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  1. Day 2 This is a story of a special birthday party.
    8 points
  2. Used Carole's shaped text for the title. Font is National Park. Elements from Creative Fabrica. The wraped text was awful...wouldn't let me edit or copy or duplicate. Kept going to a single line. Finally I converted to a raster and hoped there were no errors. I later found 2 and jumped thru all sorts of hoops to correct them.
    6 points
  3. I think there are likely many stories of my mischievous behaviours as a kid, but I have lost many of them into the mists of time! I was known as a bit of a "tear" as a kid, always curious and always pushing the limits. Isn't that what kids are supposed to do? This lipstick episode strikes me (now) as minor, but it wasn't at the time! If some child played with a lipstick in my bathroom, I'd wipe it up and clean her off. And maybe have a laugh too. Kept this one simple.
    6 points
  4. Day 1, finally. I've been working on it a little at a time for several days. (I still have a bit of brain fog and the heat is still kicking my butt.) I used an arsenal of Cassel's scripts to create the background paper and all the beads. One of her edge fonts helped me create the edge of the yellow paper. The story font is Sugarstyle Millenial. I'm not thrilled with my shadows, but that's par for the course.
    5 points
  5. Day 3 Since the prank was at Christmas time, I used some of the graphics from my build a kit. I made the banner using Carole's banner fonts. I copied the front of the CD and downloaded an partially open CD case from Canva. The money is also from Canva. I use raster to mask to place the CD cover into the partially open CD. The font is called onyx which is a windows font. Carole, I wanted to edit my paragraph, but had trouble keeping it in the selection. I didn't want to type the whole thing over, so I just left it the way it was. I duplicated it and made a raster layer. I think that I may have removed the selection and then decided to go back. It didn't work.
    5 points
  6. So, I replaced the background with sparkly blue. Anyone think it looks better?
    5 points
  7. Here's my first try at "mischief." I wanted to use an actual street map of my hometown of Fort Wayne, Indiana. But I think all of the lines make it look a bit too "busy."
    5 points
  8. Carole was right about these things bringing back memories. In looking at pictures to use, I decided to revisit a trip my husband and I took before his passing. Kind of sad in a way, but also bringing smiles for the fun time we had. I had trouble with the two papers title and going to revisit that again to get it logged into this noggin ... but I just ran out of time for today. Will play with it again tomorrow to see if I have better luck. OBVIOUSLY, I need to watch that video again (and maybe take a couple of notes!)
    5 points
  9. Here is my day one project. I thought I had signed up but must not have so I did so late. I used Alphas I have collected for the letters.
    4 points
  10. Story Time #2 - The Bird, a Thanksgiving tale. I will post the text here as I doubt it will be large enough in a 600 format. The title is an alpha from Sheila Reid, the fonts are Bremen Bold for the pheasant and Bell MT for the text. I used the template but added my own extras to it. I had a lot in a Thanksgiving kit that I had stashed. I used wood pattern for the background and the round frame. The photo corners were in the kit. Here's the text: Our traditional Thanksgiving dinner was always wild pheasant. My husband, Jack, brought home the bird and Debbie and Laurey were tasked with plucking it and I would stuff it with sausage dressing and roast it with bacon layered on top because wild game is not as juicy as a commercial bird. The only drawback to having a wild shot bird was dealing with the tiny bits of lead birdshot that was embedded in the meat. We eventually solved that problem by going to a local game farm and purchasing a wild pheasant, freshly killed. I always preferred the taste of pheasant compared to a traditional turkey.
    4 points
  11. I had time to play this morning while electricians were here ... fixing of all things ... the pool! LOL The alternating color title I found so much easier than the two papers one, which I WILL play with again later. I'm glad to have a pool this year as it seems every beach for miles around me has had shark sightings and closures. Some of those sharks even have drones following their journey. I saw JAWS once many years ago! That's enough to convince me to stay in the pool! We have always had sharks out to sea, but as our waters warm in the Northeast, it seems the sharks are acclimating, too. It is their home, so I guess I will let them have it. We have had whales, too, deliberately attacking boats ... one close to here that threw the two men aboard into the water. Yikes. Scary. They were fine, but the boat I bet wasn't. Yup, POOL sounds like a great idea!
    4 points
  12. Old, old story. Blue and red papers by Becky's Creations, Christmas Freebie, 2016. Ornaments by Brook Gazarek, Digital Scrapbooking, A Touch of Sparkle Ornaments. Winthrop College, simple sticker script by Carole. Not this time, shaped text script by Carole.
