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  1. I am just updating this thread. After a few months, I am at the point where all the chapters and tutorials are done, at least, the first version. There are two main sections: the Technical section about scrapbooking and a practical section (called "Scrap with me") that includes 10 projects, ranging from quick-pages to layouts done completely from scratch with different special effects. So far, I have about 260 pages!!! I still have to do the appendix, the index, the credits and references, and add a few more images. So things are moving along!
    6 points
  2. It's been two years since Annie Tobin left us. As she would say: "Thanks for takin' a peek!" (The colorful background and alpha are her own designs. The frame is a cass-decorative stitches frame) ❤️
    5 points
  3. Another one using the cass-Multi-Frame Collage sample this time featuring my youngest great-grand, Raja, from California. I used the letter board from cass-Letterpress Alpha and the cass-Rusted Alpha, with added screw-head brads. The font is Impact with the copper gradient. We kid about Raja meaning king, so I added a crown, top right. Raja will turn one on Aug 31.
    5 points
  4. The Creation Cassel Store, has so many goodies, to remember all that we have purchasd over the years can be a challenge. I don't have that many element scripts, but as far as the brushes and fonts are concerned I have them all. I also have a collection of corner, swashes, and divider fonts from outside sources. All of which I use. The store isn't unlike the campus, it can be quite overwhelming. Thankfully with what we post here, it can trigger a memory of a use of a font, or a brush or anything else for that matter. The campus is a powerful source of inspiration, across the board.
    4 points
  5. I was actually going to ask around for some layouts. I have quite a few of my own, but would love to have some others too. I'll post a call as soon as I have more specific requirements! I would also LOVE to have more examples, like in a sort of "gallery" at the end of the book but that might make it a bit too thick at this point. But I'll see what I can do.
    3 points
  6. You are right, Sue. I also don't use them as much as I could (I keep forgetting). So far, I've only used the Corner Punches in a "boring way" 😄, only at the corners of papers. Another thing I could use more is the Edge Fonts, which you also use beautifully. I think I'll create a folder with some of your layouts to be reminded and inspired by all the different ways to add them to a page. 🙂
    3 points
  7. Yippeee! I cant wait to hold it in my hands...I might need both hands to hold a book that size! 260+ pages is awesome as far as I'm concerned. 😁. Kidding aside, a book on digital scapbooking with PSP will be a joy to own and be a great reference tool. I'm grateful you took on this job for our benefit.
    3 points
  8. My take on the food challenge this month is a bit different. I was a picky eater as a kid, but I grew out of most of my finicky habits. Instead of a focus on what I liked, I've highlighted what turned me off big time! I was a small town girl, and the farm life at my grandmother's was not suitable for my tender sensibilities. 😏 I made the photo"frame" based on something I saw by Marisa Lerin and made it a sort of mask. The image came from a google search. I did attempt to make a pennant with the word CHICKENS but I had so many problems with it, I gave up! I will try another day.....
    2 points
  9. Templates I think go with producing Masks and useful for scrapbook projects for repeating and adapting styles. How about volunteer examples for the beginnings of chapters in the book from Scrapbook Campus scrapbookers similar to what Marisa Lerin produces in her weekly roundup for Digital Scrapbook.com
    2 points
  10. I live an hour west of Minneapolis and had good luck finding the Northern Lights about 5 miles out of the town I live in. Looking the sky over, disappointingly, all we saw were white streaks from the horizon to straight over our heads. No color at all, just white streaks. I set up my dslr camera on a tripod and took a few photos anyway, and to my surprise when I looked at the LCD screen on the back of the camera the colors were there. Of course I took many photos over the 2 hours we watched. (midnight to 2:00.a.m.) This was the first time I have seen the Northern Lights and hope to again to perfect the pics I take next time. I will admit I did some photo editing as the photos were very grainy. I will try different settings on my camera next time.
    2 points
  11. Love the way the colours pop!
    2 points
  12. When I was in California with my family I unintentionally happened to have a little card of Markus with me. I have a little backpack that I often use for a small trip or just for a walk to store a couple of things like my phone and sunglasses. I thought it was empty but Markus was in there and when I checked what the theme of the month May was, I decided to take a picture of the pool and a picture of Markus. I made a sort of holiday card out of it all with a couple of elements I have in my stash. Like Markus: enjoy!
