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Magazine Challenge 2021


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Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in?


You will create various pages in a "magazine" like format, with little to no decorative elements. That will generate pages with a "clean" look and save you time in choosing and arranging embellishments.


The challenge will start on August 16th, so there is plenty of time for you to find your photos and invite friends to join.


And this challenge will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word.


(although every registrant will get some templates to work with, as a little bonus, DIAMOND members will get more)


Did you find this thread before the registration page? Here it is.


In order to post in this forum, you need to be logged in. To be logged in, you need an account. Registering to the challenge did NOT create an account for you automatically, so if you are new to the Campus, you will need to click on Register, on top of the page and create your account. To make it simpler, use the same email address you used to register for the challenge (otherwise, the system will think you have a twin and you will get emails in double).


This challenge will be a little "faster" than the Bootcamp, although the layouts are going to be faster to complete too. This is a repeat of the Publish It challenge, from 2019. A few more templates will be available, however.

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Hi Everyone : )


I am almost finishing my Travel Tale layout, so I will try my best to participate in this challenge... Like Annie, I also did it before, and it was great, so many new things to learn and other techniques that I've forgotten.


Best wishes! <3



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Annie: Glad you're along for this ride! I'm hoping to get photos from my granddaughter, Jackie's, wedding back on 6/11. I didn't take any myself as there were photogs all over the place on the day. One of the few photos I have show me in that famous dress ;-) with my grandson, Tyler, brother of the Bride and part of the famous Flower Bro duo. (see below)


Christina: Especially glad to see you again as I'd heard there was flooding in your area and we hadn't heard from you. Scary weather phenomena lately!! Climate Crisis for sure!

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Hi Ann : )


Thank you so much for your concern...We were spared of this tragedy as the flood happened in two neighboring states... Even 3 weeks after the fact, there are still cities without water and electricity. Huge destruction. : (


As you said, Climate crisis for sure!


Best wishes

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I'm in for this as well.  I'm STILL in building mode here at home, but the work there progresses along without me now.  I've never done a Magazine Challenge or a Publish It Challenge - at least not that I recall.  Maybe it was right before I joined the campus.  Sounds like great fun and a new adventure.  Got my theme in mind and collecting and generating photo's as I type!  Looking forward to it and to seeing all of you again.
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Cristina, good morning, you are leading the way with you beautiful front cover. It's bold and dramatic. It will certainly stand out on the magazine shelves. I see you used the instant effects. It's not the first time either. I'm going to have to explore those effects more closely. Well done, I love it. I'll probably get mine done later on this afternoon, as the temps are still up in the high 30s. Sat it was 40.7c. 39c yesterday, and giving a high of 37c for today.
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Good morning, Sue. :)


Thank you for your comment. It is very much appreciated. <3


I did use the instant effects tool, as I have also used it for 2019 Publish it Challenge... I don't use this tool very often, so I saw again an opportunity to do it... Of course, I knew what was coming, so I started yesterday to create the page.


Sue, temperatures over there are scorching hot. :(   No fun at all... It's hard on humans, vegetation, and animals.


Take care, my friend!

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