    4 points
  13. At least you grabbed your bicycle. My son took our car!
    4 points
  14. Lab 7-3 here is an alternate version. I took the gradient background and duplicated it then moved it to almost the top and added a blend mode. I like what it did to the metallic elements. they really look metallic now. I still wanted some color so I selected the "red" diamonds from the background layer and promoted them to a new layer and brought them above the blend mode layer and lowered the opacity of them (they were red already). I also brought another duplicate of the background gradient above the playing card group and made a mask of the gradient (New Mask Layer > Show All) and used black to block the layers below that have the blend mode so the middle of the cards would retain their original colorful-ness.
    4 points
  15. Lab 7-3 Pattern Paper Metallic Element2 Fabric Tag As it turns out I used the same pattern as Carole used in the tutorial, only because my P52 challenge is playing cards so I ran with that theme. I loved the Pattern Paper and Metallic Element2 tutorials. The Fabric Tag was also good but I did encounter a problem I couldn't overcome. I couldn't get the eraser too to un-erase. I followed the video and used the written instructions, but it just would not erase and I'm not sure why. I really wanted the fringe part so I made the background of the fabric available for a pattern fill, and use the brush tool with the same settings and added the fringe on each side. I have them as separate layers (fringe below the fabric layer) so I could slightly change the saturation of the fringe and add a bit of noise and the tiniest of bevel. I merged the layers so i could add a drop shadow. I used the Custom Playing Card script and the Lifted photo script. Font from Creative Fabrica.
    4 points
  16. Day 4 I guess this would fall under the achieving category, since I taught myself.
    3 points
  17. Day 3 I was more of an annoying child than a mischievous one. Having a younger sister was a perfect foil. The picture is from Pinterest. Our station wagon setup was not even close to that elaborate. Ours was a large Igloo cooler and a grocery bag of paper plates and plastic utensils. @Cassel The Universal Birthday Party was a way to get everyone together for my mom. I knew that the number of opportunities for gathering was dwindling. Although her decline made it difficult to do it again, she had good memories of it, which was what I had hoped.
    3 points
  18. In my second job, I worked at Zellers and on my first day I had to work at this special booth outside the store (in the mall) as it was the debut of Cabbage Patch Kids dolls. And they had adoption papers you could fill out. But the term as I know it came from my parents. They would joke that I came from the Cabbage Patch (when I asked where I came from). They were way ahead of the times.
    3 points
  19. It's my last name most people stumble over. I just went with it, if it was anywhere close. A funny story, my mom was getting the washer fixed and the guy had the same last name. She phoned the company and told the receptionist she was Mrs. Ewart and could she please speak with (what ever his first name was). There was a loooong pause. Turns out the guy was not married and they thought my mom was an ex-wife or a new wife. Your work badge is fabulous!
    3 points
  20. My name really is Corrie and over here that is short for Cornelia, my parents only used my full name when they were very cross with me!
    3 points
  21. Not really an event but our visits and get togethers over the years were recurring and memorable events. When we lived in Spain, my parents flew my grandparents over and they got to experience a little bit of Europe and visit with the family.
    3 points
  22. Carole, I forgot to add the shadows.
    2 points
  23. My mom called me Suzanna when she was made at me (I am Susan by legal name). to this date I don't mind people calling me any derivative of Susan, but I hate being called Suzanna. Weirdly most guys like to call me Suzy Q and often I sign my name in various "susan" ways and many odd made-up ways too.
    2 points
  24. This is me! when I first hear of "carrot cake" I though ewww, yuk. I was an adult when I first tried it and it's my favorite cake. Such a pretty and yummy layout. And BTW, I still use a box grater, seems easier and faster clean up.
    2 points
  25. I like 'em both! This one has more of a nighttime vibe perhaps?
    2 points
  26. Euchre was a natural for me as a young girl. I grew up in the Catholic church in a small rural area, and it was almost required to play it! I still enjoy it, but not as much opportunity to play.
    2 points
  27. Anne, why do the alphas on the left spell out PAMP?
    1 point
  28. The city water park (swimming pool when I was growing up) is just 3/4 of a mile from my house. There is a gazebo and a small playground next to it. Next to that is a baseball field. Next to that used to be 4 tennis courts that were used by the high school tennis team when I was in school... the high school at that time is right across the street. Another baseball field was next to the courts and the one that used to be used for high school baseball games is behind the school next to the football field (which is across from the water park). The baseball field next to the courts was on the edge of a big grass area that the football team uses for practice. That field is not used much and grass may have been planted there leaving just 2 fields that are still used at times. Within the last 15 years one half of the tennis courts was made into a skateboard area and just in the last couple of years the other half was made into pickleball courts. The school is now the middle school. When the new high school was built in the 90's, they eventually put 6 tennis courts, a baseball field and a soccer field there that are used by the high school teams. On the other side of town is a newer park. It has 8 baseball fields, a basketball court, a volleyball court and a playground area. The swimming pool was built in the 1930's as a part of the WPA (1935-1943) and was the same pool my parents used as kids. In 2007, the city received funds from a local foundation to upgrade the facility and a water park with a smaller pool was built. The original buildings still remain. And, the football field was built in the 1940's and has been upgraded over the years. The Ohio High School Athletic Association has had playoff games for football here for many years. It is a very nice stadium. For a small town, we do have nice facilities for recreation.
