Remember when…? – Phone

With the common use of call display on many modern phones, we have the option of answering or not answering since can often know who is the caller. Back in the days, this was not as easy and either one would answer a call from someone they really didn't want to answer, or they would ignore a call from someone they really wanted to talk to. But my parents had a trick for that!

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Creativity – Splatter plugin to create papers

Years ago, I discovered an interesting plugin to use with PaintShop Pro, even though it is advertised as a Photoshop plugin. as you know, most plugins in the .8bf format will work with PSP. Although Paintshop had the ability to create seamless patterns, any tile generated would still show a definite repeat that might not be wanted by the user. The plugin Splatter was a fantastic option to create a full-page design without the need for a seamless plugin applied on a smaller tile.

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Remember when…? – Board games

I was an only child for over 8 years, until my little brother was born. I had, however, two cousins of my age and whenever we would get to family meetings, they would tend to bring board games. Being mostly an only child, i didn't have board games so i love it when we had those family meetings.

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Remember when…? – Snow storm

Lucky for us, now, in late April, snow storms are mostly of a thing of the past, but that is just a great time to be thankful as winter can, and has been, a tough season, throughout the years. When I was young, living in Montreal, we experience what was called (at the time), the storm of the century.

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Remember when…? – Pay Day

When I was a kid, my Mom used to work at a car dealer. She was the one in charge of inventory, and obviously, back then, there wasn't any computerized system to keep track of all the parts in stock, those selling, and those possibly ending on the floor. Everything was done on hand written cards. Yeah, that sounds like a lot of work. It was.

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Enjoy our Christmas Countdown, from Dec 1 to 24.