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Masks Workshop 2022


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Here is my day 2.  The White Admiral is a  macro shot.  She allowed me to get really close, as she spent the night in that position, and was warming up in  the rising sun, before flying off.  The other two are  closeups, taken  last summer. I used a Photoshop mask on the White Admiral Butterfly, and edited it to my liking. I used the split text technique for the date, and phrase strips for the  two labels.  I used the pen tool to create the  fine weaved string.   There is a tutorial for the staple and the other techniques in the creative scrap.  I prefer  relevantly plain backgrounds for my pages.  I did create 3 plaids, none of which appealed to  this layout.   Carole, I did add a small drop shadow  to the split text, but I didn't like it, so removed it. As I'm sure your keen eye sight  will pick up on it.   :-)  lol


Ann,  are using the  Audubon site you directed me to,  for your Owl photos, they are  great?


Fantastic pages being created by everyone!

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Susan, (#72129) it is interesting that you have used the brush strokes to convert as a mask, while I thought it would be used to simply add solid colors under the photo. But I guess that is the creativity at work and the versatility of templates.


Laurie, (#72133) beautiful photos and elegant font.


Euka, (#72136) isn't it frustrating when you hit a wall and it is such a small detail that caused all that? I love how you added a "generic" photo behind the mask.


Bill, (#72140) you will see that through repetition of the steps, for seven days, it will get easier with time.


Cristina, (#72145) it is interesting that you used the brush strokes as a mask (like Susan did) but also as the same masks as the photo itself.


Sharla, (#72150), yes, it can be a bit challenging in the beginning, since it is a new "concept", but you will see, you will get the hang of it by the end of the workshop. And I have to say that you succeeded with your first project.


Hank, (#72151) how do you prepare for Earth Day? What will you do? You still have exactly 2 months to go!


Lynda, (#72157) as you can notice, if you decrease the scale, it won't overpower the layout as much. Another option is to place a solid color underneath and to decrease the opacity of the plaid. Many possible combinations.


Gregory, (#72159) did you manage to design some plaid patterns yet?


Marie-Claire, (#72162) beautiful page. Is that you in the picture? (#72216) It might be colorful but it is not overpowering your photos. Good match.


Connie, (#72173) that plaid is perfectly matching your photos, obviously :)


Ellen, (#72175) is this a project made following Lesson 1 or 2 of the workshop, or are you showing something else?


Sharon, (#72180) glad you are getting it. I would warn you about flipping elements once they have their shadow. The heart on top seems to have been flipped after the shadow. Is that possible?


Sandra, (#72184) who is Maddie?


Liz, (#72189) did you want the small pictures on the top project to be faint? They are because the area was grey.  If you want the photos to stand out, you would not have to redo anything, but just increase the contrast of the mask layer to get more black/white and less grey.


Frans, (#72193) those are great photos.


Gerry, (#72195) do you take a lot of wildlife photos? Looking forward to more!


Julie, (#72197) I promise, the next one will be done faster, and then faster. Practice helps!


Corrie, (#72197) plaids are so easy to make that you can definitely make a lot and then pick your favorite.


Ann, (#72204) are those your own photos? Do you have owls on your property?


Lavada, (#72205) watch out! Plaids can be addictive.


Sue, (#72211) split text is still text so it usually does not need a shadow. If you add one, the text should be large enough to give the impression it is cut paper instead of printed text.


Louyse, (#72214) beautiful photos! Since you have some shadowing on the flower, have you considered adding some shadowing to the small photos? In order to do so, you would have to merge the mask group first.


Marvin, (#72219) it looks like we see the straight edges of the photo. Can you enlarge the photo to fill the whole mask? Otherwise, you can select outside of your photo (on the photo layer), modify with feathering of at least 100 pixels, and then hit the DELETE key a few times to soften those edges. That is a wonderful layout!


Bonnie, (#72221) that is a very fall-like project. I see you used either a shadow behind the text or a blurred copy to keep it legible.


Joyce, (#72224) to answer your question, the Text area is just a placeholder and you cannot edit it. So, removing it and replacing it is the way to go.


Lois, (#72226) may I suggest that you either remove the stroke on the text OR make it the same color as the fill? That particular font tends to lose the fine lines when you add a stroke. Unfortunately, the stroke is not just added on the outside of the text but it "eats" inside the edges too, making any fine detail disappear. Beautiful photos.


Pirkko, (#72228) that out-of-bound effect is very creative and well done too!


If you have not posted yet, you are encouraged to join in the conversation. Even if you are just posting SOME projects and not all of them.

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hahaha, I wish I could say it was creativity at work Carole (with those brush strokes).  More like I thought I was supposed to do that.  oops.  Here is my layout for today.  A work in progress for sure.  First time doing and using a plaid.  My issue is I couldn't shrink (or enlarge or squish or fatten) the  mask, before I made it a mask, to fit all the little brush strokes in photo area.  They are showing black as expected.  If I made my picture bigger to cover it then I lost important parts of the photo (the moon and mountain at the bottom).  I tried sizing the mask and my photo all sorts of ways.  What I really need is to be able to erase parts of the mask that don't work with what I envisioned.  Is there a way to do that?  I really love the idea of masks.  I think making my own mask specific to the photo will be a much better result.  Now I'm going to grab a tea and enjoy the new layouts for today.  ?
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My Day 2 project. I was rather busy today so I am going to try and do the plaid background tomorrow. I am a full time at home caregiver to my disabled husband whom I have to do tube feedings 3 times a day and change his bandages. I technically do everything to keep our home, yard and transportation running smoothly. I also have a 12 year old Border Terrier who is jealous of my computer. She cannot fathom why I would want to spend time looking at a screen and tapping away on a keyboard instead of playing ball, taking her outside, giving her a Puppy massage or feeding her and giving her treats. But I would not trade either one of them for anything in the world. They both have my heart completely.



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Day 2 - Leaving Adelaide as part of a cruise to Kangaroo Island.  I reduced the opacity of the plaid as it was a bit overpowering.  The sine bow/flower I made and placed here to fill a gap which I will replace with journaling.


I think this is the most participants I have seen post in a workshop and I am loving the colours, images and variety of the postings.

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Managed to follow the instructions until the section where the brush was used behind the text - I guess my settings were wrong somewhere because no matter what I tried I just couldn't get the brush to do anything so I made a background rectangle instead. Will try again another time.  I've carried on with using photos of aconite taking recently.
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Lesson 2


I struggled with making a plaid to the colour selection I really wanted as I would have preferred to use blue of the sky and brown from the smaller photos. but the strip selections didn't pick up the range of these colours to make enough of a stripey effect.  I don't know why but after several attempts, abandoned this and took my selection from the main photo. Looking at it now, reduced down, with the darker plaid, I think the yellow aura around the text should extend more to under the main title.

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Fiona: I play with a lot of plaids and if I wanted to make the one you mention, I would take one of the small photos and manipulate it, even twisted on an angle, until I could select the colors I want. I usually try to work on an image that measures 500 x 500, then snip a 1 pixel by 500 strip from it and enlarge that to 500x500 again. Duplicate the layer and rotate it 90 degrees and drop the opacity on it to 50%. That would be my pattern, which can be further manipulated in the materials palette. Hope this helps.


I experimented with your photos and made you a sample plaid.

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