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Masks Workshop 2022


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Masks Workshop-Lesson 1


I am really happy to go through this class again. I purchased the clip-to-it script so I forgot how to make masks on my own. Thanks Carole


I used Alafyou Swirly font that I got from Creative Fabrica for the title, the background is a light tan with a texture called Tan pebbles (at full scale) , white background under that. The poem is partial by Edna T. Helberg  called "Longing for Spring". The photos are mine.

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Here's my first entry into this mask-world. Everyone's work is amazing! I had big trouble with the small squares at the bottom, so I ended up using the raster-to-mask script for each of those. Whew! Glad I had that script. Here's my Great Horned Owl, the terror of the night skies! ;-)
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Loved this first lesson!  I had just coincidently downloaded several templates this morning only to find they were all PSD files that I didn't know how to use in PSP.  So this lesson was right on time!  Thank you.  As I followed the directions to use the masks, I found I preferred the sharper images for all the mask areas, so I flood-filled the gray with black while I had the ants for both the floating selection and the original photo spot.  Worked great.



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My first time using a mask.  I really like them.  Photo's are mine as usual.  T+he word Peace is Christmas Kindness (Creative Fabrica) and the other words are Juice ITC (not sure where that is from).  I lightened the background slightly.  I enjoy all the layouts, especially the cat ones!  I'm working on my "crazy cat lady" degree, I have two.  I was going to use them as subjects but I felt homesick for where these photo's were taken.
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Elsa, (#71998) looking forward to your projects. Check your email about your account that seemed to have been stuck in the spam.


Monique, (#71999) refreshers are always good and so many projects give the opportunity for repetition.


Lyn, (#72003) happy to show new ways to do things. (#72085) That is quite a smile he has!!! Definitely worth a layout.


Nel, (#72009) there was a mistake and that one link should not have been there. It was not necessary for the lesson. The other link should still work properly.


Sharon, (#72011) I think you are re-registered and things are settled. Let me know if you still don't get anything.


Sharie, (#72014) that tongue is a real signature for your dog.


Hank, (#72028) yes, there will be lessons on how to create them. I start with using existing ones so that everyone understands how they work. Be patient! :) Be careful in resizing your photos. It looks like they are a little stretched. Make sure you ONLY use a corner handle when using the Pick tool in the Scale mode. If the photo ends up in a different format (too tall or too wide), just let the extra not show. It will give a more realistic result.


Louyse, (#72030) beautiful photos. Perfect for February! :)


Sue, (#72033) glad to see more of your photos. Interesting twist that you changed the format from square to rectangular.


Fiona, (#72037) you are correct; by deselecting, it will also defloat at the same time. Following the tutorials "to the letter" is a first step in practicing, and afterward, even in the same lesson, you can see how to tweak something here and there. With more practice, you will get more comfortable with them.


Sandra, (#72042) you might want to add names and a date. You would be surprised how easy it is to forget who is on a photo, especially if it is looked at by someone else.


Connie, (#72047) as mentioned above, going "to the letter" at first is a good strategy. With time and practice, you will gradually move to something more custom.


Lavada, (#72052) glad that you found the "negative image" setting. I keep forgetting that other uses still use older versions of PSP that have some settings in different locations. I love how you showcase her hand with rocks; we tend to always focus on the faces, while other parts can be just as interesting in telling the story.


Frans, (#72055) those photos are a great tribute to great athletes!


Julie, (#72056) as Sue mentioned, scroll down and you will be able to hear my "soothing" voice (LOL, I didn't realize my voice had that much impact!)


Valstar, (#72060) are those butterflies from your environment?


Lynda, (#72062) shhh... that script will be mentioned later! ;)


Jacques, (#72063) the videos cannot be downloaded or saved, however, DIAMOND members will keep access to them while they are members.


Ann, (#72065) what trouble did you have with those sections? They should have behaved the exact same way as the large mask area.


Royanne, (#72071) that is how we customize templates!


Marie-Claire, (#72079) that is a beautiful background. It really makes the photos stand out.


Joyce, (#72081) aren't you glad that you can now use those .psd files? There are several other supplies that are typically used for Photoshop that PaintShop Pro can use.


Corrie, (#72083) glad to see someone use the extra supplies. You are the first one!


Bonnie, (#72091) that is why I see so many returning participants to those workshops.


Fran, (#72093) I am a bit puzzled. Did you use masks for those layouts?


Randy (#72097) you will see, there is already a script for that (although you are also welcome to record your own if you want).


Ellen, (#72098) for the small photos, are they resized correctly? It might be just because of the size and the angle the photos are taken. I might be wrong though.


Gerry, (#72101) those are really blue eyes!!! Beautiful cat.


Susan, (#72107) those photos with dark "backgrounds" look fantastic with that large "fuzzy" mask.


Lois, (#72112) yes, everyone is busy, including you!


Liz, (#72116) congratulations on your first mask! You will see, masks can become addictive!


I want to encourage everyone else to join in the conversation. Post your projects. If you are stuck, don't hesitate to ask questions. If you are really too shy, come and add comments to the thread.

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So cool! I tried this card.  I could see doing this often.  I used a sunset photo (looking out my back window) and the mountain is from a photo out my front window (when I lived in Chilliwack).  Our main living level was on the second story and I had screens that came out of the windows easily so I had a good vantage point of the mountains with no houses in the way.  Chilliwack is in the province of British Columbia, about 1 hour east of Vancouver, in the Fraser Valley.  Where I lived it was surrounded by mountain views 360 degrees.  I am in a prairie province now, equally (almost) beautiful with expansive skies.
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