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Scrap Bootcamp - July 2022


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My entry for Bootcamp: Day 3 - Cherry Shrimp aka Crustaceans in my Aquarium. (Not for human consumption ;-) )


The title font is Bodoni MT Poster Compressed. The background photo is my aquarium with the highlighted photo of one of my Cherry Shrimp. I also have some Orange Sunkist Shrimp and I still have my Nerite Snail named Roomba. I haven't named the shrimp as I plan on slowly adding more. They do better in groups.

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Day 3 Project 1 in the bag...or the t-cup in this case.  Papers from Digital Scrapbook, dandelion line art from Creative Fabrica (changed color by locking the transparency), font is Curlz not sure if that's a windows one or not.  Photo is mine and I extracted the t-cup and added a white border.  I used a thicker shadow on this as the white border looks like part of the saucer, so I added the shadow as if it was a thicker element.


Carole, when I first extracted (t-cup was shot on white background for this purpose) the t-cup image, I used a selection set to circle.  then I cut and pasted to my blank canvas.  when I went to flood filled the canvas' bottom layer it left the t-cup impression transparent. the t-cup layer was just above that layer.  Is it because the image itself is a background layer and I should have first promoted the background layer.  I think I did something like that trying to figure out why I couldn't flood fill that whole layer.  But in clicking (and undoing) many buttons I don't know how I did it.

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Susan Ewart: That's very pretty! Let's have tea, or coffee or wine! ;-) I hear ya' about the flood fill missing the elements if you're filling a layer on the bottom. I noticed that and now I just move the layer to the top, temporarily, fill and then slide it back down. Maybe locking transparency would help? IDK - This didn't seem to happen with previous versions of PSP.
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Suzy (#79166), what book of the Dummies series is that? You manage well to complete the project if you didn't watch the whole lesson!


Pirkko (#79169) great page. Although it was not mentioned to use a photo as a background, but it does work very well!


Donna (#79173), I see that you got some answers from Susan. For anyone else looking for a way to change the color of some frames or wordart, HERE is a tutorial for it.


Harmony (#79192) I had never heard of BR22. Something else we learn in this forum :)


Ann (#79196) "not for human consumption" made me smile!


Sharla (#79214), simple yet effective. And your use of the shadows is all perfect.


Allen (#79250), such cuties. I think you could give your project even more volume by adding some drop shadows.


Lisa (#79253) I love that photo showcasing your dog. Just a suggestion for "realism": it might be interesting to have the seashell on top of the photo instead of one corner of the photo on top of it.


Susan (#79261) you used the shadows very creatively and correctly to give that thickness effect. To answer your question, when you fill the layer, make sure that the "Use all layers" is not checked.


Tomorrow, you will get another lesson for another project. If you have not submitted your Project 1, don't worry, you can still submit it later. And if you are stuck, just ask. We have veteran members ready to help if I am not around.

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Thank you Ann.  Let's do that tea, coffee, or wine (or all three!) at your place.  We can sit and watch the cool birdie visitors you get, while dining on shrimp?.  Kidding of course, I don't make a habit of eating my friends pets.   I'm glad I'm not alone in that weird transparency issue.  Here I am thinking I'm rockin' this PSP program and then that happens and I'm all humbled again.


Thank you Carole, I will look for that box. That might be a question for the Q&A.  How does one know when to "use" all layers or uncheck and "not" use all layers?

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Hi, Cassel,


It is the "Hawaii for Dummies " book. But the pic was taken in my kitchen as she was reading about Hawaii...with my old hat on her head, LOL!   I forgot the fifth heart, though, the one that was to go under the photo.  I might go back and put it on there because it's missing something.





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Here is my project for day 3.   The picture in the lower left corner was from the James Webb Space Telescope.  The large moon photo is mine.  When dealing with billions of years I thought 200000 years younger makes it relatively new.
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Here is my day 5 project. Went down to the river today and despite struggling to walk, using a mobility scooter and often having to move legs physically with my hands when the branches are low enough I cannot resist trying to climb. This photo is a screen capture from the video my friend took of me climbing in my own shuffly fashion. The little squirrels are from previous psp projects I have done. scrapbook page featuring 61 year old woman climbing trees
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Karen (#79316), happy anniversary!!! What a great way to celebrate. You used the shadows very well on your page.


Hank (#79324), welcome back! Did you add shadows on both sides of the frame? It looks like the shadow on the left is a bit of an intruder as all the other shadows are on the right side. (#79332) I guess you have a layout inside a layout! :)


Kasany (#79325), what a fun teddy bear. Your shadows are good on the confetti and the red flower but I think they are missing on the photo and the larger flower. I would suggest that you might want to tweak your title so it would not overlap the flower. Considering the thickness of the flower (if it were real), you would not be able to put text on top, right?


Jannette (#79379), good one. Simple but effective layering.


Susan (#79402), really a fun page with the "Fun cousins". Your shadows and layering are good! Keep it up. (#79407) Great page. One suggestion I would offer (and this is NOT an error on your part) is to mirror the clip on top of the photo. It looks like the designer might have put the "shaded" area on the left instead of on the right (which would be consistent with the other shadows). This might have been a designer's error :)


Anne (#79410), beautiful page. I think two stars in the center are missing their shadow.


Harmony (#79427), you really look like you are in a precarious position! The page is beautiful and the shadowing is on point! Keep it up.


Gerry (#79449), such a fun way to display those old photos!


Pirkko (#79475), simple but delicate page. Well done with the shadows.


Allen (#79479) those cuties make me smile. You might want to consider adding a shadow on the flower and on the fence.


Keep those pages coming. And remember that it is never too late to post your projects.

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