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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2024 in all areas

  1. I finished another page... It feels good to be creating layouts again. Credits: I used a template from Yin Designs with the necessary changes to fit my needs. I met this designer through Carole on Day 4 of the Double Take Workshop. Border Stitching by KAagard (KAagard_July17CCM_BorderStitches_5). I applied a gradient to it, which I had created some time ago. Cassel: Rivet - DateStamp#8 - Sticker Effect applied to the title Title: Font GrilledCheese BTN Wide Blk Edit: As it happens often, it was only after I had posted here that I noticed that the gradient was not applied to the whole stitching... I already corrected it.
    8 points
  2. Male Yellow Warbler. I heard him yesterday, and got to take a photo today.
    6 points
  3. Meg, lovely to be out riding with longer, warmer days.
    6 points
  4. Finally grabbed a quick pic of the wisteria arbour that grows in a fellow's back yard that butts up to the park where I walk the dogs. It's a bit past its best blooms, but still lovely to see. Not many of these vines growing in this area. I don't think many people have the patience to grow it or the time to prune it.
    6 points
  5. When I first started to learn PSP a few years ago it was to improve old photos for my history articles. Then, with Carole and this group, I got hooked on learning more and just playing as a different kind of creative outlet, something removed from words which I deal with all the time in research. This type of layout takes minutes to create and serves a purpose when I just want a more personal kind of message to send to someone. This time it was made for a friend whose husband of 54 years died. I sent a "proper" card (in the mail), but followed up with this. I just like that I can do that.
    5 points
  6. What a loss for your friend. 😞 But the card is beautifully made, Julie. Simple and full of sentiment. I like your work very much.
    4 points
  7. Almost all Torties are female - it's a genetic thing. "Brandy" is my newest visitor and is now showing up twice a day for meals. When I go out to feed her, I say "hello" and she answers "meiow!" ☺️ Torties are known for being a bit feisty. They even have a special term for it - "Tortitude." The font is Valentina.
    4 points
  8. Will attempt. Great granddaughter Annabelle took some pictures earlier this year (she is really a good photographer) and this one really spoke to me. My daughter told me that it looked like the Marvel character Groot - but much older. So - it became Groot's Grandpa! The paper is mine, the bursts are paint brushes, the font is what this challenge is about and I made the solid with an oak bark pattern and colored the shadow brown. The frame paper for the photo is from Cassel.
    4 points
  9. My Mom was a good cook, but sometimes she would treat us (and herself) to a chocolate treat.
    3 points
  10. Oh my oh my! Everyone has been busy creating fabulous pages, each and every one, positively unique, and inspiring. Last night's project. I'm getting later and later now as the days are getting longer, to settle down, sort through photos to document them. Over the years I have come across many banded birds, the majority of them being birds of prey. This male Tree swallow is the first seasonal visitor Swallow I've had which is banded. I played with textures, overlays and blend modes. Chalk texture technique. The ribbon and bow is bow 3 script using the grosgrain pattern technique, found in the creative scrap.
    3 points
  11. My week 18 is about Yosemite National Park where we stayed for the weekend. It is very imposing with the granite rocks and the waterfalls. It was still early in the season, so there were no crowds, but we have had all kinds of weather, including snow! At first it started to rain in the afternoon and when we were having diner the rain became snow. The temperatures dropped below zero and the snow blanketed the roads, which were closed to all traffic. Only one road stayed open and we had to use that one to drive to the camping where we had a cabin. It meant we had to take a detour of over an hour to get there in the dark on winding roads; luckily my daughter had rented a 4-wheel drive because of the weather predictions! The next morning there was a layer of approximate 5 cm of snow but is was sunny and the park rangers had cleared the roads with snow ploughs. When driving along a road we could see some cars that were stuck there and the people in them had been evacuated by the rangers; they had a busy night! It was quite an adventure in conditions that doesn't exists in the Netherlands.
    2 points
  12. This was created for the storytime workshop. It is still my favorite cake.
    2 points
  13. This phrase was unfamiliar so I asked Bing to look it up. The report says: "A baja shelf is an extended step into a pool that creates a shallow area in the water for lounging and play. It’s also referred to as a tanning ledge, extended step, sun shelf or baja step. It is the perfect middle ground between pool and poolside where you can partially submerge a chair and relax in the water."
