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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2024 in all areas

  1. Here's my Certificate. No more hiding behind my monitor...I'm a proud font-a-holic! Now Michele....it's time for the Movie poster. the challenge is on. "Font A Haul -ICS" ***A Heist Movie*** Stolen Fonts! Text Take-downs! Nefarious Non-Font-ers! Starring: The "Prez" (aka: Michele F) The "Moderator" (aka: Carole) The "Editor" (aka: Ann S) The "Scriptor" (aka: Corrie K) The "Red Shirt" (aka: random dude that doesn't make it to the end....yet to be cast) (Red Shirt = Star Trek reference) With Appearances from Celebrity Fonts such as: Helvetica Arial Calibri Verdana and many more!
    7 points
  2. I didn't have any doubt in my mind, that this photo of a male Brown Thrasher taken on Tuesday morning was going to be photo of the week.
    6 points
  3. You are a riot and I can't stop laughing. 🤣
    4 points
  4. This was a challenge with 2 faces for me. The easy part was the streamer which I already had done some time ago and the metallic words for which I used a gold metal that I had in my patterns from other projects. Those ..... knots gave me a lot of trouble!!! The drawing of the path with the pentool went ok now I knew that the tracking had to be much higher! But cutting the path and making the different parts of that path on their own layers didn't went so well. Sometimes I was deleting on the wrong layer and had to do it again. I started 3 times anew and was almost ready to cheat with a rope with knots that I had in my stash! On my photo I used a mask that came from a template by Lady22 and the bouquet from my stash went in between the streamer. I see now that I probably should have attached my rope with a pin or a staple, but for now I assume I glued it on the wooden background!🙃 Carole I have a question on how to shadow that ..... knotted rope and I'll put it in the Q&A for Sunday if there is time enough that is.
    4 points
  5. WEEK 30 = SUN AUG 4 for me. I'm just catching up here! Still delving into the ancestry of my father's family in Ulster County. The original 1698 Bevier house on Huguenot Street in New Paltz became a general store and the Bevier's purchased farmland in nearby Marbletown. This home was quite an upgrade from the New Paltz original. This 1740 Bevier house is now a museum.
    3 points
  6. What a great cast of characters for the film! Good thinking Susan.
    3 points
  7. Susan I'm retired and I can tell you that it didn't gave me more time as such! Somehow my time always fills with so many things to do and this don't include housekeeping.
    3 points
  8. Master scriptor and hedgehog wrangler, you are truly a renaissance woman Corrie! What a wonderful experience with a happy ending and safe new life for this sweet little thing.
    3 points
  9. I see that you've changed your profile pic, Cristina. That's a good one!!!! 😄
    3 points
  10. This is for all my fellow font-a-holics. Fill in your name, frame the certificate, and proudly hang it above your computer. Sorry it took so long, but I decided to start with a blank page. Several days, many errors, a bunch of restarts later et voilà! If you want the full-size jpg or pspimage, just let me know. 🙂 Hope you don't mind that I borrowed your logo, @Cassel. Some of you might recognize Cassel's Lace Edge 6 font on the outer layer of the frame; it can be used for more than just lace.
    3 points
  11. This week I visited the Textile Museum in Tilburg with my cousin. The museum is in the original factory from 1870 and most of the more modern looms are in working order and produce cloth for tea-towels, napkins, tablecloth etc. You can see and hear them when they are working; the noise of 1 or 2 machines already is deafening and in those days the workers had no noise protection. It was an interesting day; we learned about the whole process from wool, cotton or silk to the end product. We both had been there 30 to40 years ago with our children but it was nice to see all the new exhibits that has been added over the years. Luckily there was a coffee corner too.
    2 points
  12. They rarely show themselves, as they spend almost all of their time on the ground lurking in the dense undergrowth. They also nest on the ground.
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Thank you Sue and there is a tutorial in the recent Lab14-5 that I had on my list of tuts to do. I'm so glad with your praise for that knotted rope but as usual when it gives me trouble to make the next ones will be way easier because I already made all the mistakes 😉
    2 points
  15. Julie a lovely page and I can tell you from experience that the start of such a project takes most time. When you have decided what the overall look and the colors will be it still takes time to get it to the standard you want but it nevertheless will be quicker to make.
    2 points
  16. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news, but it is not all bad. There is no boss any longer telling you what to do or don't.
    2 points
  17. Wow, he's a stunner. Those eyes! I love that tail, the colors are so beautiful.
    2 points
  18. You certainly did a superb job on the knotted ropes. I don't think you followed the tutorial in the masterclass Learn the ropes. Unless there were other turorials. Beautiful Corrie style layout
    2 points
  19. It most certainly is, they have one of the most beautiful of songs. Signaling the arrival of Spring, as they are one of the first birds to arrive in Canada. They are common in grasslands, singing from fence posts.
