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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2024 in all areas

  1. Crossposting from Chit Chat- I just cobbled together this layout using my template from the webinar's grid format. Photos by (daughter) Laurey Keller of 2024 Total Eclipse, Matamoras, PA SI-Star Gazer kit / Elements = Light (overlay @ 50% opacity) + Nebula-1 (Does anyone know who "SI" is?) Font=Distant Galaxy Outline (which was an offering by Star Wars creator Lucasfilm) / White Sand gradient
    7 points
  2. Week 14 Sorry, Iā€™m so late. My photo shows one of the delightful chaffinches that visit my garden.
    6 points
  3. Image taken Hammond Indiana using solar eclipse glasses placed directly over the camera lenses,on the samsung galaxy cell phone lenses using manual shutter speed and ISO adjustments. Worked in a pinch
    6 points
  4. We had cloudy weather but it actually worked to our advantage. It was possible to see the eclipse without constant use of the special glasses. I even took a few pictures with my unprotected cell phone. And it got so dark that solar powered night lights switched on. And as an added bonus, it got dark enough that a star was visible in the sky. That is it on the lower right. I looked it up. It turns out the star is Sirius (AKA The Dog Star, an Easter egg for you Harry Potter fans out there.)
    6 points
  5. I see that Ann has posted a photo of Great horned Owlets, taken by her friend. This is a page I created and posted back in the summer of 2019, showcasing one of the two Owlets that I documented and observed at a friend's hay barn not to far away. The Owls have nested there for over 10 years. Many of you won't have seen this page.
    5 points
  6. Fonts: Selectric Advocate, Slimlines. Graphics Gina Jones and myself.
    4 points
  7. I just cobbled together this layout using my template from the webinar's grid format. Photos by (daughter) Laurey Keller of 2024 Total Eclipse, Matamoras, PA SI-Star Gazer kit / Elements = Light (overlay @ 50% opacity) + Nebula-1 (Does anyone know who "SI" is?) Font=Distant Galaxy Outline (which was an offering by Star Wars creator Lucasfilm) / White Sand gradient
    4 points
  8. No scrapbook pages yet but I did get some photos. My cousin is going to get some more to me that she took with her phone. We had an awesome time, just sitting in my driveway. It started cooling down 5 to 10 minutes before totality then warmed back up after it was over. I saw today that we dropped 8 degrees Fahrenheit during it. We had almost 4 minutes of totality. My solar lights in my flower beds came on but luckily I had remembered to turn the motion light above my garage off but the video still recorded! So I have video of us watching and our comments during the totality! Many of my neighbors had lights come on during the darkness. The weather was just gorgeous with very few clouds in the sky. Temps were in the low 70's which is unusual for this early in April. I live about 1.5 miles north of the county fairgrounds. They were open for camping all weekend and had entertainment, food stands and vendors all weekend. Then viewing of the eclipse on Monday. We could hear the crowd screaming, yelling and clapping during totality. We also saw a couple fireworks off to the southwest during totality, not sure who did those though. This is the one and only eclipse I will probably see. The next one in Ohio is in 2099... I would be well over a hundred years old so doubt I'll be around for it! Not even sure I would be around for the big one that will cross the USA in 2045 and if I would be, I don't think I'll be traveling to see it. I am so glad that I got to see it and very thankful that we had perfect weather since Ohio weather in April can be hit or miss. We had clouds on Saturday/Sunday and today has been cloudy with thunderstorms tonight. Monday was perfect!
    4 points
  9. Week Fourteen - 04/07/24 - Baby great horned owls well camouflaged in a tree and trying to look fierce. šŸ˜† Photo by my buddy Michael Turek. Font is Valentina.
    3 points
  10. I'm two days early posting week 15. I read that Susan is waiting for the Robins to return to her area. Several arrived over this past weekened, along with several small flocks of Juncos, a Male Northern Flicker, and a handful of Song Sparrows. The long awaited songs of birds has once again begun, breaking the long silence of winter out in the trees. Shot taken on Monday afternoon. On their arrival, I promptly put out blueberry jam, and berries.
    2 points
  11. The last couple of weeks in every patch of grass along roadsides and in public gardens is colored by "speenkruid" ( pilewort - ranunculus ficaria - lesser celandine) and this week I finally got the time to take a photo when we had a sunny spell.
    2 points
  12. I have a flower bed full of daffodils, one of my favorite flowers. The daffodil picture was taken yesterday and the dandelion field is behind my house. The green paper is from my kit, and the fold is from a scrap tutorial. I have been totally unsucessful in using the cass folded edge script, but by accident managed to fold the daffodil picture. I filled the fold with white like the back of a photograph. The mossy wood is from a picture my daughter sent me, and the preset wheel is filled with another wood photo from Beth. The no trespassing sign fill is from a photo of tree bark that I took some time ago. I used a brush to make the edges uneven. The yellow is a gradient, and the greenery was made in Procreate. The font is Kristin ITC cut out of the bark photo.
    1 point
  13. It does and is surprisingly loud for a little one!
    1 point
  14. I'm glad you mentioned the kit. I would have never seen that site. The font it nice isn't it. I just went and found it. I have a family member who loves Star Wars.
    1 point
  15. Thanks, Susan! I've had this kit for a long time but never used it. I also have the transfers; I think they came with the original kit. I was also pleased to use my Star Wars font šŸ˜‰
    1 point
  16. Wow Sharla, what a beautiful bird. I love that color. it is close to a robin, which should be making an appearance in my area soon...I hope. Does this bird have a nice song. Looks like some beautiful blossoms in the background.
    1 point
  17. That was a good one! I loved the otter singing Copa Cabana.
    1 point
  18. I was fairly "scrapbooky" on this one, yay! I thought a collage of spring scenes would qualify for the theme. I used paper and elements from Marisa Leren's Hello Spring kit in PS/DS. A label instead of another pic gave me a good place to put my text. The fonts are Spring and Sprightly Two.
    1 point
  19. How about the chicken screaming for Maria?
    1 point
  20. He's calling for Allan! Allan! Allan! hahahahaha google this: Funny talking animals: Alan!.. Alan!.. Steve! | Walk on the Wild Side - BBC and you'll get it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaPepCVepCg Hopefully this link works. You can also google Allan Allan Allan and you'll get just the Allan part.
    1 point
  21. This past week we have some stunning sunsets and sunrises. The temps are rising slowly, obviously the ground is still frozen, hense the standing water. Rainbows are created by water droplets in the air. The colours are wave lengths of light. Like in a sunrise, as in the image below. Red is recalled the red shift, as the light is stretched. Stretched light causes the red colour.
    1 point
  22. Font is Myriad, most graphics Jen Maddock, some myself.
    1 point
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