    2 points
  14. My Life in Cars The cars I have had so far in my life. 1) 1974 Plymouth Cricket. I got this car from my sister for my 16th birthday. Her husband was being transferred out of the country for work and shipping it would have cost more than the car was worth. I had that car from 1986-1989 it had push button start because the ignition was damaged when someone tried stealing it. which later became screwdriver start because the started died and no one had a replacement at the time. No, I was not smoking weed when I had this car it has been parked in a farm field for several years LOL! 2) 1974 Mercury Comet - My 2nd car was a Mercury Comet when I got it it had a vinyl top but it had been kept outside by the previous owner so it was faded and cracked. One day I was travelling from my place to my parents (a two-hour drive at the time) in a wind storm and the top started peeling off in big chunks I had to stop at a farmer's and borrow some duct tape to finish my trip I removed the vinyl and painted the roof and drove the car for several more years. 3) Car 3 was a 1986 Chevrolet Impala this car was instrumental in two marriages that are still going strong (and neither of them was my relationship LOL.) My best friend was 4 years younger than me and when he started dating the girl he ended up marrying I was their Chaperon until he was old enough to drive they now have 3 adult children (none of which were created in the backseat of the Impala) and their relationship is as strong as the day they started dating. The second long-lasting relationship it played a part in was one of my cousin's. As the best man for their wedding, I became their driver when their car broke down on the way to the church for the wedding. Unlike their car, their marriage is still going strong as well. Vehicle 4) was a 1998 GMC Sierra. This one was my pride and joy I used my inheritance money to buy the truck after my dad passed away. Every time I drove that truck I felt like my dad was there with me. When I finally gave it up it had over 350,000 kilometres or 218,000 miles on it. The vehicle we have now is a 2014 Jeep Compass it would not have been my first choice or probably my last LOL. Based on the history of it (Where I live the dealerships are supposed to provide a Carfax ) The dealer who brought the car for my wife & I to test drive conveniently forgot the carfax and even more conveniently went on a 2-week long holiday the day after he brought me the car. After I got the carfax I was tempted to take the vehicle back there were 2 accidents and 3 incidents of vandalism reported on it and i also found out when I tried to license the jeep for the 2nd time that the company that did the repair work for the insurance company didn't report to them that the work was done so legally it wasn't even supposed to be sold. Luckily the insurance company was able to track down the company that did the work and verify the repairs were done before it was sold to the dealership I bought it from. So far it has been a good vehicle but there are 3 companies that were involved in the sale of the vehicle that I will never deal with again. Sorry this is such a long-winded post but I hope you enjoy the stories. I certainly enjoyed taking the trip down memory lane.
    2 points
  15. Ann, this is such a lovely layout. What a blessing it is to be able to see all these beautiful species in their natural habitat.
    2 points
  16. I love that, Julie! I also like DiHiller's kits very much and her monthly updates about Boo, her cat.
    2 points
  17. Wish I still had my old 105 mm lens that I had on the Nikon. Great pictures.
    2 points
  18. I get these cute little ones in my yard and at the feeders too. You got a great shot and made the usual lovely layout with a fab banner!
    2 points
  19. I love your attention to detail and your creativity in making each card unique. I only joined this challenge because it meant I could get away with just putting a photo in a frame and it is strange how hard that can be some weeks 😊
    2 points
  20. Visit in a very interesting museum iiiiiiiiii in WROCŁAW/BRESLAU. Read about this museum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WrocΕ‚aw_Contemporary_Museum My work presents shots about one exibition. Pic/logo of the exibition is on the top of this work.
    2 points
  21. I went all the way back to 2016 for these photos. Template 198, Lady 22. Font = Meows. Metal paw print by Sheila Reed; brown cat by Marisa Lerin, pet 001.
    2 points
  22. Nothing fancy here. Cutout photo, textured paper, suggested font. The graphic at the top was taken from a Creative Fabrica graphic. Love "my" deer.
    2 points
  23. Week 18...caught up enough to get behind again. 😁 Background paper by RachelLm-seth paper15 (Digitalscrapbook.com). Fonts Emil Love (Wk18) and Emely Love (creative fabrica) and reposted here after posting in April by mistake (even after making a note that it should be in May).
    2 points
  24. Week 18 We have bluebells everywhere. Spring has definitely sprung! I didn’t plan on photographing the insect – I was happily snapping away at bluebells but the little fella was so charming I had to choose this photo.
    2 points
  25. My Week Eighteen - the Chipping Sparrow. They are tiny little birds and I love their rufous caps. They are all over the ground under my feeders. The photo is from Merlin which ID'd it for me.
    2 points
  26. Week 19 marks the end of my stay with my family. I have enjoyed being there and taking part in their daily lives as well as going on some weekendtrips together. I spend some quality time alone with each of my granddaughters, which we both cherished. I even did some volunteer work in the class of my youngest granddaughter where they could use some help with the bookinterviews! The children had to tell about a book that they had read and they had to answer some questions about it. I got a list of questions to ask depending on the kind of book and I was very impressed how eloquent most of them were! Now I'm slowly adjusting back at home where my husband is glad that I came back in one pieceπŸ˜‰.
    1 point
  27. Your eyes would go crossed and your teeth would hurt from clenching them if you were assigned to proof read and correct all my typos and misspellings. Even GOOGLE can't always figure out what word I was trying to spell, even the simple ones LOL.
    1 point
  28. Thanks for link to Yin Designs. Looks like they don't post much these days, but great stuff there.
    1 point
  29. I do that a lot when I'm at a friend's pool, especially the cool drink part.
    1 point
  30. super Penny. He/she must be a very funny kitty IMHO:)
    1 point
  31. Oh, that's a wonderful photo and layout Mary! I'm still giggling!! πŸ˜†
    1 point
  32. Chantahlia Designs, template 334. Plumbago is a tropical flower and my favorite. Remember, each time I see a "new" flower, it is my favorite. These photos were taken in Ft. Myers, FL in 2006.
