ist

    dort muss Hinzufügen -- Deckfähigkeit -- und Toleranz - auf 0 

    Es kann aber auch sein das der Farbeimer nicht richtig eingestellt, man kann es kaum lesen , bei mir steht er auf Ohne - statt RGB 

    leider kann ich nicht sehen was bei Mischmodus steht , dort sollte Normal stehen und Deckfähigkeit 100large.sreen-fr-Doro.jpg.e0ba88e43f2b357e5540d38f8351b9fe.jpg

    ich hoffe es klappt nun 

    Sorry Anja,

    ich sehe  beim erneuten Hochladen des Scraps  diesen Voreinstellungsbalken bei mir nicht mehr für den Zauberstab und den Fülleimer. Vielleicht habe ich was verstellt und muß unter "Ansicht" nochmal etwas anklicken?

    Edit: Ich habe meinen Fehler entdeckt, ich habe unter Ansicht>Paletten> Werkzeugoptionen( F4) keinen Haken mehr gehabt. Und in dem Voreinstellungsbalken ist ganz rechts ein kleiner Pfeil, auf den muß man klicken, dann werden die Einstellungsoptionen sichtbar. Manomann, jetzt bin ich aber geschafft. War ein stressiger Tag mit schlimmen Nachrichten. Ich mach morgen weiter🤪 Gute Nacht ( in Deutschland)

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  12. 48 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

    Once you see the marching ants of your frame, open a new layer, or not, it's up to you. By creating the frame on a new layer, it gives you more flexibility in editing the frame to your liking, such as shadowing, inner  bevel.  Select the  flood fill tool, which you have circled on the left tool bar, choose the colour you want, and flood fill inside the marching ants. 

    Thank you dear ones💗, with the additional grid layer for the edge of the photo, the filling worked, great.🤗I hope that I can now finish the scrap without any further problems. Thank you again for your quick help.👌

    @ Anja: Du kannst in Ruhe deine Einkäufe einräumen, danke für den guten Willen🥰

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  13. Hello Carol and members,


    I have a problem with the new PSP Ultimate 2023. I can't fill the photo edges with white even though I clicked everything step by step according to the Video. What mistake am I making (see screenshot) or is it due to changed working conditions in the newer version?

    I also saved everything and restarted the program and tried filling again, nothing...


    DS- Problem with fill edge_1023.jpg

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  14. Hello,

    this time I had some difficulties with the levels. There layers reported as "converted selection" and the Originalraster remained. I deleted them at the end because the layer list was getting longer and longer. There were no changes on the scrap.
    I also had a problem coloring the tag behind the title. I wanted white, but then the pattern "Glitter" came from the photo frame. After some time I got the white somehow, but it looks like a grid. How can I make a written tag more transparent so that the background shows through a bit?

    I took the Mother's Day kit from TDH from May 2023-BT and the Swirl is from marutis.ch.

    Campanile & Vivienne

    Botanical garden
    Art, architecture and botany.

    In our city botanical garden is located behind an old art museum




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  15. 4 hours ago, Cassel said:

    It is interesting to see someone who puts the credits directly on their layout. I used to do that, but have stopped. Not sure why. However, it has helped me identify some supplies, many many years later!

    Hi Carole and Members,

    Thank you Carole for bringing this up.

    When I started scrapbooking in 2005 it was posted in my favorite forum because... required by the strict German copyright rules. At that time there were a lot of thefts from Scraps, which were then passed off as their own in other forums. And if you have your own watermark and main credits on it, then a lot more cover-up work has to be done, which then becomes noticeable on patterned backgrounds. that was frightening. I do it out of habit and precisely because I also want to show my work in German-speaking countries, for example on Pinterest. And as you have already noticed, it is often helpful years later to look for the source of the kit.

    It is also advantageous if someone likes the kit and wants to look for it, then they don't have to ask.

    My favorite font for these credits on the scrap is Eurostile because it remains easy to read at size 14 and takes up little space on the edges of the scrap.


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  16. 48 minutes ago, Angelo Cacciari said:

    Ciao Doska,

    ti ringrazio per i complimenti , ma devo imparare parecchie cose PSP è veramente complesso sto imparando tante cose che non sapevo.

    sono contento di seguire queste lezioni altamente istruttive.


