
Using corner shapes in scrapbook layouts

Arranging multiple photos on a layout can be a bit challenging when you don't have a clear vision in mind. You can place photos, arrange them, change them and still be unsure of the end result. However, one simple way to start composing a layout with multiple photos is to place them in "a corner" arrangement.

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12 types of titles for scrapbook project

Although not every scrapbook page needs to have a title, they can add a touch of fun or information to the story and for the viewer. If you want to add a title to your page, here are twelve types you can consider.

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How to use Journaling Cards?

Journaling cards are elements that you will more often find in scrapbook kits. Although they started to appear when pocket scrapbooking became popular, they can also be used for other purposes. You don't need to create pocket scrapbook pages to take advantage of those cards. So, what can you do with them?

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10 minutes to scrap – Text and Title

At this point, you should already have your project "almost" done. With the photos fixed, and the papers chosen, layered, and arranged. It is time to add some journaling and a title. Although a picture is worth a thousand words, it does not always convey all the information YOU know about it, so anyone else looking at it won't get the whole story if you don't write it.

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