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Everything posted by Cassel

  1. If you read the blog post, I use it for everything. You know how you learned to move your mouse left to right and it moves the cursor left to right on the screen? That is the same thing with a tablet. Moving the pen on the surface will move the cursor on the screen the same way: up, down, left, right, diagonally, straight, and in any shape. I purposefully unplugged my mouse for the first few days, and that was it. The main difference is that you actually have more control. Try to write your name using a mouse. A table with a pen will feel exactly like a pen on paper: you use your finger for more precise movements. I personally don't use the pressure, but by default, it will set the size to *Pressure if you have a tablet. I think it is great for those PAINTING where you like to control how thick or thin a brush stroke is. I don't paint, so I change the setting to Normal for that. If others are also interested, I can try to set up something to show the Pen/tablet in action for the Q&A. If you want that, add it to the Q&A thread! 🙂
  2. Do you have and use a graphic tablet? Do you consider getting one? If you have one, what model is it, and what do you use it for? Let's chat!
  3. Sorry for the delay. I guess the Story Time Workshop will be great for that! 😉
  4. The light blue one looks like it could be a directional tube. If you want, I can make a demonstration during the Q&A this Sunday about how to create those.
  5. They are the same questions on FB or in IG so either place you are, you would see it.
  6. HI @Gerhard Seibert. Once you unzip the files you downloaded, look for a README.txt file. It will indicate where to save the files. Typically, the scripts will go in the Restricted Scripts folder. The Purchase folder is for products purchased inside PSP, on the Home page. We don't use it. The picture tubes you purchased will go in the Picture tubes folder. Some scripts will also include additional supplies (patterns, shapes, etc.). Again, the README file will give you all the details about those supplies and also how to run a script, if there are some specific steps to take.
  7. Once a week, there is a radio show that has been on for many years. It is called Vinyl Tap. It is 2 hours of songs that are picked around a particular theme. Sometimes, it has to do with a word, sometimes, a topic, sometimes it is another particularity (like "unlikely duets"). With the fall months coming, use a title or lyrics of a song that has a SUN or SUNSHINE in the title. Examples of songs include "Here Comes the Sun" by The Beatles and "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. Are you up to the challenge?
  8. As far as I know, it would be available in your Amazon. However, because it is in full color, apparently, it won't be available in Amazon for Japan and Australia, at least, for the printed version (Kindle should still be available everywhere).
  9. And do you know what else is on July 16th? Amazon Prime Day! That is pure coincidence as I didn't know about it!
  10. Not much. Mostly in formatting when checking on the Amazon platform.
  11. Just to let everyone know, the pre-sale will start on July 9th, but I would like to TRY to get to #1 on Amazon, even if only for one day! To help out, I would ask anyone who wants to get the book to order it ONLY ON RELEASE DATE, which is July 16th! The more sales/day will give more chances to reach #1. Sales during pre-sale counts, but would be spread over more days, so hold off until July 16th!
  12. What kind of outdoor activities do you do when the weather is nice? What activities do you (or would you) do with kids to keep them outdoors? Let's chat and if you have pictures, share them too.
  13. Do you want to challenge yourself to take photos every week for a year? Maybe you want to practice your photography skills, or just try to capture "ordinary" daily occurrences. Let's just encourage each other. This is a no-pressure thread, and you can share the photos you took or the theme you are going for (if you are going with a theme). And if you don't want to share the photos yet, and only showcase them once they are in a montage or a scrapbook page, you can just say that you did it. And it is ok to start your 52 weeks at any time. It does not have to start in January!
  14. It is a new month and new projects. Show off what you are working on in July be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want. We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired. These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming! Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels and save it in .jpg format before posting it (if you are creating a double page, you can resize it to 1000 pixels in width if you don't want to post the pages separately). Here are a few guidelines for everyone: when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same. if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyway). if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone! if you like a photo and would like to “play with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get a better-quality image than the resized image anyway.
  15. The theme for July is AQUARIUM. Do you have some projects related to that theme? Do you have an aquarium at home? Did you visit a large aquarium with the kids? Share your adventures in a scrapbook page. Let's go! Post your project in the gallery.
  16. In July, our monthly theme is AQUARIUM. Whether they are indoors or outdoors, aquariums can be fascinating for young and old. Let's play our alphabet game by finding names of fish (or aquarium-related words). We can also find verbs, actions, and attributes related to this theme. What will you find? Let's go!
