
Theme – Recipes

Do you love cooking? Or perhaps you are not quite gifted translating recipes into delicious dishes, but you certainly love to eat! Or maybe a batch of cookies just reminds

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Scrapbooking Theme – Family

Family will always be family, even if some of us have crazy relatives (maybe we are the crazy ones!). Family are people who stick with you through the good times

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Theme – Accident

Even after throwing caution to the wind, accidents can still happen. Nothing can prepare us for them, sometimes it’s just a stroke of bad luck. But sometimes, those accidents are

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Theme – Clothing

Along with food and shelter, clothing is one of man’s most basic needs. From plants and animal hides, clothes has come a very long way today. You can find articles

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Theme – Communication

We are all animals, but what differentiates humans from other species is our ability to communicate using a language, both in written and oral forms. And we use a whole

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Theme – Building

Building is working towards a goal. It can be building with Legos to bring the imagination to reality or a bird building a nest in preparation for its eggs. Whatever

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Scrapbooking Theme – Sky

The vast expanse of the sky holds many memories. The sunny days, the storms, the snowfall and the spring showers as well as the beautiful sunrise and the spectacular sunset

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Theme – Backyard

There are so many things we can do in our backyard. We can have a small gathering there, parties, picnics and more. This is also where the kids play, have

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Theme – Toys

Toys are part of every child’s life, and every adult’s childhood memory. Toys have evolved a lot over time, and what you played with is somewhat different than what your

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Theme Time

Theme – Time

For this month, I can say that we’ve got a very interesting theme and that is time. Why interesting you say? Because you can have so many layouts with time

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For Photos That Matter

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