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What are you working on (September 2022)?


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Sue, thanks for the name.  I called it a circle at the bottom, but really, I usually call it another name, resembling the view of a cat with it's tail up walking away from me.  But I'm a lady and can't say such words in a forum...ah hem...if I WAS a lady I wouldn't be looking at the back end of a cat would I?


Rene, I love clouds and the moon, the moody shots are so cool.


Anne, wow, is all I can say!  Okay, I can always say more.  How cool is that to have a "moon" setting.  I think it's perfectly legitimate to be late for work if you are taking any pictures.  Wouldn't you agree?  BTW, I have said it before, I love the day moon.  White against blue is so clean and pretty, and with all that light it always seems crisp and sharp.  Yours it wonderful.

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I am getting a head start on next Spring. This is a full size flyer to put on shop windows, also an ad in the newspaper (in Gray scale) and also a blurb for Master Gardeners and Garden Clubs newsletters. Well, there is a whole list of where it is supposed to go. The club wants more publicity (good) but I do not see where we will fit any more visitors than what we usually get (bad).  I'll let them figure it out, LOL!


The object i to grab your attention. The graphic is from you guys -- well, you told me about Creative Fabrica, and also about Pixelnook (Digital Scrapbooking.com) so my Diamond membership has paid for itself as far as I'm concerned! Many thanks!


On the thumbnail, the font looks messed up, but it looks great printed in person.









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Bestsy, Thank you very much.  That means a lot.  I love that song and the movie of course.


Lynda!  OMG! ??


Rene, Fabulous Super moon layout.


Looks like everyone over the moon about the moon.  We are in good company.


Suzy, what an eye-catching flyer, The colors are perfect for spring.



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Lab 6-1

Puffy Paint

Cathedral Window Pattern

Wood Frame

Suki is Japanese for the moon and means "having beauty in it's simplicity".  I thought that was pretty.


This looks darker on the screen than when I had it in PSP The photo is mine but it's a composite.  the middle of the moon was white with the really orange edges, but the white overpowered the rest, so I used another moon shot I had of just the moon and put it above the orig shot (with the tree silhouettes) and used darken blend mode to preserve the black in the leaves and fill in the white of the moon below it.  I must remember to check that all the settings are correct, I had a few issues with the puffy paint not looking right at all, I had a box checked that I shouldn't have.  I was going for a regular scrapbook layout, and I had the frame/photo and cathedral paper on the layout.  I was deciding which papers to use with the cathedral paper when I kind of liked what I was seeing and wanted to do a frame in a frame.  All of it is my work except the font which is Franklin Gothic Book.  the cathedral window paper is really nice and so many options for it.  I need to practice the wood frame more and the puffy paint.

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In my other PSP group, We have a special subject. We are making something for someone else in the group. The theme is autumn that's all.  We may pick out who and what we want.  I made something for Kaatje, The poor woman has been through a hard time as she is operated on several times for bowel cancer. I made something very simple.  From the month special Autumn. As Autumn has arrived here.
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I used the September Sketch Challenge to document my granddaughter's honeymoon on Key West. The sketch showed lots of vertical strips, but I used photos instead of papers.


Edit: after further consideration, I applied a Gaussian blur to the background photos.


More Edit: Does Honeymoon count in the Moon category? ;-)

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I'm on vacation in Chattanooga, TN with my daughter and yesterday I took a "zillion" pictures. We looked at them last night (we had gone to the Aquarium yesterday) and decided what ones were good enough to post on FB for friends and family. Knew I needed to work on them in PSP. So this morning I did some work on them. One I have to show you although it is not of the Aquarium, but a picture taken from the windows on the top level. This is of the only drawbridge here. I will how you the before and after. I had never really worked with the Adjustment Layers before and had ever even tried the "Tone Mapping". But, WOW, what a pop of color. I used it on this picture as well as a few others with just slight adjustments. Here are the results.
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And now I have to comment on all the wonderful postings here. Everyone has been working and looking good with what they are posting.

Susan, that is really cool with your Lab 6 posting. I could never get that gloss on my puffy paint, but finally accepted what I had done. Yours looks quite good. Maybe my letters weren't thin enough to be able to show the gloss. Like the picture too. I also love photographing the moon.

Jannette - love your Autumn.

Shirley - wonderful - - I also like the moon.

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Had fun with this one. My daughter and I have enjoyed our trip. This year we went to Chattanooga, TN. This is a picture of a rest stop on the way there. All the papers are my own; the frame is a polarized version of the freebie Cass so generously gave us of tickets - this one for fall. The watercolor cluster in the lower right hand corner is a freebie from Creative Fabrica. The background layer I played with using various layers and blend modes with the paint brush over a picture of vibrant fall leaves, and then twirling the result. Lots of fun.
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Back home. Started this yesterday since I love playing with PSP. Began with trying to remember how to angle a striped paper to make a bullseye - did 2 different ones, but this is the one I was aiming for. All the papers and elements are mine except the pinwheel which was a freebie from Cassel. The font for the title is AR Herman and the font for the journaling is Arial Black.


Praying that Carole and family are OK.

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Had spare hour, workmen called off on to an emergency job (we having a wet room installed)  so worked on lab 6.1, not too impressed with the puffy paint, but used it as a title (had about 4 goes at the puffy paint). I've made a total of 11 wood picture frames from images I had since my experiments with CAD. The background is my take on the church window frame exercise.
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