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  1. I tried the 2nd part of LAB 13-1 tonight. Finding the right font is key, I didnt get enough overlap on some letters to make it look as nice as Carole's example. I put the same texture on all of it because it looked like it was painted on a cement wall. It probably wont show in the smaller size. Font is called Listing Packs (weird, I know), probably from Creative Fabrica. My font program came with access to Google fonts so now they are all mixed in and I dont know who came from where. This is just me trying the exercise, I think I would do it differently next time adding some pattern to the letters. My head got muddled up when I was remembering which letter was behind of in front of the other. It was fun to do though, and any vector practice is good for me. Realized I didnt put shadows in, here it is with shadows.
    7 points
  2. I just LOVE Cassel's Punches; I used her Edge Punches to make the black border around the dancing people. Such an easy way to "dress up" your page. I would love to see a new set of Edge Punches (hint-hint). The font is Grenadier NF from 1001Fonts.
    5 points
  3. My interpretation of the stencil. I will be using it as an Easter tag. Currently I have been creating my own Easter vector shapes. Closer to Easter I will post for download for you, a vector shape Easter egg tag, which will have the hole already punched out. I won't post any of the others, as I want to encourage you to create your own. I also created the vector flower in the tag.
    4 points
  4. I made my own clothes for my 2 children when they babies and toddlers. Of course back in those days boys and girls were dressed the same when babies. I used to make Viyella nighties and vests for them. Also I knitted all their matinee jackets, using the Blackberry stitch, as it is my favourite stitch. I ordered a hand made personized rag doll for the youngest granddaughter for Xmas. I'm in the process of crocheting a hat and matching scarf and mittens for her. As an Easter gift. I suspect the cost of the postage to Wales will be far in excess of the wool. But Hey, you can't put a price on making something yourself.
    3 points
  5. Susan, yeah, they're about the size of a Canada Goose so pretty large. They amusingly like to sit on top of our metal chimney tubes on the roof and keep warm in the winter. ?
    3 points
  6. I find the black vultures very interesting. They are full of personality.
    2 points
  7. I would love to see your interpretation too Corrie. Even if you think it's a similar concept, it will still have your spin on it. I bought PSP 2023 too but have not downloaded it yet. It's a big job. I have a list that I go through....if I can find the list!
    2 points
  8. Sue very nice, but now I almost don't dare to show - when finished - the one I'm currently working on because I had a quite similar idea for an easter stencil! Today I just bought PSP2023 so I'm still in the proces of customizing it, not everything goes automatic. Once that is finished to my satisfaction I'll resume my easteregg.?
    2 points
  9. I used the template from Lab 13-01 which has a split title. I had to remove one photo group and my split title is actually hyphenated. Not exactly the same. Oh, well. The outside frame is a PSP frame labeled transparent. The blue patterned paper is from Rachel Martin and the woodgrain is Marisa Lerin, Winter Day. Mostly I just added texture to the other papers. The font is Bernard MT and the yellow arrow is from Marisa Lerin in a kit called 1000. The photos are mine, from my front yard, except for the top left portrait that I got from Ed Frampton.
    2 points
  10. Do you have lots of leftover supplies from a hobby that you are trying to use up, creatively? How do you deal with all the extras you collected over time? Let's chat.
    1 point
  11. I just read that the Diamond members are getting new masks, so I'm pretty exicted!!!! Carole thank you so much for making the Workshop attractive for all of us!
    1 point
  12. Susan this looks great and the stencil with words is next on my list to give it a try and thanks to you I know now that I have to be careful in selecting the font to use!
    1 point
  13. Here's my monthly big cat calendar project for February 2023. I'll also put it up on Facebook with a large jpg in the files. The originals are 4200 x 2550. I think they came from Corel as a freebie.
    1 point
  14. and again - and then I really have to get back to chores.
    1 point
  15. Well, since we are using some of the things we have done before ...
    1 point
  16. Went all the way back to 2011 for these photos and this day. Fun day. I wish the photos were better...but, I took them so I can't complain too much!
    1 point
  17. Project 5 -- I'm gonna call it 'done'. It has taken several days, created some frustration. Maybe added a few more gray hairs on my head ? I know there are only 3 small squares. I made 4, but when I began merging them into one layer I realized I had the last one on a layer with something else....and I decided 3 squares were good ? Now that I have thought about it, I suppose I could have used the history to figure out where I messed up and corrected it?
    1 point
  18. It was fun ..so i made another one ...little more simple !! Fonts used : ActionIs------&----Mr.Haviland Kit used: Dainty Spring Butterfly Element are from some years ago ..... Something i learned ....is that Pick tool for resizing !!
    1 point
  19. Fun project! I had trouble right at the end - my quote didn't save until I converted that layer to a Raster. Is that normal? And at the top of my window, my "File" Menu disappeared from the toolbar! I haven't figured out how to get that Menu back! Thank goodness for the icons on the toolbar to help me out with saving and opening files. Any thoughts on solving this menu issue? Key take-aways from this class: Drop Shadows! Adding more layers (than I was used to) and finding sources for papers and elements. Eraser tool to create a "pinking shear" edge! Using patterns in place of solid colors. Developing my own patterns, too. Great class - now I'm kicking myself for taking so long to sign up for a class! So much easier to watch how it's done and then recreate it, than figuring it out on my own through LOTS of trial and error! Thank you!
    1 point
  20. Well I finished all 5 projects. As you can tell this is all new to me but I think I did OK considering. I owe it all to a great teacher. Thank you Cassel! My main interest was to learn PSP. The only trouble I had on this one was the text would disappear when I resized to 600. I had to convert it to raster to make it work. Also when I uploaded it the colors are washed out. It looked much better before. ? an apple for the teacher.
    1 point
  21. Fonts used 3 Hour Tour................Ghastly Panic Bottom Paper from ps_brooke-gazarek other Papers were actually Pattern Tiles Elements are from Pixabay,PNGTree and some from years ago Quote i found on the internet and the picture is my Grandson when he was little
    1 point
  22. Lots of lessons learned on Project 4! One of which is that I can't seem to find elements and papers to support what I have in my head of what I want to create! I've downloaded many "freebie" packages but they don't seem to fill the bill. And what are these "tubes" that I read you guys are using? Do tell! Please!
    1 point
  23. its was again fun to work in this workshop, some things that I had forget comes back in my mind . here is my project 5 , The red TitleWord is made from a pattern in my photo and I added the clock , the blue is made with a paper credits in the gallery -
    1 point
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