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  1. My take on the food challenge this month is a bit different. I was a picky eater as a kid, but I grew out of most of my finicky habits. Instead of a focus on what I liked, I've highlighted what turned me off big time! I was a small town girl, and the farm life at my grandmother's was not suitable for my tender sensibilities. 😏 I made the photo"frame" based on something I saw by Marisa Lerin and made it a sort of mask. The image came from a google search. I did attempt to make a pennant with the word CHICKENS but I had so many problems with it, I gave up! I will try another day.....
    6 points
  2. It's been two years since Annie Tobin left us. As she would say: "Thanks for takin' a peek!" (The colorful background and alpha are her own designs. The frame is a cass-decorative stitches frame) ❤️
    4 points
  3. The Creation Cassel Store, has so many goodies, to remember all that we have purchasd over the years can be a challenge. I don't have that many element scripts, but as far as the brushes and fonts are concerned I have them all. I also have a collection of corner, swashes, and divider fonts from outside sources. All of which I use. The store isn't unlike the campus, it can be quite overwhelming. Thankfully with what we post here, it can trigger a memory of a use of a font, or a brush or anything else for that matter. The campus is a powerful source of inspiration, across the board.
    3 points
  4. Annie was such a special person.
    3 points
  5. She was sure a person with a big heart. She left us so unexpectedly.
    2 points
  6. Well I can better answer this question before I forget to do so. Again I have no pictures of layouts about this topic, but I can write a short story. I have told before that I grew up in the postwar years in Rotterdam. That period was, certainly in the first years of my life, still a period of sparseness and hard working families. I luckily wasn't very picky about food, but disliked (or I should say hated) rice. Every time that came on the table I flatly refused to eat it and that always provoked a speech from my parents about the hunger they endured in the last year of the war where they had to eat tulip bulbs to stay alive! It has taken me more than 50 years to overcome my dislike of rice, nowadays I will eat it but it never will be a favorite of mine! The best memories about food I have of my dad baking pancakes or apple pie. He had learned backing from his older sister and liked to bake, which my mam didn't. My mam was born in the wrong era, had she lived now she probably would have made a nice career for herself and it wouldn't be that of a housewife! I think she was unhappy in that role, however she loved my dad.
    2 points
  7. Another food that defines my childhood and adulthood is bar-b-que. Layout from 2020 Storytime Challenge.
    2 points
  8. My Mom was a good cook, but sometimes she would treat us (and herself) to a chocolate treat.
    2 points
  9. This was created for the storytime workshop. It is still my favorite cake.
    2 points
  10. Since Tuesday I have had an influx of birds. A large flock of Goldfinches and Siskins turned up on Tuesday. A Pair of Brown Thrashers turned up a fortnight ago, and another pair arrived on Wednesday. Two female Rose breasted Grosbeaks arrived yesterday, along with the first of the Wrens. I have photos of them all, as I have erected several new feeding stations out in the trees using loose and fallen tree bark. You will no doubt see many of the photos in upcoming layouts. The remaining white-crowned Sparrows with their eloquent song, are here to stay, as the majority them had moved on over a week ago. I chose this image to showcase, as between his posture and expression, he simply melted my heart. The trees are now teaming with birds and bird song. Photo taken yesterday afternoon.
    1 point
  11. What a cute layout, Ann! I like this template very much, and I saw great examples of how to use it here.
    1 point
  12. I have the script, it's really cool. I like it a lot.
    1 point
  13. My grandmother kept chickens too. Saturday the oldest hen was taken to the chopping block and was hung upside down on the back porch to drain the blood. Sunday was chicken and polenta. I'll have to admit that I did eat the chicken on Sunday as I wiped out Saturday's view from my mind.
    1 point
  14. P52-Week 20 is coming up this weekend. Here's one of my visitors that Merlin identified as an Eastern Towhee from its song. Pretty colors on a tiny bird.
    1 point
  15. Another one using the cass-Multi-Frame Collage sample this time featuring my youngest great-grand, Raja, from California. I used the letter board from cass-Letterpress Alpha and the cass-Rusted Alpha, with added screw-head brads. The font is Impact with the copper gradient. We kid about Raja meaning king, so I added a crown, top right. Raja will turn one on Aug 31.
    1 point
  16. You can make a layout without any photo! Those are still fun layouts to enjoy!
    1 point
  17. When I was in California with my family I unintentionally happened to have a little card of Markus with me. I have a little backpack that I often use for a small trip or just for a walk to store a couple of things like my phone and sunglasses. I thought it was empty but Markus was in there and when I checked what the theme of the month May was, I decided to take a picture of the pool and a picture of Markus. I made a sort of holiday card out of it all with a couple of elements I have in my stash. Like Markus: enjoy!
    1 point
  18. Using the cass-Multi-Framed Photos layout to scrap my granddaughter, Jackie and her husband, Corey, on their recent vacation to Granada in the Caribbean.
    1 point
  19. Try dunking kit kats in peanut butter...YUM!
    1 point
  20. Ilana sent me two new pool pix from a super-hot day in April! I used a template called Inspiration-TemplateU which I rotated 90 degrees because my photos were portrait aspect. I used a kit titled: ps_melo-vrijhof__summer-splash.
    1 point
  21. Oh, that's so sweet. Is this bird getting ready for bath time?
    1 point
  22. Week 19 A quiet moment on a sunny May day.
    1 point
  23. I too was picky as a kid. I wouldn't eat my mother's famous carrot cake with cream cheese frosting b/c of the carrots and cheese! I missed out on a lot of good slices for many years! That's what your reminiscence made me think of.
    1 point
  24. An oldie but a goodie: Granddaughter Ilana and her boy, Logan, in the pool.
    1 point
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