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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. Thanks for taking the plunge for us, Suzy. I used it a bit years ago for genealogy pages. Was OK but didn't continue with it. I can do that and so much more with PSP and Carole and the whole gang here.
  2. These are gorgeous. When I read all the tools/steps, my head starts to hurt! But you are the master at intricacy!
  3. Sorry, it was the best I could do! 🙃
  4. Usually you can use a home phone for two-factor authentication. They will send a recorded message with the code to your phone. Enter it and you're in!
  5. I don't know if that's the one I watched quite a while ago, but I had to stop when the cameras were filming one who was dying of thirst and heat under a scraggly tree. All I could think was, give him a drink for goodness' sake! And anything is better than what the Kardashians were filmed doing.
  6. I'm a sucker for anything with meerkats! Love it.
  7. I think the frame works well. Draws the eye well and low enough opacity not to be intrusive. Love it.
  8. One of my favourites from the British lexicon. Read it or hear it often in books/TV series.
  9. Yikes, that sounds so complicated and frustrating! I think I'd give up on that! Some days just are lost days, no matter what we try to do to improve them.
  10. You're fortunate to have someone to take care of your computer hiccups. I had to learn years ago to do it for myself, after I lost my go-to helper to ALS. He seemed to know everything and was always there (online) to help. Bless him.
  11. Even before it was called Kentucky Fried Chicken, it was The Chicken Place (at least here in the part of Ontario I live in).
  12. O = Orange Julius (hot dogs & orange drink)
  13. Me too! I would drive far to get a good noodle place.
  14. Something turned up on my FB feed that caught my eye. Normally I don't pay much attention to them, but this one was from David Attenborough's fan club (or so they say). I googled the images to check for the veracity of this phenomenon, and it appears to be true. The natural wonder of it is quite astounding. And since we have a Welsh person in this group, I threw together a layout using a template to save time.
  15. J = Jack in the Box, a US chain restaurant I've never been to.
  16. Wow! What a beautiful photo. That face and those eyes.....and the feathers!
  17. Did some searching, came up with this (so far): a profile on Linked In. Still looking.
  18. Yes, your yard has different upkeep needs than mine. I can move the dead leaves to the garden beds, let the others blow away, and don't need to rake or sweep much at all. For which I am grateful!
  19. I don't do a big cleanup in the autumn of leaves and branches and plants. I learned long ago that the materials provide refuge and food and safe spaces for the birds and other critters during the long winter. By spring, the leaves are mostly gone and the cleanup is less back-breaking overall. And, the fact that I am slightly lazy and have a sore back really contribute to my yard hygiene.
  20. November to me is always about Remembrance, especially during the first half of the month. I have done a lot of research into WWI and WWII service people from my hometown area in order to write biographies of them for the Legion. The more I learn, the more humbled I am. This is my FB cover page for this month. I make one every month...since I can...thanks to this group and Carole!
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