  17. That's a lot of vectors! Definitely a good practice!
  18. Have you ever compared your computer specs with the recommended specs from Corel? Here is the list of recommended specs: https://www.paintshoppro.com/en/products/paintshop-pro/ultimate/#tech-specs
  19. @Daniel Hess Those mugs look great. You will have a nice collection of preset shapes afterward! And that map!!! I am glad to see that the vectors are no longer scary. You have done a great job with that map! @Susan Ewart You really went wild with those cut vectors! Great results. The Flower tubes are from the follow-up emails for the Flowers freebie. For the funny answer in the quiz, it reminds me of one anatomy class, where our teacher was always joking. One exam we had, the first few questions were "normal" but then, after that, he would have hilarious options in the multiple choices, even offering 12 choices instead of the typical 3-5 choices. The options he gave were so hilarious that we knew when a student reached that first funny question; everyone would burst out laughing when reading it. @Alicia Garbelman Just for information, when you use some scattered picture tubes, you CAN reduce the step value for it and it will make the scatter denser. That is if you want that option. @Mary Solaas The original VectorTube script didn't work on Text directly. The user had to convert to a path before running the script. When I took the script to put in the store, I tweaked it so the script would do that conversion automatically. I was getting frustrated myself in the beginning because I didn't know about that conversion. It is possible that you are using the original version from Gary. You might want to replace it by a recent copy from the store. You might not have to worry about the conversion anymore. For the scatters, you can reduce the step to make it denser. Another thing you CAN do, is select outside of the leaves and delete the scatters that go beyond the shape. It can give a different look, depending on whether you like it or not, and also depending on the type of scatter. @cindy harris The lessons will stay up until Sunday, June 30th. @Randy You can check this article on Layer Styles. @Trevor AndrewTo answer your question, check the video for lesson 1, at around 3:00. An additional icon is the Text icon. @fiona cook Text on a path can often be distorted especially if the path is not regular (like a circle or an ellipse), so that is nothing you can do about it. The smoother the path is, the less distortion will be noticeable. For the text in a circle, it is not a double-click you have to do but a right-click. That is different too. Your lesson 7 looks good. I am not sure what issue you see on it.
  20. You don't know how true that statement is! 🙂
  21. Do you have pets? Do they get themselves in funny situations? Do you have pictures? If not, can you share the stories? Let's chat and share funny photos.
  22. There was a blog article about using EPS files HERE. It is not a direct way to open the files in PSP but it works. However, it will NOT allow text to stay in text format, so it won't be editable like text, just editable as a path/shape.
  23. Where did you click? Maybe there is one link that is not updated to the new forum?
  24. @Mary Solaas That life preserver was a perfect shape to do a cutout! For the text, I see that one is a Text object and the other is a Path object. What did you do between the two? @Daniel Hess When you say that you pasted a second time and it didn't do anything, could it have been "invisible" because it would land outside of a current vector? Just guessing here. @Donna Pearson I am always trying to help when someone is stuck. You are doing great now! @Trevor Andrew I am glad to see how you are now able to troubleshoot your own process! That is good as it will help in the future. @Bonnie BorntragerIf you need more hair, there is a set of free hair picture tubes you can get in this blog post. 🙂 But now that you know how to do all those projects, you shouldn't lose anymore! @Anne Lamp You can change the size of the nodes if you go to the User Interface menu on the right of the menus. Donna and Trevor already mentioned it so you might have already changed it. @middie I have a Picture Tubes Workshop on my to-do list, but I have others too so I am not sure it will come this year. But stay tuned! I see you were playing with the buttons script. I suspect (and it is not wrong) that you changed the Selection mode to Angular for the blue buttons. That is why all the buttons on the horizontal line are the same then the vertical line too, etc. Depending on the angle of the path, a specific button is selected and once the angle changes, the button changes. For the pink buttons, you probably had the Selection mode set to Random (which is the default). See how you can play with the settings and get very different results! @Randy I can see a lot more play in your future. Vectors might be intimidating at first, but like any other tool, once you understand the basics, the rest just falls in place. @Susan EwartDo you know that the VectorTube script is the very first script I used? I managed to "open it up" and wanted to know the steps to follow a path with a picture tube; I wanted to write a tutorial on how to do it manually. Well, I never found out because I could not understand what all that "gibberish" was, but it got be curious about scripts, and once I found Suz' scripting course, I was hooked! Have you figured out something about your greyscale flowers? For the Stroke width, one thing to note: in 2023, with SOME fonts, if you have two matching texts and one has 0 for stroke and another one has a thicker font, they might not line up. It seems to be a bug and it affects only SOME fonts, so if you ever notice that, you didn't do anything wrong, and you can then set a stroke of 0.1 in the same color as the fill and it will look "invisible". For the Pressure setting, it is used when you have a graphic tablet set to apply pressure (I never use that with mine) so that you get a different tube based on the amount of pressure. It is really weird and I have never made much sense of it, so I don't use it! @Corrie KinkelWow! That was and advanced project! You get bonus points for those cut paths! @Gerry LandrethI agree with you that it is not always easy to grab the correct node after cutting a path. Zooming in helps but they still look like one larger node. The best trick is to click a little off the center of that big node, in the direction where you expect the side node to be. USUALLY it works. @Donna Sillia Yes, VectorPaint has also a lot of potential. VectorStroke is another one in the series but it is a little less intuitive to use. I might play with it in the next Q&A session following Ann's question. @Jeni Simpson Personally, I would have wanted more jellybeans!!! If you want more, you can change the Placement mode to Continuous instead of Random. That will make the spacing more regular and then the Step value will determine the real spacing. Just another setting to play with. @Alicia GarbelmanGlad you managed to deal with life on time to join in the workshop. I love that photo!!!!! @Anja PelzerWhat a way to practice and combine lessons. Don't tell me that vectors intimidate you anymore. I would not believe you! You still have a few more days to continue your lessons if you are behind. The videos will stay up until next Sunday. Remember to fill out the survey to share your opinion on this workshop (a link will come in an email). I am particularly happy to see some new "faces" in this workshop!
  25. The copy I have kind of stays open (not really flat) but I personally hate to "crack" my books open. My guess is that if you do, then it should stay fairly flat. The binding is glued. If you have my previous book, it would be similar.
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