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Everything posted by Cassel

  1. That is why I started adding some references to past blog posts and classes in the newsletter. πŸ™‚
  2. I have the hardest time typing on my phone when using messenger and I don't know how I would use a tablet for PSP, but apparently, some people are comfortable with that kind of screen and interface. At work, before I retired, we got a tablet and I think I only figured out how to turn it on and off. I checked the few things that were installed, and just navigating that was a struggle.
  3. That might be part of another Vector workshop? I am sure I have mentioned the Tracking at some points, but can't remember in which tutorials.
  4. Our newest challenge will soon start. Are you in? Are you frustrated with drop shadows? Are you at a loss when you need to use them? The workshop will start on August 19th. This workshop will be FREE for everyone, so spread the word. Here is the link again: https://scrapbookcampus.com/workshops/shadow/ Let us know when you are registered, and share your biggest challenge about using shadows. This workshop is a brand new one.
  5. I heard that it is possible to install and use PSP on some tablets that have an x86 Intel processor, but it would not work on ARM types of processors. Do any of you have such a tablet? Have you ever tried installing PSP on it?
  6. Now, you can breathe again! πŸ™‚
  7. When you use the Pen tool, what value does the Tracking have? I find that if you start with a value around 60, the shakiness is not "captured" by the program as much as if the Tracking is much lower.
  8. If you go to the pages with visual thumbnails, you can use the search field to find all the "knot" tutorials πŸ™‚
  9. Although PSP is likely the primary program you use, I am sure your "toolbox" includes other programs. What are they? What do you use them for? Maybe you use a commonly known program, but maybe not?
  10. Let's make things a little fun for you. Are you looking for ways to spark your creativity and still create something meaningful? This will be a fairly regular challenge for you. Every time, you will be given instructions to use 1, 2, and 3 of something. Would that be more than you usually use? or less? Let's see. Create a layout using : 1 streamer 2 metallic words 3 knots on ropes (it could be one rope or more than one) You can create those elements or use what you currently have in your stash. Showcase any photo, use any template (if you want). Just make sure you include the required elements.
  11. C = Camping
  12. With your experience, you can surely replicate the main parts as if they were sketches!
  13. Anyone who wants to have a cheat sheet for dingbats can check this article.
  14. Do you want to challenge yourself to take photos every week for a year? Maybe you want to practice your photography skills, or just try to capture "ordinary" daily occurrences. Let's just encourage each other. This is a no-pressure thread, and you can share the photos you took or the theme you are going for (if you are going with a theme). And if you don't want to share the photos yet, and only showcase them once they are in a montage or a scrapbook page, you can just say that you did it. And it is ok to start your 52 weeks at any time. It does not have to start in January!
  15. It is a new month and new projects. Show off what you are working on in August be it a scrapbook page, a collage, a tutorial, or anything else you want. We are curious and want to see, learn, and get inspired. These threads are quickly becoming a fantastic source of inspiration, support, and friendship. Keep them coming! Remember to size down your image to about 600x600 pixels and save it in .jpg format before posting it (if you are creating a double page, you can resize it to 1000 pixels in width if you don't want to post the pages separately). Here are a few guidelines for everyone: when you post a project, give as much information on your sources or techniques used. It will help others who are curious and would like to do the same. if someone uses something that you like on their page, ask where they got it. Sometimes, you can go get it too and it will be better quality than trying to extract it (as it would have been resized to post in the forum anyway). if it is something that they did from scratch, ask how they did it. It would be so helpful to everyone! if you like a photo and would like to β€œplay with it”, ALWAYS ask permission. Sometimes, there are some limitations and the person is not allowed to let others use it. Don’t get them in trouble. Usually, people are happy to say yes (if they can) when you ask politely. And if you get permission, you might get a better-quality image than the resized image anyway.
  16. The theme for August is ADVENTURE. What is an adventure for you? A bike ride? An afternoon watching birds and wildlife? A slow walk in a national park? Or you have some bolder adventures to tell us about? Let's go! Post your project in the gallery.
  17. In August, our monthly theme is ADVENTURE. Where do you escape for new thrills? The mountain? The river? The forest? What kind of adventures attract you? There are so many kinds of adventures for all seasons too. Let's think of different words we can associate with the multiple adventures available to us. Let's go!
  18. I can't find any recent post but I seem to remember that it is no longer working with PSP. I think it was discussed in the old user-to-user forum. Maybe you can contact Corel/Alludo support to confirm that?
  19. Various areas in the world might have some very specific wildlife that is not found elsewhere. What would your area/neighbourhood be known for? Do you have some exclusive species in your neighbourhood? Share the stories and pictures if you can.
