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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. I heard several folks say the same thing about cameras capturing the colours more vibrantly. The colours here are more as I remember the northern lights in backwoods Northern Ontario many moons ago.
  2. That font really works here. I looked it up and places are charging for it. If you got it free from CF, that was a good score.
  3. As a followup to the layout on Wonderful Wisteria I did, I just HAD to post this image of the largest vine in the world. People are allowed in to see it one day a year! Just amazing! This ONE plant covers an acre of land. No layout, just the image FYI. (Photo by Patrick Pelletier in 2016) There is a video on YouTube that showcases this spectacular plant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxJcb_-f45E
  4. Last night the northern lights were visible right down to our area in southwestern Ontario. I wasn't out and about to take pix, but I did find a local photographer who did. His name is Steve Biro and I think he works out of Windsor (Ontario). Many years ago I worked as a summer student at a fishing camp in far north Ontario where the northern lights were on bright display. They were so wonderful to see.
  5. F = Fancy snacks by the pool
  6. Oh yum! PB and chocolate spread. Still indulge in that once in a while....and on white bread too.
  7. I too was picky as a kid. I wouldn't eat my mother's famous carrot cake with cream cheese frosting b/c of the carrots and cheese! I missed out on a lot of good slices for many years! That's what your reminiscence made me think of.
  8. There's a black & white kitty she has drawn that I always assumed she based on Boo. That kitty turns up sometimes in a kit. He's adorable.
  9. This is so lovely. The textures and blends work so well. As always, your colour choices are subtle and muted and gorgeous so the "critter" stands out.
  10. C = Chemicals needed to keep it clean (that's two Cs)
  11. Thanks for link to Yin Designs. Looks like they don't post much these days, but great stuff there.
  12. When I first started to learn PSP a few years ago it was to improve old photos for my history articles. Then, with Carole and this group, I got hooked on learning more and just playing as a different kind of creative outlet, something removed from words which I deal with all the time in research. This type of layout takes minutes to create and serves a purpose when I just want a more personal kind of message to send to someone. This time it was made for a friend whose husband of 54 years died. I sent a "proper" card (in the mail), but followed up with this. I just like that I can do that.
  13. Her drawings of Boo are also among my favourite cartoon-type characters.
  14. I do that a lot when I'm at a friend's pool, especially the cool drink part.
  15. Z = Zoning out while floating in the pool
  16. Finally grabbed a quick pic of the wisteria arbour that grows in a fellow's back yard that butts up to the park where I walk the dogs. It's a bit past its best blooms, but still lovely to see. Not many of these vines growing in this area. I don't think many people have the patience to grow it or the time to prune it.
  17. Wish I still had my old 105 mm lens that I had on the Nikon. Great pictures.
  18. I get these cute little ones in my yard and at the feeders too. You got a great shot and made the usual lovely layout with a fab banner!
  19. V = Vacation by the pool
  20. I wanted to try something different (for me at any rate). Used all elements but 2 from Di Hiller kits which tend to be in vibrant colours. This is my take on the "table" layout that Carole highlighted. Just silly, whimsical, and colourful for the month of May when colour comes back.
  21. The idea was planted, and I was watching some lessons on extracting. It's not something I've become proficient at. You're always so kind and that is appreciated.
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