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  1. I saw something similar online, which caught my eye. I decided to create my own. I'll make it more festive with colour, holly etc. Wordart using only fonts.
    8 points
  2. Tried to make one as clean and simple as possible.
    6 points
  3. Well, the next thing I did this morning was to take the top of the November Calendar and copy it and change the copy to a square and then use it as a mask and this is what I came up with.
    5 points
  4. Restarted Calender 2024. all pictures are from : © advanduren nature fotografer. With his permission. Front and back. the birdsname is the Apple vinch.
    4 points
  5. You lazy, so and so!!!!!! lol, only joking. Carole spoils us with all her wonderful scripts. 🙂 You know, once you have created one adjustment layer, you'll be able to do more, with ease. It really isn't a complicated process, slow or tedious. Yet the effect, like masks will produce a delightful page. Which will allow you to be creative, like I did some out of bounds and more in the leaf layout.
    3 points
  6. This one is a mask saved with the frames in various opacity of white.
    3 points
  7. I also made the 3 transparent frames into a mask and this is the result. I'm just having too much fun. I really need to get back on the Alphabet Soup album as I only have 3 layouts to go before I get it ready to print.
    3 points
  8. Wow! All these books are so awesome! (also counting the one by Mary in the travel theme thread). Here is what I've been up to today in preparation for tomorrow's planner class.
    3 points
  9. I know, right? 🤣 We are spoiled for sure. I am going to give this technique a try, I really like the look. If I ever get Christmas put out that is. My living room is so full of boxes I can barely move. Once it's out and the cards are addressed and out the door I will be FREE and can play. PS Thanks for the good laugh.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Makes me feel warm & fuzzy that others have this going on too! I will swear it's a Wednesday, for example, and then realize it's Tuesday. Better to call 'em brain f@rts than senior moments.
    2 points
  12. I created this starting with a Globe shared on PSPManiacs.
    2 points
  13. Jannette a very lovely bird calendar! Are you going to print it yourself, or get it printed? By the way I'm happy for you that your computer problem is solved and that that virus didn't do too much harm!
    2 points
  14. I just downloaded Samantha Upright and discovered I have several different fonts with Samantha in their names. You may have looked at the wrong font in Character Map as I did. BTW, this is the first font where the Bonus File has a PDF showing every single glyph. I wish every font designer would do that as it's so much easier to see them in a large format.
    2 points
  15. Carole has transparent frames script. I replicated one of them, it's below. The only other thing I can think of is using the adjustment layers.
    2 points
  16. Now that the Travel Tale is finished, off to the printer, on its way to my home, I am playing again. Decided to look at that 3 transparent frames with varying opacity. This is what I came up with, but it isn't what I saw (think I saw???)
    2 points
  17. I dug out one of my very old photos from home. It wasn't that long ago that we were discussing the origins of Christmas and it's relation to the Winter Solstice during pagan times, in the campus. I mentioned that my children and I would go out gathering greenery for decorations, and branches for a tree. I have created a Yuletide page. I still make paper chains. I used Carole's label script for the journaling, the pine cones come with PSP. The other elements I have acquired over the years, which I use over and over in other pages, particularly the ivy, which you may recognise.
    2 points
  18. You are singing the song of my people. Even with specific things to do on specific days it all blurs together. Especially if I do something not normal on a certain day, like working on a Thursday (my day off)...I tend to think the next day is Saturday and almost forget to go to work (because it's actually Friday).
    2 points
  19. I love this font too. I just tried again and it's working. I wonder why it wasnt when I was doing my cards. Maybe a late April fools joke from PSP or Font Base. So strange. I've always maintained that computers dont like me. This is a case in point.
    2 points
  20. I think that technique was just in the Campus update with the link to the blog post tutorial. I wanted to remember and downloaded it. Once I get Christmas put out I can get to fun stuff. I wish I had an instant just-add-water and *POOF* Christmas is all over the house, seed.
    2 points
  21. I didnt know this. I wonder if Creative Fabrica is the same. I copy the preview to a preview folder (it's easier to choose a font) and several times already the preview shows a glyph and when I go to use it, it doesnt show it either in my font viewer OR Windows Character Map. Also, does anyone have Samantha Upright? Some glyphs copy and paste fine other,(Many others, in fact MOST others) copy the selected glyph I chose, but when I paste in the project it is a whole different one and it's like 9 or ten glyphs away from the one I chose. I've even deleted the font and got an new one. I'm going to start adding the ones I use to a favorites (I can do that in my viewer) and then at the end of the year I will pick a few more I like but havent used and get rid of the majority. I'm sick of spending 1/2 hour going through fonts when i can be using PSP instead. When I first said i had 12K it's ALL the fonts. Some fonts come with many versions (family?). the actual amount I've downloaded is only ("only" 🤣) 4700. So that's not so bad... right? I'm only a "little" font-a-holicy.