    1 point
  29. My parents drove us from New Jersey up the East Coast to many of the New England states when we vacationed. I remember Bar Harbor as we took a "cruise" out into the ocean there and the water got a bit rough. I was standing, holding on to a pole and laughing all the way... my parents, not so much. They got seasick!
    1 point
  30. Some of the communities around here have private pickleball courts. Many of them have a playground nearby, often beside the pickleball courts. I have no photos...I'll try to get some. Of course, parks have playgrounds as do community centers.
    1 point
  31. I like this one! But I love the color blue
    1 point
  32. This is fabulous Daniel. I laughed at the cat. OMG. that is so funny. I love dobies too. well, all dogs, all cats, all birds...I could go on...
    1 point
  33. I love these too, but I'm so terrible at them. Your family sharing the same love is so neat. All the family games layouts finally jogged my memory and I finally have a story to tell...when i get to the layout (had to finish a Lab first).
    1 point
  34. This is gorgeous! You did such a nice job on the metallic elements! I like both versions of them.
    1 point
  35. We went on motorcycle trips to Bar Harbor a few times way back in the day! Loved it.
    1 point
  36. @Cassel I think you missed my first layout here when you made your comments.
    1 point
  37. I didn't learn Euchre until I was in my 20s. I was living in upstate NY then and loved the game! In Brooklyn, where I grew up, I only knew Rummy, Go Fish, and Old Maid.
    1 point
  38. I really like this layout. If you made the starfish and birds smaller, I think it wouldn't look as busy.
    1 point
  39. I posted this and it seems to have disappeared. Oh, well... I used to attend the Not Too Late Senior Women's Basketball Camp in Portland/Southern Maine CC. I loved to visit Portland Head and have included it in a couple of my layouts. Good memories, Minka. Thank you!
    1 point
  40. My husband loved carrot cake. He and I used to make it together for special occasions after he retired.
    1 point
  41. Storytime #2. I used my own layout and brought in some elements/papers from the template. Had some trouble this time with text wrapping when I tried to edit. But finally it worked.
    1 point
  42. I had no trouble with the wrapped text (in 2022) on the first layout. But on the second one, when I wanted to edit the text, it would revert (sometimes) to unwrapped. Finally got it, but I also saved what I'd typed so I wouldn't have to redo that.
    1 point
  43. I love cryptic crosswords. Took me a while to learn how to solve them, but it's very satisfying.
    1 point
  44. Day 1 The co-worker in the story took two years of working together for him to spell my name correctly. And it was only after I called him on it.
    1 point
  45. Wow that is quite an achievement! No simple reading stuff as well.
    1 point
  46. My mom and dad together with my aunties and an uncle were very fond of the cryptic crossword puzzle that was in the Saturday edition of our newspaper. There was a lot of rivalry between the different families and most of my cousins were involved too. I'm by far the youngest of all and of course I wanted to be involved too. So my parents started to explain to me how I should think in a different way. There were much simpler versions and I liked the to solve those riddles and started to ask them to let me try their puzzle too. I still know how it felt when I could solve a riddle they hadn't: triumph! We used the dictionary and some other books to find the answers, a lot of pencils and erasers were in use and many telephone calls to the rest of the family. Lab 14-3 has a tutorial about seamless pencils which I had made and could use here. The old fashioned telephone we used in those days is from Digitalscrapbook.com and the lightbulb is by Melo Vrijhof. Font is Table of Contents and the rest of the elements comes from my stash.
    1 point
  47. I stayed with my baby book theme for Day 2. The calendar is from the calendar workshop. The cakes were extracted using Cyberlink's My Edit. The war bond was downloaded from the Library of Congress which has free downloads. The candles are tubes, and the decoration is a cass preset shape. I just downloaded the title font, called, Karlburns, from CF and the journal font is also from CF called Type Write. Unfortunately, both the restaurants mentioned hear have closed.
    1 point
  48. Yah it is a nuisance and I have the same problem. I use 2022 or type my text without the wrapped function, but I have to hope that I have no typos/misspelling. And both happen to me often as everybody can see in my posts😢
    1 point
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