    2 points
  13. Using the cass-Multi-Framed Photos layout to scrap my granddaughter, Jackie and her husband, Corey, on their recent vacation to Granada in the Caribbean.
    2 points
  14. Thank you Ann! The trick is to water very sparsely, the most common fault in watering a cactus is: you give them to much water. When in a pot or container you should let the soil dry out completely before giving them a drop. To this rule are some exemptions for certain species but that is normally on the label when you buy them. It is so funny to see her with her plants because my son, her uncle is also a great fan of cacti and he started with them when he was the same age as she is now. At 50 he still grows cacti but I'm not sure his wife loves those too.
    2 points
  15. Been working on organizing most of the topics I can think of and adding links to blog posts addressing them. I am surprised to see that almost all the topics ARE covered with a blog post or a few classes! That will make the process faster than having to write from scratch! Here is what I have so far: 1. Digital Scrapbooking Why scrapbooking? Why digital? 2. What is a scrapbook page? Parts of a page Supplies – what and where TOU Photoshop resources PSP resources Scrapbooking styles 3. Getting started Starting points Quick pages Templates Sketches Scraplifting From scratch Size and format 4. Layers The sandwich Linking and grouping 5. Using photos Resizing Basic fixes Using bad photos Big or small Black and white Some photo effects 6. Papers Layering Shaping/cutting 7. Titles Fonts and alphas Types of titles 8. Journaling Type of journaling Ways to add it Text on path 9. Decorative elements Fasteners Ribbons and bows Frames Tags Using greyscale elements 10. Additional elements Shadows Double pages Picture tubes Common mistakes 11. Fun extras Out-of-bound Brush work Changing colors 12. Scrap with me Scrapbook page 1 – quick page Scrapbook page 2 - template Scrapbook page 3 – sketch Scrapbook page 4 – scraplifting Scrapbook page 5 – from scratch
    2 points
  16. Now I remember, it is a script. You downloaded the freebie from creation cassel blog. Looks good.
    1 point
  17. I was just looking at this again. Something I noticed was the totally relaxed right hand of Logan. You can tell he is not stressed at all being in the pool with Mom.
    1 point
  18. P52-Week 20 is coming up this weekend. Here's one of my visitors that Merlin identified as an Eastern Towhee from its song. Pretty colors on a tiny bird.
    1 point
  19. I get the minis, too. Just dunk them right into the peanut butter jar!
    1 point
  20. We have had similar weather in the south of New Zealand, coming up to winter here, so we haven't seen the lights this time. We do, however, enjoy them regularly during the season when everything is right for viewing. I belong to the Southern Hemisphere Aurora Facebook group and some in Australia have enjoyed great viewing. Hopefully, you manage another time, Bonnie, the lights are well worth seeing.
    1 point
  21. P = Pee in the pool (which is a no-no)
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. I buy giant bags of Kit Kat minis. So I will try your recipe!
    1 point
  24. You can make a layout without any photo! Those are still fun layouts to enjoy!
    1 point
  25. Well I can better answer this question before I forget to do so. Again I have no pictures of layouts about this topic, but I can write a short story. I have told before that I grew up in the postwar years in Rotterdam. That period was, certainly in the first years of my life, still a period of sparseness and hard working families. I luckily wasn't very picky about food, but disliked (or I should say hated) rice. Every time that came on the table I flatly refused to eat it and that always provoked a speech from my parents about the hunger they endured in the last year of the war where they had to eat tulip bulbs to stay alive! It has taken me more than 50 years to overcome my dislike of rice, nowadays I will eat it but it never will be a favorite of mine! The best memories about food I have of my dad baking pancakes or apple pie. He had learned backing from his older sister and liked to bake, which my mam didn't. My mam was born in the wrong era, had she lived now she probably would have made a nice career for herself and it wouldn't be that of a housewife! I think she was unhappy in that role, however she loved my dad.
    1 point
  26. That nice little crunch sounds like it would go good withe the PB.
    1 point
  27. @Anne Lamp I love playing with the kaleidoscope tool. I've saved many of them as presets. @Julie Magerka You should definitely try using the punches in your projects. We all get inspiration from each other. There's even a term for it that I can't think of right now so I'll say scrap-napping. 😄
    1 point
  28. Thanks Susan for the encouragement. Sorry to take so long to get back to you.
    1 point
  29. I did forget, Ann. The outling and text are 2 files created by AnnieCDigital designs. She also has some great templates. Creative Fabrica has some of her work but not her templates.