    1 point
  33. Template from Lab 14-04. Texas Roadhouse would not seat us until our full party had arrived. The waiting room was frigid so we waited across from the register. Didn't take us long to look for michief. The birthday saddle provided distraction while we waited.
    1 point
  34. Photos from 2011. Template 121 by Lady 22.
    1 point
  35. Template 295 by Chantahliadesign. Recent walks in the woods have yielded encounters with deer. I'm never too close to them. I use a 200mm lens. Word art from Creative Fabricia.
    1 point
  36. Cars have always resonated with me. As a teen, I was right there with the guys salivating over the hot cars tooling down Main St. Eventually, I worked enough to get my very own car and lucked out with a used 1967 Chevy Camaro in cream puff condition. I still miss that car!
    1 point
  37. Many of the native sparrow species have already arrived. Much to my delight the White -crowned Sparrows turned up yesterday. I was pleased to welcome them back. A perfect opportunity to create a banner after watching the live masterclass on Sunday. The sparrows of the open field will stay, those like the White crowned will move on further north. I used a gradient which I created for the pennants using colours from the photo, and the light coloured wood frame
    1 point
  38. You have every reason to be proud of yourself. Congratulations!
    1 point
  39. What a surprise this must have been. Ann you are a good steward of all things "critter". I hope this little guy can survive or be reunited with his human family.
    1 point
  40. Don't mind me but I have to brag on myself... The designer of the kit I used (Forever Joy at The LilyPad), has added this layout to her Pinterest board where she highlights layouts done with her products! This is a first for me with her products! Forever Joy
    1 point
  41. Then my imagination got going so I used a couple of my photos that I took in South Africa a few years back, one being of a painted, dilapidated, corrugated iron wall. The colours caught my attention at the time and it has been useful to use as a neutral background for other images. This time I made a rectangular selection strip from it (like a flat ribbon) and carried out the Circular Elements technique to make a circular frame around another photo that I took not far from the wall. Because of the irregular pattern of the paintwork, the circular elements join up line in the frame is not much of a distraction.
    1 point
  42. Can you help me. I must be doing something wrong. I noticed this in 3 of my layouts as I was about to save it that the card and magnet seemed blurry/out of focus. I had to actually copy/paste them in again. Here is a couple comparisons. when I make my layouts. I have the blank template with the frame and text. from there the order is: add card to layout add magnet to layout work on background layer (lots of adding and delete, trying out gradients/textures/blend modes etc - not touching the above two elements at all then work on the text layers save am I doing something in the wrong order for this to be happening. My elements are whatever the card size is, I dont up or down size except a small amount and usually smaller and not larger. the magnet is HUGE so is downsized with the pick tool and therefore should retain it's sharpness. And they are sharp when I first add the elements in. It's after when I'm done the rest that I notice they seem blurry. Playing card original (blurry) on left Magnet original (blurry) on right
    1 point
  43. Week 17 I used a background from Janet Scott (digitalscrabook.com); Christmas Memories-blue wood. then added an effect: Effects>distortion>Spiky Halo. Fonts are Daughter (Week 17) and Dangrek from CF or Google
    1 point
  44. They are ever such a handful, but a delight to be around. They come riding with us, even to the beach, they love the beach.
    1 point
  45. I haven't been scrapping much lately but took time last night to do a layout for a challenge at The Lily Pad. Main requirement was to use a template by Scrapping with Liz (she gives a free template upon completion). To post the layout in their gallery you need to use a kit sold by a designer in their store (retired kits are OK to use). So all my supplies for the layout are from The Lily Pad: SWL Recyclables 79 template (deleted a photo spot) and Forever Joy's Dog Tails. Instructions for the layout: 1. An odd number of photos (1, 3, 5, etc.) 2. At least one background paper with pink on it 3. At least one other paper/paper piece with yellow on it 4. At least one blue round element (can be button, flower, word art, etc.) 5. At least one orange word (can be title, date, journaling, word art, etc.) If you posted in the thread before the challenge started, you could delete one of the instructions if desired. I deleted #5. The dog was actually a flat paper element as was the word strip. I used an inner bevel on both of them and like the result, especially on the dog. I think it looks like a magnet!
    1 point
  46. Here's what I've been distracted by recently. I was a bit astounded to find a parrot at my bird feeders! All the supplies came from Marisa Lerin, mostly from her Template 530 and Bolivia Mini-Kit. The title font is Algerian, and the text font is Agency. I'd like to introduce you to the Quaker Parrot "Sweetie Pie".
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. I started playing with this with the font from the font challenge ( kg-happy.font?fpp=100 ) and a freebee from C F that was I think a coloring book page. (https://www.creativefabrica.com/product/funny-bird-chilling-in-the-pool-coloring/) I had fun with it but it did take a while because I was just playing and kept changing things.
    1 point
  49. I've aways meant to but have never got round to it. I do, however, appreciate the smell. When it's flowering it gives of a light garlic scent - I love it but I know some people hate it. In the UK you tend to find it in woodlands.
    1 point
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