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  1. Here is my layout: done with: Happy Spirit Page Kit by Whispy’s D’zines https://www.mymemories.com/store/display_product_page?id=WDJA-CP-2404-223933 Take a photo
    10 points
  2. And another layout of that trip using elements from my kit.
    7 points
  3. I just had to try out my template for the Beach kit to see if that multiple frame held true. And it did. The font is Modern No 20. The elements are from my kit.
    7 points
  4. Here is more from Storkow. I seem to have a sweet spot for it. Ths is 6x8. I will slab it on an 10x8 later to match the preceding pages, but by now I'm thinking that 6x8 is one great format. Sorry for the missing border. Looks irritating.
    6 points
  5. A sea of blue as seen through Nell's ears. I ride the tramlines through the crops in the summer. You can just see the farm on the horizon. Looking at the field it is rather dirty, with the invasive yellow sow thistle. No the flowers don't give off any perfume. The flowers I showcased is a macro shot from my garden.
    6 points
  6. Hi all, Well then I'll start: As a child, cats and dogs followed me. But we couldn't keep pets in my family. So my husband gave me a dog right at the start of our marriage because we had to have a weekend marriage for three months because of his professional training. I was so homesick that he didn't want to leave me alone. After our dog, who had to be put down in 1990 when he was 17, I got a tomcat by "accident"; a previous owner had already called him "Peterli" to whom he had been given, but didn't get along with her existing tomcat. The artist who drew a very nice poster to display for him was a fellow singer from my gospel choir who was sitting next to me. At first I just wanted the beautiful drawing, but I immediately got the cat. He was with us for 13 years and we trained him to use a harness so that we could take him on vacation trips. Then he became very ill, had surgery, it went on for another 2 years, then the cat cancer broke out again and the area could no longer be operated on. We then got the second black and white tomcat from our cat protection association, my husband named him “Cicero”. Unfortunately our sick Peterli didn't like that and ran away. 14 days later I was able to catch him again nearby, emaciated. It was with a heavy heart that we had him euthanized at home in the hot August of 2005. Cicero, who we called "Rambo" because of his impetuous nature, was also used to being on a leash and went on vacation with us (usually on farms in Bavaria, Allgäu or Black Forest). Unfortunately, he only lived to be 2 years old. In 2007, in another hot April, we found him dead on a road embankment near us after a long search. Now my husband no longer wants pets because he finds it difficult to cope with the death of a pet again. I would like to have both again, also because of the exercise. But I don't want to surprise my husband and I respect his attitude
    5 points
  7. What a great view. And wow, the farm is far away. I know, angle of view from a wide angle lens. That is such a pretty photo. A sea of blue would be so peaceful. I just want to touch Nell's ears, they look so soft.
    5 points
  8. I'm finishing all the projects I was working on; I want to leave with nothing unfinished and find that when I return in May. At that point I certainly won't do so anymore. The wood elements are a wooden background from the Behold Spring by cpjess, a wooden token I did sometime ago and the letter S is made by cass-Stacked alpha script. I have the same wood texture and used that for the other letters, all with the font Book Antiqua. I used the notebook paper, done after a tutorial in Lab 14-03, to write my story about this little gem of a flower. The paperclip I have done so long ago that I have no idea from what lesson or masterclass it stems. The heart paper is in my stash and I don't know where I got that one. In making the folds I assumed the paper was identical on fore- and background. Of course the photo has a white background.
    5 points
  9. Here is my work for this month: Page layout, Open Your Eyes Done with: Remembering You Page Kit By Whispy's D'zines https://www.mymemories.com/store/display_product_page?id=WDJA-CP-2403-223678 and Page layout, Spring Song Done with: Pink And Blue Kit By Malo Scrap https://ko-fi.com/maloscrap/shop
    5 points
  10. I thought the surf looked bigger than the ones I saw in the Florida Gulf near the shore. That was actually their trip to the beach on the Atlantic Ocean in North Carolina. So, having saved it as a pspimage, I was able to change the journaling. Here is the correct version.
    4 points
  11. This is a photo of Sycamore gap before the tree was cut down, the beagle is Dash we looked after him as a pup for 7 months.
    4 points
  12. We went to the Indiana Motor Speedway to view the eclipse. I just used a point-and-shoot Canon camera, but it has a 40x zoom. I got this during totality. (It's not as good of quality as the original, so I could post it here.)
    3 points
  13. Hi all I was inspired by Cassel on the blending photos so I thought I would give it a go using the same photos as she used. I tried playing around with different methods and this is what I came up with, one rectangle and the other circle. I couldn't find the what are you working on to post it there, sorry.
    3 points
  14. It''s quite uncanny how the topography of your area would pass for where my tree is situated in Wales. It brought back many wonderful memories of me riding my pony as a child past that tree almost daily checking the sheep.
    2 points
  15. You could meet in the middle...maybe see Mary too, when she's on her RV travelling adventures.
    2 points
  16. Ladies thank you all so much for the good wishes for my birthday and upcoming travel. I hope to bring back lots of photos for use in future projects. It is unfortunate that there is no one from the Campus anyway near where I'm going, I would have loved meeting someone in person.
    2 points
  17. I used the grid from the Workshop with my photos, Beth's photos and photos from my hairstylist that he gave me permission to use. I have used the quote in the doublepage workshop. The butterflies are my own extracted with a few that I made into tubes. The font is Ambidexter, an olf. I separated the letters and filled each vector with different flower patterns from my own flower pictures. Since there were so many letters that I would have had to rasterize, I used the layer styles for the bevel and the shadow (not as good as if the had been rasterized). The background is one from some gradients downloaded from Deviant Art and called Kaiharii.
