Picture Frames in PaintShop Pro

If you like to have a finishing touch to your photos or projects, you might like to add a picture frame. Of course, you can find some online, but PaintShop Pro has some, already integrated into the program, for you to use. And even better, you can build your own collection too.

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4 Tips to use with Text on Path

PaintShop Pro gives you the ability to add text along a path, whether it is a circle, another shape or even a hand-drawn path. In a previous post, we looked at how to add text to a circle, specifically when you want it to not be upside-down. Let's look at other little tips.

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How to use a paperclip

When creating digital scrapbook pages with PaintShop Pro, you don't need to use any fasteners since everything is flat and digital, but if you want to replicate the traditional paper scrapbooking, you might want to use paperclips. Although they come in many forms, there are some basic steps to go through in order to make them realistic.

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Drawing straight lines in PaintShop Pro

If you were to draw on paper, you would have the option to use a ruler to draw straight lines. That is not the case when you use a graphic program. However, when you are working with PaintShop Pro, there is a simple way to draw those straight lines you need.

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Featured Resource – Laplacian Enhanced

As mentioned very often in the Campus, many plugins promoted or even labelled as "for Photoshop" can work just as well in PaintShop Pro. One just has to try. I have recently discovered a whole series of plugins that are totally new to me, and they might just be little gems for you, PaintShop Pro users. Today, I will present and explore the Laplacian Enhanced plugin.

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How to use PNG overlays

We often have photos that are good but could use an additional layer of interest with elements that either were not available at the time the photo was taken or was impossible to photograph. Whether you are talking about snowflakes, flower petals, fog, or sparkles, you can often add them from ready-made overlays.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.