    Ciao Angelo,

    È meraviglioso imparare cose nuove e belle per esprimere te stesso, non importa quanti anni hai. Fa bene alle cellule grigie ?
    Non importa se potrebbe volerci un po' più tempo rispetto a quando eri più giovane.

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  17. On 10/18/2023 at 2:53 AM, Bonnie Ballentine said:



    Standard-Werkzeugleisten für den Arbeitsraum bearbeiten. Ich habe die Skript-Toolbar hinzugefügt.

    Ich liebe den hellgrauen Arbeitsraum... es ist das, was ich in PSP 8 hatte. Es ist sehr hell auf meinem Bildschirm, so dass das dunkle Grau besser funktioniert. Ich frage mich, ob es eine Einstellung für meinen Monitor gibt, um die Helligkeit des Lichtgraus abzuträumen.

    Ich habe mich mit meinem Sandwich mitreißen lassen... ich habe immer viel Fleisch und Tomaten, etwas Käse, keine Zwiebel. Dessert immer, wenn möglich. Chips irgendwann. Niemals Kaffee trinken.


    table and sandwich 600.jpg

    Oh Bonnie,
    I only now see that you also used a red checkered handkerchief. Yes, I love these folk tablecloths in the Black Forest and Bavaria.
    And you have LINZERTORTE with your coffee, so I'll come over to see you (in my mind) ;)). I love Linzertorte in the cooler seasons.

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  18. On 10/19/2023 at 4:11 AM, Cassel said:

    What a cute kitten! Is that your supervisor? We do have a few of those in the forum! Nice sandwich spread. I see you added shadows to your elements! It really does give them dimensions.

    Thanks for your compliment, Carole. Unfortunately, little “Rambo” was only 2 years old. He loved to lie with me at the PC. I still have a similar scrap of it in my DS gallery with a kit from Magnolia and a photo of a second cat we had before him.
    Since I'm a 3D fan in scrap design, I rarely forget shadows.

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  19. 7 hours ago, Cassel said:

    @Anja Pelzer I didn't realize you had posted in the gallery. For our newbies who might be wondering, could you either summarize your supplies/sources and mention that the details are in the gallery?

    @Carolyn Rye Great first page for the Bootcamp. Have you added shadows to your elements and photos? You should still have a layered version (in .pspimage format). Try to go back and add some shadows. Compare the difference.

    @Jannette Nieuwboer Maybe I'll see if those can grow in our area. My husband tends to prefer native plants so we'd have to see if they are native around here or not.

    @Emerald Jay Ah yes. I have been at PixelScrappers for many years!

    @Bonnie Ballentine So thoughtful to have brought dessert. Considering that only a few participants are showing up, we'll each get a bigger piece! ?

    @Ann Seeber That guy looks tired of waiting for the Great Pumpkin!!!

    @Doska St. Yes, I think I solved the video issue (it was on MY end!) Great first page. It must not be too hard to use PSP based on your experience with PI. Is it?

    @Angelo Cacciari You can use Google Translate as much as you want. And even, once in a while, you can write in your own language. We can highlight the text and translate it ourselves too. You did a great first page. Did you try adding shadows to the photos, the ribbons, and the elements? It would give a 3D effect.

    Tomorrow, you will get your second project. If you have not completed the first one, don't worry. From this point, the projects will only be every other day so you will have plenty of time to catch up.

    Hello Carole,

    Thank you Carole for looking for and finding the video error from your side too. I appreciate that. Yes, you're right, a lot of things are similar to PI X3. Only a few settings are hidden under other settings, such as: B. the shadowing under Effects>3D. But I can record this in my study book and soon it will be in the subconscious, since shadows are often used. I'm looking forward to new design options that PI doesn't have (since Corel unfortunately stopped developing it for the sake of profit)

    Have a nice and blessed weekend.

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  20. 14 hours ago, Angelo Cacciari said:

    Hi, unfortunately I don't know English, I don't write much, for this reason I rely on Google translator, hoping that it translates well.
    This is my cat or rather it is my partner's cat, her name is Nika, she has a variable character but by now I have gotten used to her liveliness, she is part of the family
    My works are simple but I like them that way.

    3 day.jpg

    Hi Angelo,

    your cat looks sweet and your Layout is so lovely, i love it! I am a catlover too and I like doodles and ornaments, many from dingbats-fonts.

    Have a nice weekend.

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