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This entry is from the Basic scrap course: https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/


I followed lessons since PSP 7 on the internet, but never really understood why you do things the way you do with PSP, since I found the campus and all it had to offer, I've learned so much more! Wish I found this campus earlier in my working with PSP history :D


Well anyway, this is one of the projects I made at the  Basic scrap course (lesson 4):





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Like Sue T, I always have the "Tips & Tricks for Paintshop Pro"  book on hand, next to the PC! And that's how I made the lights glow in this layout that was done for the week challenge "Lights" in October 2020. I had been making a scrapbook of my stay with my daughter and the grandkids in the USA and added this page to it.


Carole I agree with you on the versatility of the use of masks! I'm becoming a great fan of that technique and use it often now I have learned to make them myself.


Cindy hope everything will turn out well for you and your family in the end.

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I see the Love Story Challenge is very popular. It's where I learned a lot about masks and how to create a plaid from the colors in a photo. Here is my favorite: The Black Vulture - Love Story Challenge 2021 - Day 2 (activehosted.com)https://scrapbookcampus.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=3fc2c60b5782f641f76bcefc39fb2392.2777&s=4c34039e501194bf899a889f83048c0e
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Thank You Mary and  MoniqueN, and Everyone


Me to why the children this delta variance but still Covid, so many children are out on home quarters due to cov so upset


Thank you for Prayers


Yes, Cassel,  right now spent all day trying to do the stiching and redid the first one  Still have to do my holes by each one  I cant do them all at once of they turn out really punched out.    ill take a pic

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Using Text Wrapping With PaintShop Pro, I created this layout.  Posted it in What Are You Working on in August 2021. Today though, I've been trying to wrap my head around the instructions for "Puffy Paint".  Thanks, Carole, for the help - the new alphabet was much improved from the last attempt.
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I can't really pinpoint one specific webinar tut as Carole has shown us this technique many times.


This is something I started over a year ago and thought I would complete it tonight. I used one of my favourite scripts, Laser round cut doilies and think there is a you tube vid on it. Now, when Carole demos this, she uses the brush tool. I love to see if I can use something different and you absolutely can. I used the brush tool, vector shapes and even a tube of mine. As long as you change it all to red it will work. Although it is a lovely lacey pattern it will be flat so, I used the technique as taught by Carole to select a wedge area, went to selections, modify, feather, adjust, brightness contrast, brightness about 6 all around choosing the same sections. I did the same again to get the adjacent section but repeat but darkening by about the same amount. This makes the Doily wavy. I used 3 layer of doilies, reducing in size. The bottom one is left flat. I also used a bead tube from the store and used vector tube script to enclose the photo. TFL

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Entries recorded today for :


Susan Ewart (2), I love those multicolored titles too! That sunrise is spectacular!


Bonnie Ballentine (2), that Love Story challenge seems to be a very popular source of information! Fun use of that template!


Ann Seeber (2), isn't that also a free template from the blog? Another plaid favorite!


Mireille Beaudet, c'est un excellent résultat que tu as obtenu avec ce cheval!!! A+


Fiona Cook, beautiful page and the colors are very harmonious.


Nadine (6), je pense avoir expliqué le quadrillé dans un des Love Story Challenge, en plus d'être aussi dans le Creative Scrap (disponible pour les members DIAMOND). Tes Out-of-bound sont superbes! Le texte soulevé est très bien exécuté! La restauration de photo est tellement satisfaisante quand on peut récupérer des images qu'on pensaient inutilisables.


Anita Wyatt, a great challenge, right?


Marie-Claire, that is another great out-of-bound project!


Sue Thomas, your titles and wordarts are always so interesting, and it is great that all the text can be read since you often have interesting information.


Wanda (Sue) McGuire, that string art is so nice. I almost feel like touching it.


Sheila Hogg (2), I think that might be a fun class to revisit. There are so many ways to create fun monograms. Those laces are so delicate. Great job!


Monique N, great page for that lesson. Again, you customized it as it is a bit different from the original model.


Corrie Kinkel, I am glad that the book is useful to you.


Anne Lamp, that plaid technique seems very popular among PSP users!


Diane Co., isn't great when one finds a new use for a tool? I actually found a different use for that command, just last week (I used it for the Cheese script!)


Mary Solaas, that is a very fun way to use the Text wrapping tool!


Keep those projects coming. I will make an announcement tomorrow that you can enter TEN projects (to align with the Big10, of course!)

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Day 2, I am not sure if this challenge was from the basic scrap course one of my first bootcamps that I worked on.  I actually thought boot camps  were for new members so had let a few go by before participating. Sizing photos, choosing elements and papers.  Learning effects were all on the go here.
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Thank you Carole and Sue. I am so enjoying finding all the things I have done past and present, even though they are on discs saved for prosperity. Taking some time as I have many, many to go through and easily side tracked. I love to create some things more than layouts, things that can be added to a page. Carole gives us the tools and inspiration to help achieve this.
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My 1st 1 for today (and my only one, I think).  This was created from Lab 5 Mod. 9: polka dot paper, text paper, eyelet ribbon and how to make a metallic eyelet.


Believe this was the first thing I did when I purchased the Diamond Membership - which I thoroughly enjoy!  Thanks Carole for your leadership and help all these years - even though I really only enjoyed all of this since somewhere around the beginning of 2020 or maybe the end of 2019.  I had been enjoying PSP Ultimate for several years before that, but had never really understood layering - had been working in restoring pictures (pixel by pixel in some cases!).

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After my first bootcamp in May (2021) I bought the Scrapbook basic course.  I highly recommend this course, it covers even more than the bootcamp and you get handouts(which I still refer to).  5 projects at my own pace gave me time to think about them and find supplies.  This is from Module 2 where I learned about opacity and about how tricky shadows can be (staples, banners).  https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/module-02/ I am really enjoying looking at the posts from everyone.  Its very interesting to read what you have all written as well as your fabulous layouts and projects.
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Still fond of this layout from one of the beginner classes, which I continue to attend, month after month. Here I learned to apply a select borders frame which I continue to use all the time. Plus we learned to add alphas instead of text for the title. The occasion was great-grand Logan's gender reveal when a young bear came to party with us.
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