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Scrapbook Bootcamp - October 2023


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I have got to Day 11 and I certainly have learnt so much and enjoyed doing this. 
Thank you so much to Carole. 

This day has been dedicated to my darling dog of 17 years - Bundy.  He was our family and was loved by so many. I was so happy to be able to do this page for him.




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What a learning curve!! . Merge down to keep the squares and then mirror, brilliant . The text was a major headache, my accept icon had gone walkabouts and I couldn't get rid of the box of the long wording ! No way could I get my paper to show in the patterns box to do the heading hence the black text ! I had reverted to PSP X8 from 22 as the pick tool wasn't working on that one!  User error I am sure and tomorrow is a new day. This has been an amazing journey with an excellent tutor and amazing new friends. Take care all, until the next time 

Oh the papers were Mary Frans again from the Nitwits site 

The bees were Creative Fabrica 


Project 6 October bootcamp.jpg

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Project 5

I was both happier and more frustrated with this project than any of the others: happier because I remembered so many of the initial steps without repeat watching of the video and frustrated because I just could not get that journaling text to behave. I wanted to enlarge it just a bit more but finally gave up and left it after so many tries of at least getting it within the selection and the right color font.

The project itself is very special to me, as is this young lady. She was our first grandchild--and for the next 13 years our only granddaughter, as 6 grandsons were added to our family. Then in 2021, we were blessed with our second granddaughter--and Quinn finally got her girl cousin. Quinn is everything I said and more, so this was indeed a work of love. I've decided to print and frame and give it to her as part of her Christmas present. Oh, the 2 words at the end are We love you in French. Because her maternal grandfather is French, both Quinn and her mother were raised fluent in both French and English.

Quinn at 15-600..jpg

Edited by Melanie Mitchell
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6 hours ago, Melanie Mitchell said:

Project 5

I was both happier and more frustrated with this project than any of the others: happier because I remembered so many of the initial steps without repeat watching of the video and frustrated because I just could not get that journaling text to behave. I wanted to enlarge it just a bit more but finally gave up and left it after so many tries of at least getting it within the selection and the right color font.

The project itself is very special to me, as is this young lady. She was our first grandchild--and for the next 13 years our only granddaughter, as 6 grandsons were added to our family. Then in 2021, we were blessed with our second granddaughter--and Quinn finally got her girl cousin. Quinn is everything I said and more, so this was indeed a work of love. I've decided to print and frame and give it to her as part of her Christmas present. Oh, the 2 words at the end are We love you in French. Because her maternal grandfather is French, both Quinn and her mother were raised fluent in both French and English.

Quinn at 15-600..jpg

Melanie, I too could not get the journaling text to behave ! I even ended up with a drop shadow I could not erase ! It was by far the most difficult for me but I learnt so much. The video presentation was straightforward and concise it was pure user error on my part!  I love your colours , textures and sentiment. As my last project says "every picture tells a story" some very precious us.

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@Melanie Mitchell and @Barbara Caulton You are both right. The journaling is the most difficult part of this tutorial. Even for me after so many years of photoshopping experience. And Carole has even given us the easiest part. In a form like an apple or mushroom for example is much more difficult. But very beautiful. I/we hope to see more of your work. Looking forward to that. This also applies to all other newbies. Be not scared to ask if you are stuck on something difficult. We are all walking the same path.

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46 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

@Melanie Mitchell and @Barbara Caulton You are both right. The journaling is the most difficult part of this tutorial. Even for me after so many years of photoshopping experience. And Carole has even given us the easiest part. In a form like an apple or mushroom for example is much more difficult. But very beautiful. I/we hope to see more of your work. Looking forward to that. This also applies to all other newbies. Be not scared to ask if you are stuck on something difficult. We are all walking the same path.

@Jannette NieuwboerThank you so much for that. I really thought I was loosing my mind .The video was excellent and I am going to do the journaling on a new page on its own without all the other layers in the project! I have much to learn in basic text . I have not attempted journaling before in PSP or much else to be honest. Life is a learning curve and I am sure there are videos on the site that will help or I will  turn to you lovely people for advice .Thank you. 

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4 hours ago, Barbara Caulton said:

Melanie, I too could not get the journaling text to behave ! I even ended up with a drop shadow I could not erase ! It was by far the most difficult for me but I learnt so much. The video presentation was straightforward and concise it was pure user error on my part!  I love your colours , textures and sentiment. As my last project says "every picture tells a story" some very precious us.

I am still going back and try to fix the text. I've deleted, re-do, deleted, redo, deleted, redo. The text just won't select. So, now it's time for the Need Help click, haha.

