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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. Darning! OMG. Haven't seen a darning tool (usually for socks in my experience) for ages. This is lovely.
  2. Hi Sharla, thanks. The font is Mona Home which Carole gave us the link to for the January Font Challenge.
  3. What a smiley little guy!
  4. The layout is subdued and magical at the same time. Very tranquil.
  5. I too am feeling more cautious about where my limited (retirement) funds go. Prices keep rising, but my income doesn't. I get it.
  6. You have moss in January? Must be a lot warmer where you are! Lovely pix.
  7. One of England's many outstanding historical gardens. How lovely to see these pix on a cold winter day!
  8. Love the layout, and the menu for the party sounds divine!
  9. I used to grow many plants from seeds. It was fun to watch them grow. Now, I'm just too lazy, and have a smaller garden (thank goodness!)
  10. I knew this was yours before I saw the name. You love your seedheads and do such a beautiful job of presenting them.
  11. The colours and that textured background paper make this really special. It's rich and luscious.
  12. First chance I've had to catch up for this workshop. Did first three. The first (with owl) is a FB header; the second (monkey) is a Diamond extra template; and the third (falcon) is a poster format. I had to improvise on the wrapped text b/c I have trouble with that feature.
  13. We still do those in the pool for aquafit.
  14. L = leotard (hah! not for me)
  15. I = ice pack (for the pain)
  16. Not much of the font in this layout. I wanted to do a simple layout similar to one I saw online somewhere, and I didn't know which photo to use. Ended up with this old one (from 1930s) of my mother (tall one) and her sister and two brothers. Not a good image of them, but it's what I've got and I didn't want to improve it. They're all gone now, but they stay close to my memory and heart. Three of them lived into their 90s (not my mother).
  17. Such tiny details, but they can make such a difference. The uppercase works better for this layout.
  18. OMG! I got tired just reading this!
  19. I was wondering where those Divas were. But at least there's a gnome to admire!
  20. December and January (so far) have been nothing but dreary, dismal, and dull here in SW Ontario (Canada). Days in a row of grey wet weather. I am feeling no inspiration or creativity. Everything (except the green grass) is brown and grey. So the layout is a reflection of that gloominess. Nothing special; picture from the Boston Globe with a frame. Dog walking has been a challenge, and the wet paw prints are a continuous job to clean up.
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