    2 points
  20. What a wonderful find, and saving grace that you could find a safe haven for it. I have always adored hedgehogs, and once upon a time, they were in abundance. Now in the UK they are on the endangered list, and protected. I belive I have mentioned on here, that we had a cattle grid at the bottom of our drive. Hedgehogs used to fall into it, and the children would fish them out when they walked home from school. We would feed them raw minced beef, and water, before letting them go in the garden. From there they were safe to roam the garden and fields.
    2 points
  21. Today when I looked out of my kitchen window I saw something on the street that I couldn't immediately identify. Often birds are searching for little insects or worms between the stones especially after it has been raining. I went outside to have a closer look and it happened to be a small hedgehog! When we lived in our old house we had hedgehogs visiting in the garden, but here I haven't seen them around. This is a more buildup area although there are some small spots like the one where I took the flower photos for the weeks in July. The lady from across the street saw me and came to have a look too. We didn't know what to do because the hedgehog was in danger to get overrun by a car but he was looking okay and walking around. She is the caretaker of a Jehova Witnesses community center and lives on the premises which has a decent garden. We decided to try to get the hedgehog to walk into a box without us touching it and he/she obliged and is now in her garden. Surprise of the day........
    2 points
  22. Week 31 I was taking some photos of allium flowers when this chap landed on one of them. I think it’s a European hornet but I’m not sure – he, or she, has a delightful expression.
    2 points
  23. I really enjoy making this 🙂
    1 point
  24. Sorry to burst that bubble, but somehow the time gets filled with lotsa other stuff and there's not enough of it, just like when we're working. ☺️
    1 point
  25. Oh, you Fontaholics. I am a PSPaholic. Can't quit can't quit can't quit can't quit.......... Lab 13 Mod 3. Papers from my beach kit. I didn't like the distressed look, so I didn't do that part of the decorated metal charm. At first I didn't want to do any alphas in it, but I finally relented and did a few letters - enough to do SEA, SUN, FUN -- and I made a heart charm as well as the seahorse. The background paper doesn't show up so well in this size, so (as I took an existing paper and made it black and white) I will show the paper here and the heart charm.
    1 point
  26. I agree with you, but I personally haven't had any problems to log in, maybe it is in their computer settings or the network they are using. When the internetconnection is overloaded it can give issues too. Here at home we have a superfast connection and all our electricity- and internetcables are underground and we rarely have a fault. My family in California lives in Silicon Valley and there the electricity is frequently down which is a nightmare if you are working from home!
    1 point
  27. That "master scripter" and the other names are hilarious, but can we leave it there please
    1 point
  28. Thanks and I tried to shadow the different parts of the knot but then the shadows went on top of already shadowed parts and it looked a mess!. And as I had already spent 3 evenings on that knot I couldn't see clearly what I should do, so I decided to ask it Carole in the Q&A with the idea that if I had a problem here maybe others would be interested too.
    1 point
  29. @Susan Ewart I'm so glad that you have tried the dual screens! Certainly makes a difference in many ways. Right now I'm checking on some of the forums I frequent on one screen and have a YouTube live stream on the other screen. They have also come in handy when I'm watching a video of one of the campus tutorials. I can have PSP open on the other screen and work right along with the video, stopping and/or going back when needed. Carole, my 2 screens actually connect 2 different ways since there is only one monitor connection on the motherboard. One is the regular monitor connector, the other one uses a HDMI connection cord. I do have 2 monitors that are the same brand and size bought at the same time. Found them on Amazon right before Christmas 2022 for $96 each.
    1 point
  30. I'd like a view that is bigger, almost full screen, full enough but able to see the chat at the same time. I had previously talked with Rene about 2 screens and watched my husband as he also works with very large spreadsheets. he said the same thing, his work flow increase. I just learned from Rene when she recently mentioned she can drag right to the layers palette, so I tried it and it works and keeps the file name. That was so cool. I work with 2 screens now and like my hubby and Rene, would have a hard time going back to one. I'm fine with coming in early, maybe 15- 20 minutes so we can chat more. I really like the idea of the graphic of the class we are doing. I hope the transition to the new company is seamless for you. Oh, the one thing is when members cant get logged on. I don't know if that's a matter of individual's computer settings (full browser cache etc) of if Webinar Ninja can change anything to make it easier to log into.