    2 points
  22. Here's what I came up with for COLD. A pic I took last winter or one before of a squirrel waiting for food. I can't help it; I feel sorry for them in bad weather and do the handouts for them and the birds year round. Costs a lot more than it used to! The background is a paper from somewhere, vector frames with bevel. (Might have used the photo here before?)
    2 points
  23. I corrected the December page and created a Back Page for my calendar. Just sent them to Staples to be printed; ready tomorrow. Here's my Back Page...
    2 points
  24. Providing you save the file with as a PSP, the adjustment layers will reman in tact, and you can slip another photo, of the same size, although you could size up or down, depending on the image, above the original photo. There will be several layers, but you can hide what you don't want to reuse. So yes, you can. They work like masks, you will be able to adjust those layers to suit the new image.
    1 point
  25. I can look but an adjustment layer is just a greyscale layer that acts like a mask. So, a script similar to the Raster to mask might be possible. Something like Raster to Adjustment?? Worth looking into that.
    1 point
  26. On the Home Depot flyer the title was, "Black Friday....Starts Thursday" Love humour in advertising.
    1 point
  27. Now I think I know what you are trying to achieve. For this effect may I suggest you use the adjustment layers. I think you will achieve a much better result, not that I'm saying what you have done isn't lovely, it is. Although you have created 3 distinct frames, you still do that using the adjustment layers. In my example, which I did back in 2018, I have done many different ones since, including oval ones, within a rectangle image, which has distinct frames, like yours. Using the selection tool, and the adjustment layer brightness and contrast. Of course you can still lower the opacity whilst the frame is still selected with the selection tool, within the adjustment layer. The adjustment layers are like masks, you can go back at a later time to change it, when saved as a PSP. There are masterclasses on using the adjustment layers. 'Adjust what' is one. I hope this helps you.
    1 point
  28. Mary, those are beautiful! I might try to make those, but I don't understand why you need a mask - can you just plop them right on top? - but then again, I never did see the need for a mask. Ooops! I'm finding it difficult to get the days of the week because I don't watch TV much any more -- you know, when Thursdays were Seinfeld & Friends? Plus my husband and I are retired, and all the days get mushed up. Do NOT subscribe to Katie Pertiet's newsletter! She has a sale on Tuesday, "Template Tuesday", and the emails for it come out on MONDAY morning, subject line "Template Tuesday!" Then she has "Thrifty Thursday", and you guessed it, the email comes out on Wednesday morning with a subject line of "Thrifty Thursday"!! I'm lucky I can get the year right!
    1 point
  29. I guess you are referring to the square mask I made from the top of the November calendar. I worked with the group as a whole to change the vertical to a square.
    1 point
  30. Actually, there is! https://creationcassel.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_9&products_id=668
    1 point
  31. I put this page in November by mistake. I like the gold. I'm going to use this in some of next year's festive cards, as the greeting/verse on the inside page. It ill make for a novel layout. I will also be able change some of the wording, depending who the recipient of the card is going to be.
    1 point
  32. All the days get blurred in my head at times! It is a good thing I have specific things to do on specific days to help me remember what day we are!
    1 point
  33. I always use guides. The background is treated to Luminesence.
    1 point
  34. I had a 'hidden' virus but Microsoft has found it. Happenly PSP runs fine now.
    1 point
  35. You got your angel answer up while I was trying to get this pic resized.
    1 point
  36. Welcome to December. Here is the December calendar featuring the Amur Leopard this time. Enjoy. I even used a little Out of Bounds on this one. I have posted a full size version on Facebook that will print 11"x8.5" I feature mine on my desktop. The leopard information is from the Beardsley Zoo in Connecticut, where they have successfully bred some new members of this endangered species. Edit: forgot to name the Amur Jaguar font - Sedalia and the journaling is Arial Narrow.
    1 point
  37. This is sort of a gag for my best friend Don. It rarely snows where I live but one year we got a good snowfall and while I was wandering in the park I saw this - a dumpster with the words "Don is Love" spray painted on it. What an odd thing to spray paint onto a dumpster!
    1 point
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