
Featured Resource – Backup File Locations

When working with PaintShop Pro, you might use just the default settings to store, save, and use the various supplies. That is fine, but it has some limitations. You can read more about organizing your supplies in this article. In some situations, you might need to reinstall your current PaintShop Pro or reset it to factory default. In this case, any custom File Locations would be lost and you would have to redo them again. But there is a little-known tool to help you.

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Featured Resource – Auto-Tuber script

Creating picture tubes using a series of images can be tedious, especially if you have many of them to copy, paste, and arrange. PaintShop Pro added scripting capabilities with version 8. In that first version, the installation included a series of default scripts. Among those, you could find Auto-Tuber.

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Featured Resource – Custom Calendar

If you like the idea of creating a custom calendar for yourself or as a gift, you might want to make something less boring than the traditional format for dates. You can often see ordinary dates on their own, or with simple boxes. Customizing that format and repeating it for every month is very time-consuming. That is where a script will be a great tool for you.

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How to sort your fonts

If you have been collecting a lot of fonts or purchasing bundles, you are likely to have hundreds if not thousands of fonts. Going through that many fonts when you are looking only for one or two is far from efficient. In a previous article, we looked at the suggested organization for your fonts, but in the end, HOW will you do that?

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