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51 minutes ago, Barbara Caulton said:

@Jannette NieuwboerThank you so much for that. I really thought I was loosing my mind .The video was excellent and I am going to do the journaling on a new page on its own without all the other layers in the project! I have much to learn in basic text . I have not attempted journaling before in PSP or much else to be honest. Life is a learning curve and I am sure there are videos on the site that will help or I will  turn to you lovely people for advice .Thank you. 

Okay, I just read about text on a separate page and I'm diving in!

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I struggle with trying to make adjustments to text entered in a selection/bounding box on my layout. I have resorted to totally deleting the layer. Saving and closing the image and starting over when re-opened. I find selection boxes problematic at times. The more I fiddle with it, the worse it gets.


Edited by Ann Seeber
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2 hours ago, Melanie Mitchell said:

Okay, I just read about text on a separate page and I'm diving in!

Using the selection tool to create journaling, is a quick and easy way, for a basic presentation on a layout.  I would strongly recommend doing any journaling, using the selection tool or  not on a separate page, using  the size of page that you want to add to the layout.  (Larger is better, as you can always size down).  Using guides or the grid.  I gave up a long time ago using the selection tool for  any text work.  It has far  to many limitations for my liking.  Making editing the text almost impossible on occasions.     Don't get frustrated with yourself, as it's not you that is the problem, but the selection tool.  

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Hello, maybe just under the wire. I think I posted the sandwich and project 1 and 2, but I am not sure.It appears they were oversized even thpough I had reduced them to 600x600. So I will post all five here.

It has been both an enjoyable and not so enjoyable refresher. I had to do a lot over and over, but I guess that is how you learn.

Project 1-600.jpg

Project 2-600.jpg

Project 3-600.jpg

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@Carolyn Rye I am glad you learned something and enjoyed the process at the same time.

@Barbara Caulton The text wrapping can be a little tricky but with the correct steps, it should not be a problem. Check this article. It might help.

@Anne Lamp Beautiful photos. Well showcased with the color of the page.

@Melanie MitchellAs far as language is concerned, my children were raised fluently bilingual too. It was a real gift we were able to offer them. As far as genders, my daughter is the only girl among all the cousins on my husband's side: 8 boys and 1 girl.

@Henry Schellenberg Good catching up. The first two projects were already posted. I am glad to see the other three.

Remember to fill out the survey once you are done. Your feedback is always welcome. And stay tuned. Tomorrow, I will be making the random draw among 14 participants who completed at least 4 projects. If, like Henry, you have them done but didn't post them, you still have time!

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10 hours ago, Cassel said:

@Carolyn Rye I am glad you learned something and enjoyed the process at the same time.

@Barbara Caulton The text wrapping can be a little tricky but with the correct steps, it should not be a problem. Check this article. It might help.

@Anne Lamp Beautiful photos. Well showcased with the color of the page.

@Melanie MitchellAs far as language is concerned, my children were raised fluently bilingual too. It was a real gift we were able to offer them. As far as genders, my daughter is the only girl among all the cousins on my husband's side: 8 boys and 1 girl.

@Henry Schellenberg Good catching up. The first two projects were already posted. I am glad to see the other three.

Remember to fill out the survey once you are done. Your feedback is always welcome. And stay tuned. Tomorrow, I will be making the random draw among 14 participants who completed at least 4 projects. If, like Henry, you have them done but didn't post them, you still have time!

@CasselThank you for the link. I will certainly give that a go !

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 @Cassel I tried one more time to edit my text. I printed out the article you suggested and read through it. I've done lots of text wrapping in word documents, so it was a familiar concept. I went into my page and, for whatever reason, I was able to select the text! I enlarged it to the next number and the last line went slightly off the pink paper. No problem, I used my pick tool to enlarge the pink paper just enough. All was great. Saved as psp image, then saved as jpg. Then I resized the jpg to 600 x 600...and the text immediately disappeared, hahaha.

So, please take my word for it that it looks great, all neat and in place, and since I will print it at the original size, I'm happy with it. And honestly, looking forward to practicing with more text wrapping until I get this down. (Just not today for Project 5.) 

Thanks to everyone who sent me hints and advice! 

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4 minutes ago, Melanie Mitchell said:

Then I resized the jpg to 600 x 600...and the text immediately disappeared, hahaha.

This is a common concern. In fact, it is NORMAL. It is described at the end of that article: convert one copy of the text, so it will resize as you expect.

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Hi Carole,

I have already replied to your Win-Info email, but I would also like to thank you very much for the great joy you have given me. For me, 2nd place is like 1st place because I need that right now. YES, I would like to continue to get to know PSP and continue to be active in your forum.
Thank you! That made my day today.




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