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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. I didn't win anything, I haven't taken any photos, and I have not dropped off the face of the earth! Just haven't had much time to play/work with PSP. I do check the Forum and enjoy seeing the creative work and effort that go into the layouts. I made an Easter greeting card for folks I won't see over the weekend. And I made a baby layout for a friend for whom it's the first great-grand. She needs cheering b/c her daughter-in-law died rather suddenly around the same time as her granddaughter gave birth to the child. It's a bittersweet time for their family. Happy Easter to all! Hope there's lots of chocolate in your weekend!
  2. Love the layering in this one and the textures and shapes.
  3. Such pretty birds. We don't get them here in SW Ontario. Love the colours and the techniques.
  4. Oh Rodney, that makes my heart beat faster! I was an HD rider for many years and just love this!
  5. I read Corrie's story (and enjoyed it). It reminded me of my own very young childhood. I wasn't a dolly girl (much to my mother's chagrin b/c she loved making outfits for the dolls she bought me). I played with dolls (and later Barbie), but my favourite activity was playing in the open fields in our small village with lots of other kiddies, especially cowboys and Indians (which is not very politically correct anymore.) We all had holsters and fake six-guns and pretended to ride on stalliions and shoot each other! (We all survived and none of us has ever used a gun since.) Back in the 1950s, early 1960s, TV westerns were very popular on TV. I would watch them with my dad, night after night, when we weren't watching hockey or boxing or Ed Sullivan. (I was a tomboy, can you tell?) According to a bit of research, TV westerns on the three major networks (ABC, NBC, CBS) numbered over a 100 for a period of eleven or twelve years. Because most of our TV channels came from the US, we were a captive audience. This layout is my attempt to capture those days of B&W TV when I was a cowgirl, with some of the favourites everyone was watching.
  6. I'm in need of real colours around me these days. Saw this image online and it touched me b/c I love those primary, primitive colours in art or photos. Not much of that around here for a while. I used the spill (or split) frame technique (again). Background paper with sparkles added, and simple text. Glad to get a layout done! I have been to Newfoundland and it is absolutely breathtaking to see. We did the trip on motorcycles many years ago.
  7. I've been hoping to see this technique presented for a while. It was covered in the March 2024 Q&A, so I had to give it a go. I haven't posted anything for some time, just so bloody busy! Too many irons in the fire, as the saying goes. And no inspiration at all! Every layout I have tried, I have deleted as not worth posting. I do work a lot with old photos, not just my family but others' too. This one is a favourite of mine, from 1910, not my family. The styles, the looks on their faces, the general joy of the moment - are just captivating (to me). So what better material to work with than something I have worked with? Not entirely pleased with the result, but I feel I can post without cringing. It's a start with that split frame effect.
  8. Q = Quirky (or non-traditional wedding)
  9. O = opulent (what some weddings are)
  10. I also had a cat years ago who had something similar. Good luck with the treatments or meds. I hope Tuxie gets better.
  11. I went over to your page to look. Lots of great layouts to see. Thanks.
  12. Q = queasy (how the bride or groom may feel just before the ceremony)
  13. Welcome back Sue. Great to see your fabulous photos and layouts again. When I first looked at this, I thought "partridge in a pear tree". 😊
  14. Do you know, I can't even recall what the question was. I think it was related to frames and masks used together, but I've asked about that before. You said it might be a lab or a tutorial.
  15. Sure, I have no problem with your using it for a group. If you want the original file, I can send that to you for better quality.
  16. Thanks Rene. It would never have occurred to me that the paper made by the printer manufacturer would be the best choice.
  17. I am Canadian. The bottle opener is highly suitable. ☺️
  18. Lately, I've had so many small problems pop up when trying to "react" to a post, or in creating a post. I just tried to reply to Rene in my question about printer paper. I've typed it twice and clicked submit, and it disappears. It did the same recently when I tried to reply to someone else. It seems hit and miss. I so often have to refresh the page or logout and then log in again in order to do any commenting or reacting. Is it just me?
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