    1 point
  31. They refer to it as "plaquing". I try to use unveiling, but I don't even like that much. There doesn't seem to be a catchier or more pleasant sounding way to describe it. As you say, the word has the yucky meaning of stuff stuck on our teeth which the hygienist has to scrape off. 😬
    1 point
  32. I tried it because I have a TV beside that I have used as a second screen for my work, however, my current computer does not seem compatible with dual screens. That might be something to consider when I get a new computer, sometime in the future. Maybe I can recheck though, when I have a chance just to make sure.
    1 point
  33. I never thought of a popup chat. Since I don't use two screens, it never occurred to me. I will definitely forward that suggestion. You are surely not the only one using two screens!
    1 point
  34. What I really liked about go-to-meeting was the chat could be a pop out window. With my 2 screens, I would put the chat on one screen which left the other screen for only the working space of the designer on full screen. Even though she used photoshop, I could see enough to figure out how to do the same thing in PSP. She has left that store and gone to another one so she is now using YouTube live for her sessions. You can go full screen on it but you lose all chat abilities when you do. She's only had one session on YouTube so it was a learning experience for her along with the attendees. One thing about YouTube is that only moderators of the channel can post links in the chat. The person that always monitored her chat and posted links wasn't able to do it since she hadn't been given mod privileges. Which is actually a good thing since it keeps the spam out of the live chat. With YouTube, a live chat can be scheduled and the attendees can jump in anytime they want, even hours before. Then when the presenter actually starts the session, the video starts. One person I follow has a session scheduled for tonight... it shows 1 person already waiting for it.
    1 point
  35. AWESOME! It's better than I could have imagined! Great job and a big THANK YOU for all your work and your continued collecting of the Whole-y Font (PS...it's a religion, but I spelled it different so as to not step on any other religious toes) (PS2 'Whole-y' as in ALL the fonts in the world).
    1 point
  36. That's me Cristina! You said it perfectly. What I end up with in no way resembles what was in my head or what I even started with!
    1 point
  37. Oh, too funny Michele! And such a lovely certificate. Looks authentic to me!
    1 point
  38. Beautiful as usual.. Like a lot of others have said, I suspect I have the same addiction. However going to rehab would not do a lot of good sense I really don't want to kick this addiction.
    1 point
  39. I've always said, "I need a 48 hour day". I wish I had more PSP time. How rude that my job interferes with that!
    1 point
  40. There is almost as many masterclasses as there are Labs. At this rate I think it will take me another 2-3 yrs to do the labs and then I'll start the master classes....that'll be another 3-4 yrs. I need to retire so I have more time.
    1 point
  41. What a cool layout and what a cool place to visit. I LOVE the mask. What a great idea.
    1 point
  42. I did/do the same as you Corrie. When I joined it was before the Lab. I started at the beginning, doing the tutorials that was then the creative scrap. Storing the patterns, elements, text etc in a folder for future use to be used when I showcase photos. Some elements I have never used, but I created them, and perhaps one day I will have a use for them. The beauty of creative scrap and lab, is that we learn how to uitilze techniques in different ways, and to think outside the box.
    1 point
  43. Week 28 Scripts used (apart from Counting Cards1-Weeks) Custom Playing Card Lifted Photo I used the tutorial called: Button the back ground is made from a Kaleidoscope tile. After flood filling a layer I duplicated it and chose Multiply to get it darker. then I added a texture (texture effects>texture>squares). The kaleidoscope is subdued and probably wont show up here. I inner bevel and shadowed the outer frame and each text vector all separately.
    1 point
  44. Yes, Susan, I would love to have a card too! Michele, why don't you come up with a layout for a card? 😉 🙂
    1 point
  45. Beautiful capture! It is in fact a Hover Fly or known as flower flies. They are dead ringers for bees and wasps. Not only are they harmless, they are valuable pollinators of flowers. The easiest way for the untrained eye to tell apart from those that they mimic, is that their antenae are very short in comparision to bees and wasps. Although there are other distinguising features too.
    1 point
  46. For this week I have done 2. Here is a recently emerged baby one, enjoying a slither of apple.
    1 point
  47. Week thirty one . I can only ever add one image to each post. I've tried editing the post to add another image, but it will not allow me to do so. Anyway, I would like you to meet some of my many seasonal wild friends. Richardson's Ground squirrels. Many come to the call, for a treat. I do not attempt to touch or handle them. I let them come to me. Although they are very teritorial, somtimes they will share a treat. Which is quite rare. As it usually sparks a fight, with the dominant/older one winning seeing off the subordinate. The other image is of a baby, following in the steps of older ones. I'm unable to take shots with the camera as I can't operate it one handed. Using a tripod or monopod doesn't work either, as they won't pose for me in a specific spot. These were taken using my mobile phone.
    1 point
  48. Wow, these look like the real deal. great job.
    1 point
  49. You can make so many different elements with this technique!!! Beautiful!
    1 point
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