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Template Workshop 2022


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Day 2  and my story about the Hot Air Ballon continues. The kit I used for day 1 didn't go well with my photos for today so I used another minikit by Marisa Lerin (digitalsscrapbook.com) juni 2012. The fonts are Bauhaus and Arial. The Diamond template 2 has a lot of space for journaling and I'll use it later in my series because I want to have the opportunity to tell more at the end of this project, not in the beginning.
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Day 2   I'm afraid I didn't  stick to the template, I modified it. I am notorious for doing that.  I didn't use a kit either.  I used paper templates, colouring them to  match the photos. Saying that I did create the paper with the 4 dots.  If I'm not anything else,  I am consistent and predictable. Carole's fancy edge fonts, which I  absolutely love and use a lot.  The snow is melting fast now, bodies of water everywhere I look, with geese arriving in their thousands every day.  Took these shots this morning.
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Hi all,


WOW, so many lovely creations :)


Really enjoyed Template Lesson 1, until right at the end where I've hit a problem. I have the bottom edge of my photo showing on the base of the page. I tried moving it up and down like Carole said near the end of the tutorial, but whichever way I move it, either the pic shows at the top or bottom of the page.


As usual, it's probably something simple that I'm not grasping.


Thanking you in advance.



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Hi all, love all the projects and the colours and creativity. Having fun with learning about templates. I think, perhaps, they may be more work than making my own layouts....? When I got to the part in the video where Carole says "masks", I almost shut down the computer and ran! But that wouldn't be helpful to me. So I carried on. I watched the video once and then tackled the project, seeing how much I could do from memory.


I didn't have a kit (mine are also dispersed into separate folders), so I just pulled in this and that and got kinda close to what I wanted (southwest USA vibe). Images from Pixabay or Unsplash. I'm sure I've forgotten to do something, but I was just relieved it didn't all blow up on me!

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Love all the layouts shown! spent the day on this one and have learned new things. Thanks, Carole. Didn't know about the way to get around a part of the rectangle hiding by using the ctrl key. Also, had never used the hue, saturation, lightness tool. So, 2 new things learned. I have spent the day playing with that. Changed up this layout several times, but this is my final take on it. I did use the suggested Jessica Dunn freebie (I like using her stuff). We always stop at the Corn Palace when we go to South Dakota, so the pics are from 2 different trips, but they go together with the theme of the main picture.
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Unfortunately, there are no more hours in Tuesday than there are in Monday!


Day 1 - I changed the blend mode on the dots, I think to Color. I liked how they echoed the red on the bird. I also had a bit of the photo left at the top. When I tried to move the photo up, just the photo moved and not the shadow, even tho it showed the linked symbol on the right. I tried a couple of times, tried a couple of different ways, but ended up making a selection box and deleting. Or maybe I selected both layers and shifted them? I can't remember now :(


I have not used templates before, so I know I learned a few things tonight.

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I have read that some of you are having problems removing parts of a photo, which is outside the original size of your project. There are other ways to remove the excess, but I always select the crop tool, select original proportions and click OK. That will also remove elements and parts of background papers that are to big for your project. Sometimes after using the selection tool to remove part of a photo you may be left with a strip that got missed, to remove it, make sure you select the correct layer, and use the eraser tool to remove it. Again, there is always more than one way to do anything in PSP.
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Sue - The eraser tool was one of the ways I tried. I was on the photo layer, I checked when it wasn't working. Maybe my settings were wrong from the previous use, I don't know? But you are correct, there is always more than one way to do something in PSP. Just have to think about it at times.
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Linda, did you choose the correct photo layer in the mask group. Try merging the mask, and then using the eraser. Hide the mask, to make sure you have chosen the correct layer/layers. When you have the correct layer hidden, the excess photo will also disappear.

I think it's a simple case of selecting the correct layer.

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Euka (#73808), yes, that is very pink, but also very well coordinated.


Pirkko (#73812), I love how you added that string to the cat. It is a sort of out-of-bound creation with a twist.


Joyce (#73814) that cutout of the figures gives a very interesting effect. I had to look twice thinking first that it was just an out-of-bound effect, but seeing other shadows in the middle, I realized it was a cutout. (#73854) that layout where you used the wood as a paper gives such an interesting effect. Your variations show how versatile a single template can be!


Anita (#73816) that is a very delicate project and you mixed the patterns without overpowering anything.


Marvin (#73820) who is that cutie in the photo? (#73880) That is a very colorful page. It makes me smile just looking at it.