  20. @Bonnie Ballentine I bet you still remember the smell of that market too! I remember that quote about fear used by Sheldon in The Big Bang Theory!! Interestingly, I have vertigo if I even SEE a video or a picture of someone on an edge, yet, I am ok with those coasters. But you won't see me walk on the edge of the CN tower!!! EVER! @Susan EwartThe shadow for the horse would depend on where the "surface" is. Is it a wall behind? If so, how far is it? Is there a floor? Those are the questions you will need to ask yourself before creating the shadow and tweaking it. Did your mom change her cooking of the roast beef after hearing of that nickname? @Corrie Kinkel I feel that we are allowed not to like something, but what I see too often is that kids are picky and parents will enable that. For me, if I am picky and I get invited somewhere, I'll eat enough before going and I usually find something I can eat there, without saying anything. My mom was also scared of lightning, and I was too, when young. But by the time I was a teen, somehow, I conquered that fear and loved watching thunderstorms. My kids would also love it when it was lightning. If it was at night, we would pull out the hide-a-bed and watch the show through the large livingroom window @Ann Seeber I bet it was the way many kids learned to swim (or fear water) in those days! I learned to swim around 3-4, yet later, I convinced myself that I didn't know how to swim and once, in a pool, the inflatable toy I had around my waist got off me, and I sank (I was in the shallow end and could have stood up), yet I tucked in a ball and waved my arms around, making me go round and round and round, until my aunt saw me! Strangely, I still HATE to touch the bottom of a pool (except in the shallow end) or the ocean. I was once cut by razor clam under my foot. Another story I should write down on a page! The word COUP in French also means HIT/PUNCH. But also that political overthrowing. @Donna Sillia Be thankful that it happened in the 60's. If it was in modern days, there would be dozens of clips of it on YouTube! @Daniel Hess If you add text inside a shape, you can contract the selection before adding the text to give a little padding on the edges. @Dan GreenwoodThose shadows make a world of difference! Did your nephew ever found out about their mystery gifter? @Gerry Landreth You should team up with Ann at the Drive-in!! πŸ™‚ @Michele Funny, I never played with a pink ball. I seem to remember our balls were red, white, and blue. Maybe they were a different kind. @Anja Pelzer That is such a fun layout!!! I bet they didn't have unbreakable glasses back then! The laundry story is a nice angle to the topic! @Julie MagerkaIsn't it amazing how our imagination would make us fear things? As for issues with PSP2023, it is true. There was an update #2 in August 2023 that fixed some bugs and added some fixes. However, it added that bug related to the wrapped text getting unwrapped when you need to edit it afterward. I will investigate to see if there is a workaround. In the meantime, I have no clue if there will be another update/patch this year as Corel/Alludo has dissolved the beta-testing group a few weeks ago. That is where I would get some of the "inside information". And I agree with everyone saying that this workshop is a great way to learn some things about each other. Maybe, next time, I will offer different prompts for the lessons so we can learn even more!
  21. It works but differently. In previous versions, you could erase with any tool (Eraser or DELETE) but now, since a few versions (not sure how many), it will only work if you erased with the Eraser tool.
  22. @Daniel Hess That story is cute. I think it is not natural for kids to get messy right away with the cake and icing. It seems like the adults often have to do part of the work! I guess scaring the others might have been a way for you to deal with the fear yourself? @Susan Ewart I had the same Easy-Bake!!! I remember making my mom's 31st birthday cake and my dad writing 31 on it with little sprinkles. @Michele Office pranks!!! I remember filling one colleagues' office with "magic bubbles". They are bubbles available at the dollar store that probably contain a lot of glycerine because they typically don't burst. So there were bubbles on her desk, her wall, her computer, even on the ceiling! And for the record, we tested one bubble on our own filing cabinet (and had to tell the cleaning lady), and it lasted there two weeks (although it was deflating by then). @Minka Glasier When I went to such a park, it was the time when cars commonly had "fabric/leather" rooftops (the 70's) and too often, drivers would come back with torn roof because the monkeys scratched them off! I guess those roofs are not as common anymore. @Ann Seeber getting close to those colorful birds must be quite special! Do you still have opportunities to play some of those games even if not with as many people? @Gerry Landreth Simple story but something that surely brings smiles to your face every time you tell it. Yes, kids can easily misunderstand words or phrases they hear and strangely, they rarely tell the grown-ups so it is only later that we can laugh at it! @Dan Greenwood I know it probably was not funny for you at the time, but I could just picture you stuck on the roof and couldn't help but laugh. Sorry! πŸ™‚ On your layout, is it possible that you forgot the shadows (or posted a non-shadow version)? @Anne Lamp I never heard of putting sugar on spinach, but I guess there are many food combinations that some people like and others would never want to try! @Julie Magerka That fall must have been scary!!! @Corrie KinkelI often hear about food people hated when they were young but re-discovered (and loved) later on. Sadly, I am still a very picky eater!
  23. @Anja Pelzer Make sure you don't try to combine everything in one layout. The experiments (and even the tutorials) are not meant to be together. If it fits, that is ok but make sure you don't force anything while you go through all those modules! πŸ™‚
  24. You can make so many different elements with this technique!!! Beautiful!
  25. Fonts can offer some fun dingbats and for the summer, how about some summer elements? Seashells, sunshine, beach elements, etc. You can get this free font HERE. Of course, you won't write with them but you can use them to decorate tags, backgrounds, frames, etc. What will you do with this free font?
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