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Quick-Page Workshop - May 2022


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Thanks, Sue.  It was a great help.  An interesting way to change the color of a layout.  Using a gradient produces interesting results too, but not always what you would expect.  This has been fun playing around.  Not quite as much fun as the Kaleidoscope, but fun.  Now I know a number of different ways to change the color.


So now, I chose a photo that matches the qp colors.  This is from Grants Farm in St. Louis - an old farm which has different animals, flowers, birds, and a beer garden.  We have visited it several times.

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Mary, for more interesting colours to change the QP, is to use colourize, or Hue saturation lightness. To use those tools, you don't need to select the blank area, or create a new layer. As always there is more than one way to do anything in PSP. I don't use QP. You have to be careful when editing them though, as you have to be careful in retaining their shadows.
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IT's interesting - more fun!  I didn't change anything in the QP3, except add a title using Cass Fire & Ice Font she gave us in one of the 2020 or 2021 workshops/challenges.  This is a really neat place in St. Louis.  It was the Brown Shoe Company Warehouse which was transformed into the children's museum.  So many places to crawl through up and down the several floors in the building; and you can see some of them climbing in the airplane outside the building in the first picture.  Even some grownups (my adult kids) love to go there and PLAY! (I stay on the ground floor and let them play)
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I Love Every ones work


Got mine done  I used the erase and some other tools our Teacher has showed us.  Some coudlnt find :( that I wanted


to but I like it and had so much fun.  And bought the New 22 only used 2021 a few times, I am so crazy lol


But wanted to be like you guys,  High hopes :)   Going to be a Diamond soon it wouldn't let me :(  but when I go home


my daughter will help me again, I give her the money she uses her card fine.     Thank you all   LOl all my hair looks lol

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I got a weird message when I was saving about losing vector data.  I absolutely had it on save as PSPimage.  I duplicated the layout as back up insurance and then clicked okay on the original layout and it saved okay.  Two things I did was used the script “open as a copy” for the Quick Page and used the eraser tool on the vector (that I turned into a raster).

I am not sure what vector feature is "at risk" when that popup appears, but it is often coming up. If you already saved as a .pspimage, don't worry about it.

Tricky devils to keep them from overlapping

The tutorial should explain how to avoid the overlap of the images behind the quick-page.


As some have mentioned, Quick-pages SHOULD be quick, and that is their basic appeal. However, with PSP in hand,  a creative user will find ways to make changes and get something quite different. It might no longer be the QUICK page, it was initially intended but with practice, as Pirkko mentioned, you can get very interesting results.


Keep them coming!

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Mary Solaas: Thank you! I achieved my goal of finding the perfect photo to match the layout.


Here is my QP#4 - Introducing Mr. Chip. I took these this morning in the rain outside my patio door. This chipmunk has been very elusive, and this is the first time in the four years that I've lived here that he's stayed still long enough to photograph.


Edit: I realized this time I needed a drop shadow above the large photo.

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And this is my QP 3 Extra.  I tried to also find the colors that would fit the layout.  This was the recreation room of a marvelous old motel that our caravan stopped at in St. Louis on our way to South Dakota Family Reunion.  Lots of fun here for the kids and the grownups.
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Congratulations on everything that has been done so far. I liked the little squares added by Marie-Claire on the QP-2. The nice cockatiel brought back many nice memories of my Picolo. I found my computer yesterday afternoon. So I started late. Here is what I have done so far without making any changes except the title and the date. These are pictures of a trip - Quebec - Mexico by motorhome



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I tried to change colours as some of have so successfully done but I simply made a mess - many times! So, in the spirit of a quick page, I have simply added photos of bluebells which in the North of England are at their very best at the moment.
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(#76784) Thank you Pirrko, to change the color of the extra QP 1, I used the color changer tool, I chose a green color from the photo, and clicked with the color changer in the blue area, and that was the result !


(#76881) Thank you Jnet Allard for your nice comment about my QP 2

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Sharla,  (76887)  Here are the instructions in point form to change the colour using an overlay colour and the blend mode, which should make it much easier for you, and other rookies to follow.


1 Open a new layer,  flood fill with a gradient or colour of your choice.  Hide the  layer.


2 Select the QP layer


3 Using the magic wand select the checker board, which is the blank area.  Using the settings, add, opacity, contiguous NOT checked.  Use the edit tool to make any adjustments.


4 Select the top coloured layer,  unhide it,  and hit delete. Deselect the selection.


5 Using the blend mode, change the setting from normal to Hue.  You can now add your photo, moving it  below your QP.


And there you have it.   You will find the blend mode and the edit selection  tools  in the material palette, just above the layers.

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QP-4-EXTRA - Who knew? I was totally surprised when all these different birds AND a squirrel were spotted eating the grape jelly and oranges I put out for the Orioles. I used the Hue/Saturation/Lightness on the layout before adding the photos, merging the adjustment layer first.
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Here's my Day 4 layouts.  I didn't change anything.  But I did come at the one Quick Page from a different angle.  I should have changed the top and bottom small pictures in Sumi's layout (black cat girl).


Pirkko, we are on the same wavelength today (along with Nel) with our cat kiddos.


Ann, I love Mr. Chip, so lucky you have chipmunks, it's a rare sighting for me, only when I go to Jasper or Banff.


Thank you Sue, I am going to try that.  I didn't do that when I changed my colors and would have liked to do it that way.  I must admit I am a sucker for point by point instructions, that's how I roll so I really appreciate them.

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