Julie (#73822) you can always replace the image with a new one if you edit it. :)  (#73878) Templates are meant to be tools and starting points. Sometimes, we have a clear idea what we want our layout to look like. That is when we don't need templates. But if we are lacking inspiration OR we want to just go faster, then templates will be a life-saver! I hope you were not traumatized by the mask? I think you might have forgotten a couple of shadows.


Jnet (#73825) the shadows definitely add some volume. However, I would suggest that you adjust the shadows a little: they are wide and blurred, suggesting that the elements are floating a bit. Reduce the offset and the blur, and see how it looks. (#73859) Did you use an overlay over all the papers or were all the papers textured the same way?


Kathy (#73829) thanks for the heads up.


Hank (#73833) when a post does not appear, refresh your page. If it is still missing, drop me an email. Sometimes, some posts are caught in the spam filter (for some unknown reason). That was the case with your post. Your layout shows a lot of volume. I would suggest to avoid shadows on the "written text", as it should not have any thickness. All the other shadows are very consistent. Buttonizing can give a very interesting effect!


Susan (#73843) the papers you used look like they have glitters. Perfect for the theme!


Randy (#73845) to answer your question, you can only set a size for a font that will allow the height of the characters. Each font has its own proportions, so if you set the height, you don't control the width: some fonts are narrow, some fonts are wide. So if you want/need a different proportion, you will have to stretch or squish as needed. At least, it is still in vector format, so you won't lose quality.


Liz (#73850) great result. Your shadows are very consistent. (#73861) Are you going to use that FB header?


Sharla (#73863), great layout. I think you can consider adding a reverse shadow to this layout. That will be explained in Lesson 6, so keep this layout available as you might want to review it.


Marie-Claire (#73865) you used a fun effect with the two-color title on the two different surfaces. Well done.


Corrie (#73867) this is so interesting to follow that adventure!


Sue (#73871) your projects are always delightful and give so many ideas to beginners and veterans too.


Alan (#73872) your layouts are wonderful. Where did you get the supplies for the first template? I LOVE that rainbow paper!


Theresa (#73874) yes, sometimes, part of the photo (or paper) will hide outside of the paper. Holding the SHIFT key while moving that layer can give you access to that section, which you can then select and delete, or use the Eraser tool. Sue also has another way to trim those outside sections, as long as they don't show on the image itself.


Gerry (#73876) those letters are so much fun!!!


Lois (#73882) great layout. That is a very cute font!


Mary (#73888) I am sure you will now be using those adjustment tools to make any supplies fit better with your photos.


Bonnie (#73894) did you forget the title?


Linda (#73897) when you move a layer, the shadow normally moves too as it is linked by default, but that is only when you use the Move tool. If you use the Pick tool, it overrides the linking and the grouping. Were you using the Pick tool by any chance?

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I'm a little behind (tough work week), here is my extra Diamond member template.  Sticking with the goddess theme.  Glass art by Melanie Rowe, photo by me (wood stand is even by me).  Papers from Digital Scrapbook.  Fonts are from Creative Fabrica, Rachel Brown ("sun") and Peaceful Heart ("goddess").


What creative and inspiring creations from everyone.  So enjoyable to come home from work and be able to look at them all.

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My mom and dad bought a tent trailer when I was in my early teens.  They took my sisters, brothers and myself to   various places in California.  This picture is when we spent time at Kings Canyon, CA.  Wonderful memories!  :)


Thank you Cassel for the wonderful tutorial.  Enjoyed myself!


I used Winter Woodland kit by Wendy P, for my layout.

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Here is my project for Templates  Day 2. I used Jessica Dunn's mini-kit from the lesson and changed some of the colors a bit to blend with my photos. I love using the white outline, it makes the text pop. I also found it quite helpful to merge the group which saved a lot of time with the drop shadows. Thank you Carol for another great lesson.
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Lesson 2


Recently my eye caught a post card which had been offered to share to open hearts to the people of the Ukraine. The painting 'Hope' is by Pamela Allsop and extracted words from the poem on the back of the card 'We take your hand' by Christine Allison. I created some crochet mats and combined for the picture for my lesson 2.  I know the sentiment does very little but together sometimes people can make a difference.


On the technical side, does 'locking the transparency' confine the fill to the particular layer? Without doing so does the fill go across the whole page?


For some reason my poem text does not appear on the resized file that was saved as a jpg. What can I be doing wrong?


There have been some lovely images produced and the tips keep rolling in! Thank you.

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TEMPLATES-DAY 2 - COUGAR - Photos from my Big Cat Calendar that Laurey gave me for Christmas. It was too small for my wall, so I pulled it apart and scanned the photos for digital use. The title font is Bernard MT. Learning useful techniques in this class. Thanks, Carole!
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