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What are you working on (in December 2022)?


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Hi Everyone Love your Work/art/ideas Everything


I am still trying to get the masks to work for me its the User not program I am sure of that.   And still trying to


do current lab and the exploding lab one, cant wait to know how to do things like you all do.  :)   I want to use that 15 percent off real bad.  But cant wished it had a one time no expire date lol    Prayers please for my Granddaughter shes having Seizures she just turned 21, shes never been sick as a kid  was healthy and home schooled.  But this one yesterday was really bad shes seeming ok now but waiting for her MRI results is takin so long.   She fell on a table and hurt her back broke the table and broke her glasses :(  on top of that all first she got laid off her job :( an has been stressed.   Thank You.

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Cindy, I hope for the best for you and your family!


This is one of the X-mas cards I did and with it I wish all my dear friends in the Campus a happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year with many more lovely projects to do and showcase here.


For those who are in the States and Canada and are in the middle of this blizzard:  stay safe and let us know how you are coping, at least when you are not out of power. At this same moment most of us here in Europe have high temperatures about 10 Celsius and lots of rain.

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Weather patterns are so interesting. We in Memphis, TN (middle of the USA) we had a drop of about 50 degrees in one day (yesterday - Thursday). Some here lost power briefly today (Friday), but essentially we are OK. Churches and other institutions opened their doors for those who needed a heated place to stay.


Merry Christmas to all.

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Hi All,


Mary were neighbors I am in Lonoke, before little rock Arkansas.   Love everyone's cards and stuff  ITs bad cold I got some water and went to get one in my living room and they are hard rocks.   So my kitchen and lvrm is a deep freezer but  my bdrm is good space heater, me and bruce are fine.   Just Prayers we dont loose power I havent been using any except the space heater and tv

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Wonderful pages as always Trish, well not only Trish, but everyone is ever so creative, and talented. Positively inspiring!


It's already Christmas  Eve in many parts of the world. I used a tag which I created and submitted for last year's Christmas countdown, or I may have posted it in the FB files.  I haven't created one these frames for ages, using  the triangle tool, and fonts.  Two masks. For the vertical borders I used a brush and brush variance palette. Sculpture.  Also used a brush, and brush variance palette for the snow effect behind the photo. Twisted Carole's metallic rope tube around the frame.  My own word art.


The European/British Robin (little robin red breast) is probably the most well know and most popular  Festive bird in the world.  Unlike the North American Robin, which is a member of the Thrush family, the European Robin is a member of the fly catcher family. They are  friendly little birds.  I photographed many of them while I was home, as they  are very common in gardens, extremely territorial, with a beautiful distinctive song, all year round.


Our weather as I posted the other day, hasn't changed.  I can tolerate arctic conditions, if it wasn't for the wind, the wind is brutal. I have to go out to  feed and muck out the horses, out of the wind it's 10c warmer in the stable, and  even warmer out of the wind and in the sun. At this time of year, horse dung is as hard as cricket balls, once I've used the ice  chipper to release them from the  concrete floor, they bounce and roll, until I shovel them up. Again I like to keep the stables clean and tidy, just like everything else. Last night's weather image, this morning the thermometer read -51c.  I have adequate clothing from head to toe.



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Ann, thank you so much for your heartwarming words, they mean a lot to me. As well as all the support you have given me.  Through the Campus and learning PSP I have regained my love of photography.  I like how you re-tooled the Drive In layout.  I know what you mean, I've had a busy two months and I found myself not being able to focus on anything for anything length of time.  I think I was just really tired.  It's an unsettling feeling isnt it.  Here's my Christmas card again, what it looks like in it's finished version.  Since I couldnt have the digital frame I had to resort to doing it manually.  I lucked out at Michaels as they had red foil cardstock.  And I had gotten these black card/envelopes at a steal and knew I wanted to do a black card for Christmas.


Merry Christmas to you and to all the people here in the campus.  I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas, filled with joy.  I am enjoying your Christmas wishes creations.  They are all so beautiful and festive.

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I have not been around much this year - hopefully that will change in 2023!  I am always amazed, impressed and inspired by the creations showcased here, I sadly lack visual inspiration while the work here by the campus members shows inspiration in spades.


I have a couple of friends who are avid knitters so tried to create a suitable card.. The actual knitting and needle I created (from a tutorial I found on the internet) and like my 'real' knitting there are quite a few mistakes!!.. the music sheet, candles and image are from my collection and the plaid(ish) background is mine using a gradient red/green - artistic effects - enamel with some noise added.


The Christmas Koala is also created from an old tutorial (Jemima from Artistrypsp) the photo is mine, the rest from the tutorial.


Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas filled with much love, family and friends, a time to relax and look forward to an amazing 2023.

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Wishing all a happy and WARM Christmas! It is presently 2F here in New York's Hudson Valley, but I am toasty and warm here at home. It's unusual to lose power here as all our cables are underground. This Christmas graphic is from the Advent series last year and features Lola, my daughter's Great Dane. She can easily join us for dinner, as you can see. ;-)
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So cold Sue !, take good care that you don't get sick, and yes we know this robin well here. He even pays a visit here on my city terrace. My terrace opens onto a piece of greenery, where there are also some trees. I am very happy about that. I also see different types of birds every day depending on the season.
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Still working on the Alphabet Challenge started early in 2022. I'm only on O, but plodding my way through. O is for Oklahoma. All the elements are my own except the state flag (got it on the internet), the map of Oklahoma (got it on the internet also), and the picture of the buffalo in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Preserve (got it on the internet also). Love google.
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Had some time finally to get back to the Labs.  Wanted to get this in before the closure.


Lab 6-4


Lifted Flap


Background paper and astronaught from Pixabay.  Fonts are Brites (title), The Moonlight (rest of the text), Alafyou Swirly (script on the banner).  Photo is mine from the last full moon (that I could see).  I did negative image on it and tweaked both to make them like day and night moons.  PSP 2022 was cranky today, text tool freezing up PSP and it would crash and I'd lose what I did.  Started on PSP 2022, finished on PSP 2021.  When I load 2023 I will keep 2021 as my back up and take off 2022.  It's been unpredictable for me.



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Susan: I LOVE that Moon Seed layout! It captures your comic sensibility with great techniques! I would like to send a copy to daughter Deb in California since her art, lately, focuses on the moon. She'll love it like I do!! The whole concept reminds me of myself in days of yore when I had to write my first newspaper column for the Wildlife editor. I came up with the concept of starting an "I Love Snakes Anonymous" group.... ;-)
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Thank you Ann and Kasany.  That really means a lot, as I struggle with design and what I see in my head is not anything near what the finished product looks like.  I guess that's why it takes me weeks to do one Lab.  ? Ann. I'll send you the file on messenger...if they take files that big.  I would have love to have met you years ago.  I love your sense of humour.  I think if I knew you in person I wouldnt be working the minimum wage job I have now.  I had dreamt of being a graphic designer; I was chicken, I didnt go for it.  So, now I consider everyone at the campus my mentors and I decided it's not too late learn.
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