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The BIG 10 Showoff


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More entries for today:


Shirley, what an attitude this guy has!


MoniqueN. I think there was a tutorial that I did for Corel for that Popart technique. I'll have to look at that.


Dee347 (3), these are old classes, yet always useful!


Lyn Lou (3), that Travel Tale challenge has been very popular in this thread.


Corrie Kinkel, that was a fun tutorial for me to make too.


Nadine, such a nice way to showcase that photo.


Mary Solaas, did you use the music tubes from the blog?


Susan Ewart, would anyone look at you funny taking pictures in the bathroom?


Anita Wyatt, you had fun with the shadows!


Ann Seeber, you spent a YEAR there?? Wow!


Bonnie Ballentine, great out-of-bound photos.


Keep them coming!

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Day 5, When I first used  this mask it was a gift for the love story challenge, and I had so much trouble,I got so frustrated I only managed one of the smaller templates. I thought it was rather cute with the mother hen sitting on the wee kittens.  I was going to put one kitten in each box but it wouldn't work, but the 3 p's usually work practise practice practise.   As you see I can manage it now, and the one with the dogs was used for the travel challenge.
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I cant remember if this one was from the Travel Tale Challenge, but I enjoyed doing this one.




This one was from a walk around London taking photos of various places of interest in London. The birds were seen in Regents Park Boating lake, on the right page, there is The London Eye, Tower of London, Liberty's of London, St Pauls Cathedral, Kings Cross Stn, St Pancras Stn, Nelson's column in Trafalgar Square.

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This is one of my projects when I first started Bootcamp. I learnt a lot about using layers, adding background papers and using the selection tool. I  enjoyed all the classes. Meet Leo, one of my fur-kids. Please keep him in your prayers, he is going to have an Ultrasound done tomorrow to see what is going on, as he has not been feeling well for the past few weeks. Thank you Carole and everyone here.





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In July I did the Basic Scrap Course and this layout is from Module 3.   Watching the Shadows Masterclass reminded me that this module included adjusting shadows (I didn't apply that here but did experiment with the technique) and also Reverse Shadows - something I had not heard of before but made a lot of sense.  Vertical Text and Inner bevel was also covered.  The big takeaway for me in this module apart from adjusting shadows and reverse shadows was using the Shift key to move smaller elements and it has ended my frustrations with moving elements and text. It is learning these little things that can make a huge difference.    I think the Shift Key is a power key!
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This is an older project I did, following the masterclass,   Many Shades of Grey.   Where the text was lifted, and stitched. The music notes are one of Carole's tubes.  Other  tutorials in the creative scrap are the postage stamp, date stamp, stitched text, and extraction, and  text on a path.  The grass is a tube,  tractor tracks also one of Carole's tubes on a ploughed field.   Looking at this earlier project now, I can  see now that I would make  several improvements.
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This is something I did to display some photo's of the project we undertook last summer whilst being in lockdown. I also used a free lineart image of a pot of flowers from Doverpub which I used the plugin Cybia from Alphworks to make it transparent. I then was able to colur it using many, many layers and using other techniques to give some depth and shade. I used my own leaf tube and the interlacing technique. All images are my own eccept the Font. I can't give credit for it because I don't remember whose it was but it was possibly one that came with PC. The plants are growing up the frame this year but will take a few before it will look as I hope it will. TFL
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This is from the July 2021 bootcamp, project 3.  we worked with glitter tiles.  I learned more about using the flood fill tool in this bootcamp.  the first bootcamp I was like a deer in the headlights; bewildered.  In the second bootcamp I was more relaxed and could absorb more of the techniques.  I didn't know the what a glitter tile was and that glitter paper was different.  This is a collaboration of an artist friend, her amazing glass art and my photography and wood stands.
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Here is my entry #3.


Still showing my first layouts and using fasteners... I was so happy to be able to create them!   In fact, it's still great to be able to create papers, elements, and so much more following Cassel's tutorials.


Paper clip:   https://scrapbookcampus.com/element-creation-index/paperclip/


I used Cassel's Playdough Alphabet freebie.


One can see that I didn't know how to add it correctly to the page.    This shows me how much I have learned from Carole since then...   But I also know there's a lot more! :)

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My dear friend Cristina, those were the days, when we were very green. Now those techniques like adding a paper clip correctly, has now become second nature. I just cringe when I look back on some of my very early projects. Thanks to Carole, I like to think that we have evolved into competent creators of whatever our discipline is when using PSP.
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Dear Sue,  this Big10 event gave me the opportunity to look back on my first layouts and remember how much fun I had creating them...   Of course, I look at some pages and think: "Well, well... " LOL...   Learning is a process, and we cannot be disappointed if we don't get it immediately... just keep trying...  There's a saying in German: "Übung macht den Meister."   or   "Practice makes the Master"... So, I will keep trying. :)


And as you said, if we don't cringe anymore, we have to thank Carole.


Best wishes, my friend. <3



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Cristina the page about your hike and the "Jause" made me think of my own trips in the Swiss Alps! It's a lovely page and yes you were learning as I'm now.


Sue as you know I admire your work and it is very encouraging to see how far you have come in those years! I'm planning to stay, learn and play in the campus as long as I can.


For today I want to show SubwayArt from a blogpost in december last year. I made a ChristmasCard and printed it to send to family and friends. It is in: https://scrapbookcampus.com/blog/subway-art

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Thank you so much for your kind words Corrie.  I have said on numerous occasions in recent years to newbies, don't  panic, we have all been there. Not being a scrapbooker, paper and scissors or digital.  It was very much an alien world.  Back them I used PSP to create calendars and cards  using my photos, and  photo editing. I like to think that I now inspire others with my own  unique style.  I'm pleased to read that you  are planning on staying, and one day, a few years down the road you'll look back, like so many of us have, and  realize how  far you have come, while establishing your own unique style. Feeling a real sense of achievement, thanks to  the campus.  Back when I joined, there wasn't the  volume of  tutorial videos, there are today.  I can understand why some newbies find it a little overwhelming, as there is  so much available, to learn.
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We have an announcement in our family; my granddaughter and her fiancé have announced their wedding date for next year. I decided to play with the Love Story Challenge masks and Carole's linoleum pattern paper. I used two background papers, the base is monochrome and the top is multicolor and reduced in sise to create a border. The top font is Mama and the lower one is Mistral. A very simple page when finished and I like them that way.


So, without further ado, here are Ilana and Maverick announcing the big date!


EDIT: Here's the link for the tutorial for the linoleum paper. You can make it any color to match your photo and apply various effects, also.

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