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The flair button tutorial is in the  creative scrap.  It's one of Carole's early tutorials, and  although I have many favourites, I love this one the most. It's one of the first ones I  leant to do, when I joined.  I created this page for a random challenge several years ago.   I learnt to do this  technique very quickly, by repetition.  I  don't have to refer to the tut any more, the same goes for all of my favourite techniques. The flowers are my own, which I extracted from some photos I took.  Again,  in the blog you will  find how to do extractions with ease.   There are 3 masterclasses on extractions, including one on advanced extractions. Mrs Wren was going through a molt, her tail feathers grew back quite quickly.
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Marie-Claire,   if you can remember I posted two collages,  very recently on here and on FB,  the layout is also from No kit 3.  I don't need to refer to it, as I created a guides template, which  I  resurrect, to showcase  more mammals and insects.  Here is one of them.    (This is not one  of my submissions, it's purely for Marie-Claire)
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after watching Heritage 2 with its extensive section on using guides and rulers to make a fan shaped tree, I realized I could use the guides much more efficiently then I had been.  so I created a drawing of my home and yard. Its pretty accurate and helps me to plan where to put irrigation and where to put gardens and trees etc.



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More entries for the following:


Bonnie, you seem to have so much fun featuring your pickleball buddies! Your engraving is literally "set in stone" :)


Cristina, thank you for your kind words and the link to this event mentioned on the Corel site. I am quite proud of how this site has grown with the help of all the members!


Corrie, I am always happily surprised how members will join the same challenge/bootcamp and use them so differently.


Ann Seeber (2), interesting to have the same "base" tutorial just after Corrie's and see how different they are! Once you start to make your own pattern, you can quickly become addicted to that!


Anita Wyatt, another one for the Love Story challenge!


Mary Solaas, I love those little tubes you created!


Wanda (Sue) McGuire, that is an interesting take on the Out-of-bound technique as you kept the background. The effect is so dynamic! That mask might have been done after one of the Brush Variance class or the webinar I did for Corel (which is on YouTube



Euka, I think that the pinking shear technique is one of the most surprising for many members going through the bootcamp. I just imagine their eyes going wide open (maybe I have too much imagination?)


Sheila Hogg, you can surely decorate a whole tree with those ornaments!


Nadine, writing text in a circle is one thing but writing in reverse seems to be VERY challenging for so many people. That is why I did that tutorial, and it seems pretty popular too!


Monique, a nice way to showcase a song!


Julie Magerka, restoring photos is not only for old pictures. I guess they are probably the ones most likely to be damaged but you can definitely use the same techniques on "newish" photos that are also damaged. I hope those who send you those damaged photos appreciate the restoration you do!


Val, are those pawprint tubes or maybe brushes? That mushroom is really cute!


Susan Ewart, I see that you also learned about shadows in addition to the Bevel.


Sue Thomas, anyone looking at your projects can see how you use the same scrapbooking techniques for non-scrapbooking page, and the result is always fantastic.


Diane Co. this is a really different way to use PSP, and why not? Glad you found the guides to help you.

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Congrats on 10 years of the Campus.


I have not done as many challenges as you all, just a couple. as I am often busy, but when I have the time I love doing challenges. One that I had done was called;  Travel Tale Challenge 15th June 2020




I loved doing this challenge as I was able to use photos from my collections that usually just reside unseen on my hard drive and not printed and to turn them into a design that enhances the memory of my holiday with family and friends is brilliant.

This one was a day out on the river, from and to Ipswich UK with family and friends. We had known these friends all our lives from our childhood, as we lived a few doors away until we moved to a new town, and months later they also moved near to us! They are all grown and married now with families of their own, and we still stay in touch, including going to their family weddings and funerals etc.  On this trip on of the brothers brought his best friend along for the trip......much to the surprise of my hubby......he was one of his best mates in primary school!!! The first time they had met since school!!

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This image was also part of the same challenge Travel Tale Challenge 15th June 2020




This one was a holiday with just my mother, and me. We went to Jersey for a week and had a great time exploring the island.  We both loved every minute of it as you can see my mother in the "spaceship" in the meercat area! lol And one of her playing the piano!  Though on one day she got badly stung on her legs, and we had to find a chemist to get something to ease the sting, but that did not stop us having fun looking at all the historic places of interest around the island and the gorgeous beaches!  A great holiday to remember.

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This is another one from this challenge Travel Tale Challenge 15th June 2020




This was a day out with my mother, hubby, daughter and her boyfriend to Leeds Castle. Hubby and I had gone before and as there is so much to see we wanted to go again, this time with family. We had a great day going around the castle, learning about the history of the castle, place the amazing views of the castle and moat, whilst we sat having lunch. It also has a maze, botanic gardens, lake and an aviary of  Owls, and falconry displays. Plus a train that runs around the grounds from the entrance to the castle for those families and disabled visitors. A great day out.

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Cindy good to hear you are all okay now!


For today just a simple image I made as one of the first things I did in the Diamond Membership. I combined two tuts: name inside a letter and letter decorated with a flower (or an element). I make a lot of cards and have used this already quite a few times for different people, they seem to like it on their cards! Of course I put the recipient's name in it and I use a color that match the rest of the card. It is also very usable for gents!





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Day 5 - I'm posting pics done from the Labs.  This one is also Lab 5 - Mod 10 and is Experiment 1 - to use 3 different texts.  The sample used 5 different ways to use a computer and so my take was 5 different ways to enjoy music.


Have to say - everyone is posting some great layouts - so many different ways to use the same tuts - we learn so much from your inspiration, Carole, and from each other also.



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I just watched the Day 5 video on FB, fabulous as always as I learn something and it was nice to see it live.  Here's a layout from the July 2021 Bootcamp.  I can find art anywhere.  This was one of several metal pieces across windows in the bathroom just outside Banff at Lake Minnewanka (sorry no chocolate factory there - with apologies to Willie Wonka).  The town was submerged, making room for a beautiful lake in the Rockies....so what do I do?  I take pictures of the bathroom!


Have a happy creative day!

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For Day 5, I am sharing a project I decided to do a few weeks ago using what learnt so far in Bootcamp, Love Story Challenge, and the Master Classes. I wanted to create something special for husband and my 58th wedding anniversary. I am still new to scrapbooking, so this may not be perfect, but I had fun creating it. The  papers, elements, and inserts are  from Digi Dewi’s Bundle “True Love” at Pixel Scrapper. I also used some items from my PSP Tube collections and added the Font ChaseCallas. Then I  applied the helpful tips from Bootcamp and Carole’s Master Classes and duplicated and converted the text vector layers into rasters, so I could apply drop shadows. Thank you,  Carole and everyone here for giving me the inspiration to do this.







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My very first layout when I joined The Campus was the Travel Tale Challenge 2020. There were helpful templates to use and luckily I found a large, panoramic photo of Acapulco Bay to use as a background. I used a silhouette of Mexico for my map. We learned to make a postcard and stamps. I added the parachute flyers because they were typical over our beach. We stayed for a week each year at one of the hotels on the beach but one year we decided to try the Las Brisas resort on the mountainside, above the bay. That was the most fun because they arranged all kinds of adventures for us so we didn't spend the whole time lazing on the beach, as usual. For me, using PSP for a layout like this was a whole new experience!

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