    1 point
  30. I went back and had another go at the bevel and reset to default settings and it worked. Not sure what I had it on before but thank you for the suggestion Rene. I think you are right. It gives more of a realistic 3D effect.
    1 point
  31. Nice, Bonnie! Did you create the Utah wordart? You didn't mention it...
    1 point
  32. Corrie, I love the layout and the collection. Just wondering, did your granddaughter mention how often to water a cactus? I've not had good luck with them...
    1 point
  33. Perhaps I have given you some ideas for your own layouts. I know I will look at a layout and think ah, I like that, why didn't I think of it.
    1 point
  34. Not at all Julie! I feel the main goal on here is to influence, motivate, stir up ideas, that we may not have thought of through each other. Feel free to copy, it can be a starting point, until your own style kicks in, which then makes it your own. I'd say that Carole's punches would look fantasitc in your delicate layouts.
    1 point
  35. My friend and teammate, Lily. This photo is from 2006. Lily is an amazing person with an amazing story. She came to the US alone when she was 18. Enrolled at the University of Maryland, met her husband and became a pharamacist. She is fast as greased lightning and can shoot a basketball like no one else...remember we were playing senior basketball...age 50+.
    1 point
  36. My bball team again. This template is from Photobacks. They sell templates to photographers.
    1 point
  37. I really like this template so I tried another: Pat and Frank's page above was from 2012. This one is from 2022. This is my current basketball team. Beth, the girl standing beside me, was pretty deep into dementia when this photo was taken. She is no longer able to play. In this layout, you are able to see only part of this huge sand sculpture. It was indoors at the convention center where we played basketball and pickleball. Most of the sports played in the Senior Games were represented.
    1 point
  38. Nothing fancy...using Carole's Multi-Frame Collage: My friend and basketball teammate, Pat and her husband, Frank in 2012. We often played a tournament in St. George, Utah and Pat had built a home there. One year I was invited to stay in her home. We went hiking after the basketball tournament and that's when these photos were taken. Sadly, Frank has passed away. However, Pat is doing well. I think she sold the house.
    1 point
  39. Here is a single one I really liked. I found that if I put the orbits at 0 and the scale factor almost all the way down in the negative range, I would have a chance of something like the rose showing up looking like the rose.
    1 point
  40. This is what I have been playing with off and on the last few day. It is amazing what can be created from a regular pick with the kaleidoscope. The center picks are some of the originals and most of the K. were created starting with them. I do have all of them saved full size, so some of them may show up here and there.
    1 point
  41. I promised my granddaughter that I would make here a layout when I had overcome the jetlag and this is what I made for her. She loves plants, especially cacti and succulents, and she has quite a collection of them as mini plants. Besides that, green is her favorite color. I used the mask from Jessica Dunn for the May mask challenge on digital scrapbook and the papers (with blendmodes) and elements from cpjess Meadow bundle which I recently bought and some plant tubes. In the mean time I have transferred and ordered all my recent photos, so now I can start making a couple of layouts as intro pages for the photo album I'm going to make. Slowly I'm getting back into scrapping, it always takes some time to readjust to my normal routine at home.
    1 point
  42. Thank you Cristina. It was fun to make, relaxing I'd say. just having fun after a busy week.
    1 point
  43. It's always great to see your take on layouts!
    1 point
  44. I downloaded Carole's multi framed collage template. I have never used a multi framed template, although I have seen several of them. As I have said previously, I was hooked on this technique after watching the photo split frame technique in the creative scrap. Since them I have created my own, using up to as many as 8 frames per image. I blended two photos of the White crowned sparrow. Created the Alpha, (can't remember what the tutorial is called) burnt edge, which isn't really burnt as I used green. The background paper is an edited favourite of many the linoleum pattern. I don't see many using Carole's corner and paper punches. I love them and use them a lot. I used one of them on the strip. They are ever so versitle, quick and easy to use to add that extra touch to any layout.
    1 point
  45. I always appreciate your kind words Cristina, and others of course. I find that cutting the papers is much more appealing on circular photos than square/rectangle. I think it may have something to do with with the smooth flow of circular shapes. It also makes a welcome change from the traditional framing. Giving possibly a little more depth to the page.
    1 point
  46. All of this sounds great and exciting! I think you are definitively on the right track.💜
    1 point
  47. Love the "Scrap with me" section.
    1 point
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