    2 points
  18. Flax flowers. Using adjustment layers.
    2 points
  19. I was playing with screenshots from an Explore live cam. Today's rainy sunrise and a pretty one from another day. Used the blend mode to come up with this. The Text is the freeby from C F It is called Pastels but has that drippy look.
    2 points
  20. Fonts: Quimby Gubernatorial and OCR-A, scanned slide
    2 points
  21. I was fairly "scrapbooky" on this one, yay! I thought a collage of spring scenes would qualify for the theme. I used paper and elements from Marisa Leren's Hello Spring kit in PS/DS. A label instead of another pic gave me a good place to put my text. The fonts are Spring and Sprightly Two.
    2 points
  22. To quote Carole " a great starting point to display photos............," Once again she is right! I edited the one template and created what Carole demonstrated in, I think was the 4th project in the masterclass using grids. The paper with Carole's corner punch is a paper template. The others are my own. I did rotate the stipes, but it didn't look right to me, so rotated back to how I created it. The tag is one I made a while back. Wood tokens, and a wood burning tag. The heart paperclip is my own, which I colourized, using the sculpture tool. (silver) It doesn't really look like it, but the wood burning tag is actually not only under the folded paper, but also it's shadow.
    2 points
  23. I used paper templates. The heart tag I saw on the telly, which caught my eye, so I created my own. Paper clip, ( I had previously made, all I had to do was colourize it.) Wood tokens and folded corners. I used one of Carole's punches on the arrow note. Every day, the hares are getting darker, casting their white winter coats for summer ones.
    2 points
  24. Ann I didn't noticed it and apparently my spelling checker overlooked it too. So thanks and I'll rectify.
    1 point
  25. Hi Sue the photo was taken in the Northumberland National Park on the Hadrians Wall
    1 point
  26. I agree, it's fabulous! The colors all go so well together.
    1 point
  27. As a major consumer of flax seed I love this picture. Even though my cousins in Sask grow it, I've only been there when the seed has just been planted. Does is smell nice too? I cant remember what they told me about it.
    1 point
  28. Thank you for this. an my Nature Alberta magazine arrived and there is an article about native AB bees. Looking forward to some down time to read it. I will try your bottle cap/honey solution too. The grass is just starting so show signs of green. we are expecting snow next week. I will dig out my stump...I ran out of time and didnt get the holes drilled. That's on the to-do list for this weekend. Looking forward seeing my bee action in the yard....they might be the only flying creature I get since the Merlin moved in. I cant see the Merlin, just hear it. What a tease.
    1 point
  29. I'm in. I was out, since I'm so far behind on so many projects, but just reading comments makes feel like I'm missing a party! So, here I am.
    1 point
  30. A belated birthday wish for you, Corrie. Wishing you a year filled with all that you hold dear. During one of your visits, I'll head that way so we can meet and break bread together. Travel safely and have the best visit ever!
    1 point
  31. I love everything about the title!
    1 point
  32. I remember it well. At the time I regarded your comment as the ultimate compliment, to be mistaken for a photographer for a magazine, and magazine cover designer. Well, like the majority of North Americans, you call them gophers, so yes, it's a Richardson's ground squirrel. There are gophers, like the pocket gopher, which has external cheek pouches, for carrying food, and bedding. They are all rodents.
    1 point
  33. These are my pictures of the 2024 Solar Eclipse
    1 point
  34. Just as Susan I joined in April of May 2020 and haven't seen this particular layout in a magazine challenge. It is stunning, you know so much about nature and lucky for us you show those photos and educate us here as well!
    1 point
  35. Thank you, @bina greene. I had no idea where I got the font from. I did a bunch of googling and finally found it on FontSpace. It's by House of Lime and here is the link: https://www.fontspace.com/spring-font-f14444
    1 point
  36. Its my pleasure! I have a pair of great horned Owls out in the trees, which I have showcased and posted on numerous occassions They don't nest here, they come to dine most nights on the many small mammals. Asfor my friend, well she didn't know what species of owl they were until I educated her.
    1 point
  37. @Sue Thomas Thanks for showing this layout again. So great! These owls seem to have known for a while that they've hit it off big time in that barn.💗 And you and your friend as well with them owls. Good on ya! Such an awesome photo op at your residence. Brilliant. Does your friend have a camera installed? Birds in general are lovely subjects to photograph and some are not that hard to get in front of the lens with food. But owls? So rare. Congrats. Such great shots!!!
    1 point
  38. Fonts: Selectric Advocate, Slimlines. Graphics Gina Jones and myself.
    1 point
  39. I have a flower bed full of daffodils, one of my favorite flowers. The daffodil picture was taken yesterday and the dandelion field is behind my house. The green paper is from my kit, and the fold is from a scrap tutorial. I have been totally unsucessful in using the cass folded edge script, but by accident managed to fold the daffodil picture. I filled the fold with white like the back of a photograph. The mossy wood is from a picture my daughter sent me, and the preset wheel is filled with another wood photo from Beth. The no trespassing sign fill is from a photo of tree bark that I took some time ago. I used a brush to make the edges uneven. The yellow is a gradient, and the greenery was made in Procreate. The font is Kristin ITC cut out of the bark photo.
    1 point
  40. I see that Ann has posted a photo of Great horned Owlets, taken by her friend. This is a page I created and posted back in the summer of 2019, showcasing one of the two Owlets that I documented and observed at a friend's hay barn not to far away. The Owls have nested there for over 10 years. Many of you won't have seen this page.
    1 point
  41. Daffodil Kit: https://chantahliadesign.com/?s=daffodils&post_type=product
    1 point
  42. Edited. folded corner on the photo.
    1 point
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