
How to swap heads with PaintShop Pro

Have you ever tried to take a nice family picture only to have one (or some) members in an odd position, with their eyes closed, or making a funny face? It can happen in any group photo and it is hard to avoid completely. If you have a chance to have more than one photo of the group or of the individuals, you might be in luck as PaintShop Pro can help you "swap heads".

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Resizing images the right way

When you need to use an image for a project, it is unlikely that you will be able to use it just like that, without resizing it. New cameras take huge images and most of the time, that is just too large for what we need. What do we need to do? Simple: resize them. But this has had me cringe several times when looking at graphic projects since the resizing can be done wrongly. Here are some pointers.

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Creating a layered template from a flat image

Layered templates are very convenient ways to shorten the time it takes to create a layout or a way to beat the blank canvas syndrome by giving you a starting point. Even though some scrappers will like to use the layered template as is, it is more common to use the basic shapes and ideas and then change them to suit our photos, supplies, and mood. If you have already created a layout and still have a layered version of it, it is easy to transform it into a layered template (check this tutorial), however, maybe you don't have that version anymore, so what can you do? Although it is a little bit more work, it is still possible to create that layered template "from scratch". Here is how.

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Cut a photo based on a preset shape

If you want to have your photo displayed differently than the traditional square or rectangular shape, you can use any of the preset shapes from your Paintshop Pro, or any shape you might have added to your collection. Here is a simple tutorial on how to achieve that result.

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5 reasons to add PaintShop Pro to your graphic toolbox

Graphic designers often consider Photoshop as a standard in the industry. Is it because it is better? I am sure that Adobe users will say yes. Often, whoever will argue their program is better, tends to be very familiar and comfortable with the one they use and will always find the second one less intuitive and less convenient to use. That is normal. If someone works with a particular graphics program for their daily work, they will keep using it outside work, because of their familiarity with it.

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